9 - Running Away is Hard When Hunters Don't Leave You Alone

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Chapter 9

Running Away is Hard When Hunters Don't Leave You Alone

I ran as fast as I could until I left pack territory. As a rogue this area was where I was supposed to be. It was my territory. Here I could run free with no worries.

My heart started to ache because I knew there was no way Foreign would look for me after what happened. Suddenly I didn't have the strength to run anymore so I slowed down and lay on the forest floor. I whimpered and carried my head in my paw. I didn't have any clothes with me, so I decided to stay in my wolf form.

It felt like only minutes, but I know it was hours before I opened my eyes again. When I did I was met with a stench that I never wanted to smell. I shot up and quickly looked around me. A gun cocked behind me, and I spun to face the user.

Dang hunters! I thought.

"She's a beauty! Have you ever seen fur like that?" A hunter said while coming out of the trees with another gun pointed at me. "Do you think we should kill her or keep her?"

" She's a wolf! What are you thinking man?" The first hunter said. I looked between them and spun to bolt while they were distracted, but another hunter appeared.

"Stop bickering!" He yelled. "Keep or kill?"

"Keep!" The second hunter said while the first said, "Kill!" I growled and shifted not caring that I was naked anymore. My hair covered my breasts and I was crouching so everything else was covered.

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" I yelled. They all looked at me startled. "I don't plan on dying today so that's not an option."

Hunter number one turned angry and pointed the gun at me again. I watched his finger twitch and time seemed to slow down. I shifted and ran up to him and then shifted again. One hand flew up to his neck and the other gripped his wrist. "Drop the gun!" I growled. My wolf was taking over so my nakedness didn't bother me anymore, but they weren't looking at me that way anyway.

The hunter looked at me with wide eyes and dropped the gun in shock.

"I suggest you go home and wash my scent off before he finds you." I warned. I don't know why I said it but before I could think it over I ran off.

"Wait!" One of them called. I didn't listen and then shifted again before running off.

I figure out a plan. There was a weak pack near salt lake city, but I could stop there to get clothes. I could get there by nightfall and take some clothes from clothes lines which made me feel really cliche. Who has clothes lines in salt lake city. Then another thought occurred to me. How was I going to get money?

After a while I decided I would figure it out later, but when I stopped thinking about my problems my mind traveled back to Foreign. I whimpered at the thought of him and stopped. There were twelve miles between me and the hunters so I shifted to my human form and sat with my back against a tree. Then I finally let the tears flow.

I cried and sobbed for so long that when I looked up I was met by darkness. I sniffle one last time before standing up and heading off. With the time I'd wasted I shifted and ran as hard as I could in the direction of salt lake city.

If Foreign was looking for me he would be able to smell me from fifty feet away. When I found money I would have to get new shampoo and conditioner plus new body wash just to attempt to cover my scent.

I ran as fast as I could for an hour until I could see lights. I stayed in my wolf form and ran closer. I soon started to hear the voices of suburb residents. Heightening my senses I was careful to not be spotted.

A twig snapped behind me and I spun to see the hunter from before. How the hell did he catch up to me? I couldn't growl because of the neighborhood I had gotten so close to.

To my absolute shock he held out a bundle of clothing. My eyes widened but then narrowed in suspicion. "Don't worry their clean." He said. After a few minutes of listing the pros and cons I slowly walked forward and sniffed the bundle before snatching them in my mouth. I shifted behind a tree and changed. When I came out he was standing in the same spot.

"Is this the part where your partners in crime pop out and nail me with silver?" I asked in a bittersweet tone.

He laughed but stopped when he saw my serious expression. "They're back in our car. We decided to keep you alive after all. You should feel lucky I didn't shoot you before." At that I laughed.

"You think I can't outrun a bullet?" His eyebrows drew together at my statement.

"Not even werewolves can run that fast." He stated.

"You don't know me." I whispered. We stood there for a moment.

"Come on you must be hungry after all that running." His hand motioned for me to follow him. He started to walk and I reluctantly started to follow.

"If you're lying I swear all of your deaths will be excruciatingly painful." I growled as I watched the hunters back for any slight movements.

"I know I'm attractive, but you don't have to stare at me the whole time." The hunter said while glancing back with a smirk. He completely ignored my threat.

"Oh, please." I muttered. "Why would I stare at a murderer with anything other than caution and hate."

The hunter paused. "I'm not a murderer." He whispered. I raised my eyebrows at that statement.

"How are you not? You've killed three of my people." The dark growl that escaped my lips shocked me. The hunter turned to face me with wide eyes.

"How could you know something like that?" He asked. My eyes widened.

"I-i don't know." I whispered and placed my face in my hands. "What the hell is happening to me?"

"We're here by the way." The hunter whispered and kept walking. His voice removed me from my thoughts.There was a truck parked on the road's shoulder. "Just get in the back." The hunter said while moving to the front. Through the window I could see the other two hunters watching our exchange. I stopped walking.

"I'm not getting in the back unless one of you is with me." I stated as the hunter opened the door. He paused and looked back at me. He glanced back into the truck and then closed the door and moved to the back. I followed him and only got in after he had. The front part of the truck had no silver, but the tingling feeling in my back told me the box in the back was full of it. I gulped and glanced at all of the hunters.

"Why didn't you kill me?" I asked the hunter next to me. He just shrugged and kept his gaze forward. I growled at his blunt shoulder shrug.

He turned to me with wide eyes. "Calm down. Even I don't know why we didn't kill you on sight. I guess I just...couldn't." He explained. My eyes widened at his explination and I faced forward again.

"Thank you." I whispered.

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