A Rogue's Territory

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"Head Fate! Head Fate!" A woman screamed running into the doorless and windowless cupola. The shadowy dark figure was sitting on a throne sculpted to appear as if spirit wolves were surrounding him. Ribbons of fabric at the end of the head fate's cloak floated around disobeying the laws of gravity. Startled the fate shot out of their throne. A spark of red inhabited the throne wolves eyes as they felt the absence of their master. 

"What is it Silva." The creature said. It's voice consisted of many different voices. If you listened closely you could hear the deepness of a man, the grace of a women, the innocence of a child and the rasp of old age. For the Head Fate was no he, she, boy, man, girl, or women. The head fate was an IT. 

"I have had a prediction my lord." The women collapsed to her knees and bent forward with her arms stretched away from her head in a low bow. Her breath escaped her lips in gasps and when she was told to rise by the head fate you could see the fear in her eyes. "You must call a council I beg you my lord! It is of utter importance!" 

The Head Fate was shocked by Silva's tone. Nobody dared speak so demandingly to the Head Fate, so he new that this prediction meant life or death. Head Fate mind linked with his pack. 

Everybody must assemble in the throne room at once. Head Fate order and no later were people trickling into the room one by one. The Head Fate counted as people entered the room until he counted the last person. Afterwards it turned and nodded to Silva. 

"I have had a vision! One of destruction. Cities and towns sent up in flames. Innocent wolves being slaughtered by their own kind. In thirst for power the legacy of were wolfs will end forever." There were a number of gasps throughout the room and whispers. All of the people in the room panicked as fear gripped their hearts. They were the creators of were wolfs and any other were that existed in any realm or dimension. They spent their lives making the perfect mate couples or choosing ranks or protecting them trying to offer some guidence. If the weres are gone what will happen to the fates. Silva cleared her throat impatiantly. "I have learned from many years of experience that the future is not set in stone. If we act now we can save the were wolf kind. I think the only way to stop the were apocollypse is if we intercede. We must physically help them." More murmurs spread through the room. 

'But how?' 'That's never been done before' 'this is nonsense! Gods should not interact with the common were it's insane!' 

"One of us will have to be reborn into the world. -" 

"I'll do it." A voice rang out through the crowd. Gasps and grunts echoed throughout the hall and the crowd parted as if it were the red sea. A girl stood in the newly formed pathway, and she walked forward holding a quiver of arrows with the bow hanging over her shoulder. 

"Daughter." The Head Fate said looking at their daughter proudly. "My beautiful Lupus. How are you?" 

"I'm doing very well. Much thanks for your concern. How about you? How are you feeling these days?" The girl said with a sweet smile toward her parent. 

"I feel like I should be able to sleep. The last time I remember an unconscious moment in my life was before I came into existence." The girl laughed immediately lightening the mood. Her laugh was like the tinkling of copper bells on a windy day. Her hair was a beautiful silver with glowing gold highlights. A golden crown looking of vines and leaves twisted into a circle and letting a string of gold flowers flow down her hair in the back. 

"It really is lovely to see you Lupus." Head Fate said. If they had a face they would have been smiling. 

"And you Head Fate." The girl replied. 

"How long has it been dear daughter 200 years?" Head Fate asked. Again the girl laughed. 

"Alas it has only been sixteen years since I left home sir, but as I said I will do it. I will be reborn. Out of all the people here I probably relate to them the most." Lupus said. 

"Yes, you became the goddess of wolves right before you left didn't you? That would mean your abilities are nearly exactly that of a werewolves except ten times more powerful." Head Fate said. "I think it is a good match. What of you Silva." 

The oracle gave Lupus an encouraging smile and nodded. "Yes my lord. I couldn't have picked better myself. Because of you Lupus the were legacy is looking brighter already."


Ok so if you want info. About what's going on in this chapter please don't be afraid to ask this is mostly unedited so sorry if there are too many mistakes! Some of you may have noticed that I tend to mix past tense with present tense. Like she says and everyone scattered. That was just an example. I'll work on that so it's all past tense.

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