2- Happy Reunion

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Happy Reunion

     "It is good to be back among the fates. I must tell you the reason I came was actually because my pack had become restless and if something was wrong it would be here." Lupus said walking down the hall with Head Fate beside her. "But once I heard Silva's vision I had to step in to protect my kind. Silva has told me I only have one day to say goodbye."

     "I had hoped when I saw you after these long years I would have more time to talk to you, but I am sure you have other friends to say your goodbye's to." Lupus could hear the smile in her parent's voice and only wished she could see it.

     "I am sorry to say you are right father. I was hoping my trip would take longer, but I wish to say goodbye to my friends." She replied in a woeful voice.

     "I understand my Lupus. Now go say goodbye to your friends." The head Fate said. Lupus smiled and had to hold awww quickly back tears. Then she nodded and walked away from her father in search of her three best friends.

     She didn't even know where to start. The last time she had seen all three of them together was eighteen years ago and since then they'd all broken off from eachother. She had traveled to the woods. Her best friend Curo was assigned to the nursery where fates nurtured and helped the Earth plane as much as possible. Her other friends Fortis and Decoris weren't assigned before she left so she had no idea where they were. Deciding to go where she atleast had a chance of finding her friends she headed off to where she thought the nursery was only to get completely lost.

     "No! hi damnant stultum erro!" She screamed.

     "What's got you all riled up?" Lupus spun around to see a man standing there. A sword swung at his belt. He wore tight clothing that covered everything, but his hands and face. Lupus looked at the man confused. Then she studied the familiar tilt of the lips and brunnette hair. The man smirked when she gasped.

     "Fortis!" She shrieked and ran into his arms. Fortis lifted Lupus off the ground and spun her happily.

     "Oh how long has it been?" Fortis said setting her back down lightly. "Look at you! You've grown into a fine fate."

     "Well look at you! You've got a beard!" Lupus giggled. "And you're wearing heals." She said looking down at the one inch heal on his boots, but weirdly enough it didn't take away from his masculinity.

     "Well I, for one, enjoy this new wardrobe choice of yours." Fortis said into Lupus's ear as his arm snaked around her waist.

     "Somebody should change your name to subvertet pervert." Lupus said and then pulled away with her own smirk. "You've become a huge flirt haven't you? I think I liked the quiet Fortis better. Now are you going to help me reunite the band or are you going to make me find them myself?"

     Fortis licked his lips as he watched her walk away and quickly followed. "I'm surprised you haven't found Curo yet. What happened to that psychic bond between you two?" Lupus laughed.

     "We never had one. We just knew eachother, and I knew my way around better." Fortis laughed.

     "Well you have been away for sixteen years. Your memory's probably off cilter." They continued walking until they arrived at the nursery. Lupus smiled and ran in. Fortis followed her.

     "Curo!" Fortis called. He held his finger to his lips signaling Lupus to be quiet. She struggled not to giggle.

     "What! You know I don't like being interupted when I'm helping she wolves deliver-" The woman stopped when she saw Lupus. "Oh, my word." Both girls screamed and ran to eachother. "Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh!" Curo said.

     "I know! I missed you too!" Lupus yelled back.

     "I certaintly haven't missed these noisey reunions." Fortis commented while rubbing his ears. Both girls laughed.

     "We still have one more person to find Fortis." Lupus said with a wink. "Last I was here weren't you two together?" Fortis automatically turned uncomfortable.

     "It didn't work out as we had hoped." He said. Lupus suddenly felt uncomfortable.

     "Oh, sorry." She said.

     "Relax guys! Let's go find Decoris. Lupus hasn't seen her in sixteen years!" Curo said bringing the spirits back up. Lupus smiled and then glanced back at Fortis who was staring at her thoughtfully. She looked away quickly.

     "Well take me to her!" Lupus said excitedly. All three of them made their way out of the room laughing and excited. Curo led while Fortis took up the rear. They came to the mating area of the building. "Oh, my gosh!" Lupus said grinning. "Does this mean Decoris has pups?" They both look at me in confusion. "Sorry. Wolf term." They both looked away and went in.

     "Decoris! Let's go have a girls night!" Curo yelled. "No she creates the mating bond. She finds the best matches and puts them together. She was kinda bummed cause it's the most common job in the pack."

     "One second! Taedet has lost his staff again!" I heard a soft voice coming from somewhere.

     "Taedet?" Lupus asked. Curo just looked at her and rolled her eyes. A girl came through the entrance and looked up. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open.

     "Oh, by the fates!" She whispered. "Lupus!" She ran to her best friend. "Oh, Lupus I missed you so much!" She always was the quiet one of the group.

     "Ok fate's still have to breath you know." Lupus choked out. Decoris let go and when she pulled away Lupus saw the tears in her eyes.

     "It seems we've gotten the band back together." Fortis said looking at me as he said it. I smirked.

     "Ha ha. Now where are we going to celebrate the reunion?" Lupus asked. The three friends looked at eachother and then stared at Lupus with smiles. "May the fate's help me." She muttered


     There may be some errors but other than that I think the chapter's good!


     Hi damnant stultum erro! - damn these stupid hallways!

     Lupus - Wolf

     Fortis - Strong

     Curo - Care

     Decoris - beautiful

     Taedet - Boring

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