Octavia/Reader- Need You

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Octavia smiled at you and you smiled back at her. You had shut down Bellamy's ridiculous plan at getting Clarke. He glared daggers at both of you, but you couldn't see anybody that wasn't Lexa with Clarke. You were very biased, but Lexa had been your only friend growing up really, but you almost sure that Lexa cared about you like she cared about Clarke. Bellamy could love Clarke as much as he wanted to and it wouldn't be near as much as what Lexa felt for Clarke or what you felt for Octavia.

"What is wrong with my idea?" Bellamy asked and you shot him a look. "You're just sour because I'm not Lexa."

"That's fair, but I care about Lexa too much to let Clarke be sad and alone. If you believe that you can make her happy, be together." I said remembering what Clarke told me when I'd asked if I should attempt a relationship with Octavia.

"Thanks Y/N." Bellamy said and you nodded, a slight feeling of betrayal on behalf of your feelings about Clarke and Lexa, but a feeling of pride on how well you listened to Bellamy instead of tuning him out like normal and thinking about all the things you'd do with Octavia later.

"Don't disappoint me." You said before moving your hand towards Octavia in hopes she'd acknowledge your relationship in public. You knew not to push her too badly, it resulted in a squabble and since Lexa was gone and Clarke would most likely be who Octavia vented to because she knew that the words in those apologies weren't all hers exactly.

"What are you doing?" Octavia asked once Bellamy had left. You gave her a confused and hurt look before backing away, trying not to indulge the feeling of stupidity and overall hurt you were feeling. "We talked about this Y/N."

"I know, but it's been forever since we've had any contact and I've been missing you. You've been nothing but distant and I could really use mg girlfriend right now." You said and Octavia looked hurt before her expression went blank.

"Watch how loud you say that word around here." Octavia said and you stormed off before you said something you shouldn't have. You went to the place you first kissed Octavia, in the woods where you became friends with Lexa. You could really use somebody like her right now, somebody who was sensitive when you needed it, but would beat up anybody who dared to hurt you.

"Hey." You heard Clarke say. You turned your head to look at her. "Octavia seems to be a little mad."

"So am I right now." You said and Clarke set her hand on your thigh. "So, do you miss her?"

"Yeah." Clarke said and you knew how it felt to lose somebody like Lexa, hell she'd been in love with Lexa for the majority of the time they'd known each other. "You never told me how things with Octavia went."

"She said yes, but I don't know anymore. She's been distant and won't let me hold her hand or anything in public. Clarke, I'm scared I need Lexa right now, she'd know what to do." You said, tears threatening to fall.

"Sometimes I think about how happy we could have been and then I get sad. I guess that's nothing compared to how you must feel all the time, having known and loved her longer. If you ever need to talk, you can always find me." Clarke said sniffling.

"What should I do about Octavia?" You asked and Clarke shrugged, obviously at a loss for words. "I mean, I could really use a girlfriend right now. Does she even love me anymore or is she just with me because I don't have Lexa to fall back on."

"Why don't you tell Octavia you need her?" Clarke asked and you smiled before feeling yourself being helped up by Clarke. "If things don't work out, I'm always here to talk to you."

"Thanks Clarke, this means a lot." You said before hugging Clarke tightly. "Seriously."

"No problem Y/N, make sure to tell me how everything goes." Clarke said and you walked off towards the place you'd left Octavia without a word. You noticed. Bellamy had been sitting outside your tent with a pissed look on his face.

"Why is Octavia mad?" Bellamy asked and you shrugged. "She's been worried about you and mad at somebody. It's a real problem Y/N, I know you aren't exactly fond of us, but Octavia is one of the few people that made sure I didn't kill you."

"Bellamy, where did she go?" You ask taking a step closer to Bellamy. "Bellamy, I need to know."

"She went that way." Bellamy said pointing in the direction of where Clarke had found her after Lexa died. "Bring her back alive and resolve any of your issues from before."

"I will." You said running in a dead sprint towards your girlfriend. You heard Octavia yelling your name, but since you knew firsthand that these woods tended to echo you weren't sure where to run. "Octavia!" You yelled running around the spot that held so many memories you'd rather forget.

"Y/N!" Octavia yelled and you saw her run past you. You took off in her direction, remembering the weeks alone you spent in here. You felt your body collide with something and you smiled to see Octavia laying beneath you. "Y/N where'd you go?"

"A place." You said remembering that you're still mad with her. "Octavia we need to talk."

"About what?" Octavia asked and you moved off her.

"The fact that you've been distant when I needed you the most. Octavia, I love you a lot, but after losing Lexa and everything, I doubt I can live with myself if I have to wonder if I've done something to make you like this." You said, your voice cracking as you mentioned Lexa.

"What are you saying?" Octavia asked and you realized this is where the Blake siblings were alike. Bellamy seemed oblivious to their relationship and a lot that went on around them and Octavia was a bit oblivious with the same things really.

"Either you be there when I need you or I'm going off on my own." You said and Octavia kissed your cheek. "Octavia you can't just be nice this one time and expect me to be okay with you being distant.

"But I love you and I don't know what you need most of the time. I don't want to be that way all the time, but I promise to be better. Y/N, I love you too much to let you walk away mad at me." Octavia said and you were cautious because you'd heard those words before, it's exactly what you told Lexa before driving her away. "I'll do anything."

"Tell somebody about us. Clarke already knows and I'd like to know that we aren't lying to your brother about us." You said and Octavia nodded. "I'm just glad to be there when you need me."

"Remember, you're on thin ice." You say kissing Octavia and walking hand in hand back to camp. You let go as soon as you noticed people were waiting for you, Clarke looking a bit angry.

"Something to tell me Octavia." Clarke said and Octavia led her and Bellamy to the tent. "Bellamy go for a second, I need to have a talk with these two.

"Okay." Bellamy said and Clarke made sure the tent was closed and then sat Octavia down.

"Hurt Y/N and I'll make sure that you pay. She's one of the last things Lexa cared about left and I won't let you hurt her. I don't care if you tell Bellamy, but you'll be there for your girlfriend when she needs you." Clarke said before hugging Octavia and joining Bellamy outside.

"You don't have to tell your brother, just be there for me like I try to be for you." You say as you kissed her cheek and laid your head on her shoulder.

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