Savage (Raven Reyes)

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You ran aimlessly through the forest, wanting to escape the new people as easily as possible. You didn't trust them, but then again, you didn't know them. Trusting people wasn't what kept you alive all these years and you knew it. Being able to escape the controlled savages was what kept you alive, knowing that you were the same, but better than all of them. 

"Hello?" You turned at the sound of a voice, tripping over a bush, hoping it wasn't something poisonous. "Are you okay?"

"You shouldn't be out here." You said and she looked at you. You could feel blood trickle down your face from the fresh cuts on your forehead and cheek, as well as your nose. "I will survive, you should go back before somebody finds you." 

"I'll be fine, you need medical help." She said picking you up and dragging you by your arm back to her people. They came from the sky, from the stars, they were aliens, but at the same time, like you. You were certain that if you cut them, they'd bleed like you, scream like you, and cry like you. 

"No." You said as she took you into a tent. Several times you attempted to escape, but there were too many. You had managed to punch a man they called Bellamy several times as you tried to release yourself from all of them. 

"She's a damn savage, get her out of here before she kills us all!" Bellamy yelled and you chuckled. "She's unstable and I won't risk my life for somebody who'll probably end up dying soon anyways." 

"I am no different from you." You said and he scoffed. "We bleed the same blood, we cry the same tears, and we can feel the same pain. The only difference is where we were born and how we were lied to." 

"You're a savage, you probably left the string of corpses in the woods earlier." He said leaning down to get into your face. "You're lucky that Raven wants to help you because if it were up to me, you'd be dead right now." 

"Bellamy." Raven, the one who brought you here said and he backed away. "She can probably help us. It's best to not make enemies when we have no friends." 

"She is smart." You said and Raven smiled. "But I guess that doesn't mean much coming from a savage."

"Try anything and I will kill you." Bellamy said and you smirked. 

"I'll be waiting." You said and he walked off. 

"Who are you?" Raven asked and you looked down. "I saved you, the least you could do is tell me your name." 

"Y/n." You said and she smiled. "Some have called me the Child Queen of Savages." 

"You rule over the savages?" Raven asked and you shook your head. "What makes you their queen?" 

"Even the savages look down on me." You said and she looked sad. "I live in the woods, ruling over it like a kingdom, my subjects the beasts that dwell inside of it." 

"That's pretty badass." Raven said kissing your cheek. "I'd love to see your kingdom one day." 

"Perhaps by my side as my queen?" You asked and she chuckled. 

"We'll go slow." Raven said and you smiled as she pressed her lips to yours, pulling away when you tried to deepen it. "Slow."

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