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december 20

jimin watched as yoongi trudged into the kitchen, hair messy and eyes barely open. chuckling to himself, he patted the empty seat next to him, gesturing for yoongi to sit. and the latter did, plopping down on the seat, before giving jimin a brief kiss on the side of his head. the younger couldn't help but blush, coughing slightly and focusing back on his food.

as yoongi looked around the table for some food, he disregarded jinyoung's intense stare hurled towards him. this didn't go unnoticed-- the three of them were the only ones seated at the table, after all. mr. park was watching over yejin at the living room, who was happily watching her cartoons. taehyung was still upstairs, presumably sleeping, and mrs. park was near the kitchen sink, organizing some things in the kitchen cupboards.

although it may not seem like it, jimin and yoongi had deliberately planned this. they concidentally woke up at the same time earlier that morning (jimin falling off the bed in surprise, due to yoongi's face inches away from his own) and somehow, they're "good morning"s lead to a conversation regarding, "jinyoung is being a curious little shit, what do?" so, in hopes of making the situation change at least a little bit, they'd decided on jimin going downstairs first, followed by yoongi, who engages the couple to do couple-y things, such as just now's example-- morning kisses.

simple, right? but it doesn't stop there. they'd also made up a whole conversation.

"ah," yoongi muttered, as he grabbed a fork and placed a pancake on his previously empty plate. "i'm tired." he then yawned.

jimin chewed on his food, soon swallowing. "i wonder why."

yoongi hummed. "maybe if you didn't stay up last night clinging onto me as if i were your life line, i could have gotten more sleep."

but of course, only the two of them knew that these were lies. jinyoung cocked an eyebrow at the two. however, the couple paid no attention towards the raven haired boy's reactions. after all, this was their pure intention.

"sorry, babe," jimin cooed, and yoongi suddenly wanted to spit out the pancake slice in his mouth, due to the sudden nickname.

this piece of shit. this isn't apart of the plan.

"it's fine." yoongi tried not to stutter, his words ending up being said monosyllabically. "you were cute, anyway."

and the awkward two sided conversation magically ended there, the room being filled with nothing but sounds of mrs. park washing some pans and the clashing of the boys' utensils against their plates.

jinyoung sighed.

the couple directed their gaze towards him.

feeling the presence of their stares, jinyoung looked up at them, a skeptical look spread across his face.

"you guys make such a weird couple."

the said couple blinked at that.

jimin laughed nervously at that, tugging at his sweater's collar. "oh? why do you say that, hyung?" he grinned.

jinyoung shrugged dismissively. "nothing. i just thought," he looked at yoongi, "you weren't too into skinship." he then turned to jimin, "never knew you were into sloppy nicknames. that never happened with the other dude."

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