4- Celebrating the Return

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Celebrating the Return

    The group walked Lupus through the parts she remembered of the fate's dimension with the beautiful cathedrals for the different sector's. Then they came across a barrier which looked to be made of refective glass. "Well, this isn't familiar at all." Lupus said staring at the wall.

     Her friends laugh. "That's because it was only put in ten years ago. If you had just stayed a little longer you would've been able to enjoy yourself sooner." Fortis explaned.

     "I have enjoyed myself just fine with my pack." Lupus said suddenly feeling defensive. "So what is this?" She asked.

     "Come and find out!" Curo urged. She grabbed her friends arm and walked straight through the barrier with her. Lupus was shocked to find a dark room blasting with music and violent strobe lights. It was almost like a human club.

     "I thought Head fate wanted to keep the fate tradition. This almost looks like..."

     "A club?" Decoris asked with a smile. "I know right! Some pups brought up the subject while they were learning about life on Earth and so the Head Fate decided that they would create a space where fates could party. That barrier makes sure that only fates assigned to a secter can enter and fates who are can only go twice a week." She explaned.

     "Enough explaning! Let's dance!" Curo yelled leading Lupus onto the dance floor where squares underneathher feet changed color and occasionaly spouted smoke. Lupus shrugged and started swaying to the music. Her years traveling with the pack made her dancing swift and smooth. She stiffened when a pair of arms rapped around her, but her nose told her it was only Fortis.

     "Where did you learn to dance like that?" He whispered. Lupus shivered at his closeness and spun around.

     "My time with the pack wasn't acomplete waste. You have to be better than your prey if you wish to survive." She explaned. Lupus remembered when she was first assgned the pack. She was born with the ability to talk to wolve, but she was out of shape from being catered to for most of her life.  Her training was tough at first, but soon she was the best in her pack and was worthy of taking the leadership role.

     Fortis pulled Lupus out of her transe by pulling her to him in a swift movement. "You've definintely gotten quicker, but are you stronger than you were when you left?" Lupus narrowed her eyes at him.

     "I'm sure I have grown much stronger. Obviously not as strong as you have become. What were you assigned after I left?" Lupus asked.

     "I am a hunter for the main pack." He answered with a cocky smirk. "Want to know how we can test our strength?"

     Lupus was confused at first but then caught on and a slow smile formed on her face. "Arm wrestle!" They said simultaniously. They both laughed as Fortis led Lupus through the crowd and to an empty circular table.

     "Seriously? The Head Fate certainly went all out for this." Lupus commented.

     "Just sit down and lets wrestle!" Fortis complained.

     "Ok, ok." Lupus sat down across from Fortis and stuck out her arm. Fortis held her hand in a firm grip. Both of them tensed getting ready. "Ready."


     "Go!" They yelled at the same time and then the strangest thing happened. Their arms didn't even twitch. Both were working their hardest but the arm of the other refused to move. It teetered back and forth several times until Lupus' hand started to decend underneath Fortis' and her hand touched the table. They both broke away breathing hard.

     "Geez now I really miss the whimp Fortis." Lupus muttered. Fortis laughed.

     "You only think that because you lost." Lupus moved to punch his arm but Fortis was now much more swift and grabbed her wrist. Both of their faces changed to looks of shock. Fortis had unknowingly pulled Lupus to his chest.

     "Uh, I'm gonna go find Curo and Decoris." Lupus explained.

     "Lupus wait-"

     "No Fortis we missed our chance at being together when you started favoring Decoris. I could never do that to her." Though the words were hard Lupus had to say them.


     "Goodbye." Without another word Lupus walked away knowing that she had just made the hardest decision of her life. She found Decoris and discovered Curo was having a bit of fun with a tall fate in the corner.

     "Well that was fast." Lupus commented on the scene her friend was making. Decoris laughed.

     "Tonight was probably the slowest she's been to find a play mate." Decoris explained. Lupus looked on with amusement.

     "So Fortis is a warrior, Curo is a temptrest what else is new?" Lupus asked her friend.

     "Well my life's probably the least developed since you left. I was placed in the mating sector. I choose which wolves are compatible and make the bond."

     "I always thought that job was the most important. What is a wolf without their mate? Without someone to love and love you in return personally I couldn't handle it." Lupus had seen the mating process in her pack how in love her wolves had been with each other. "I've seen your work in action. it's magical." Decoris stared at her friend in amazement. she hadn't felt special in a long time and now the person who was making her feel this way was going to be leaving the very next day.

     "When you are reborn into the human world I will make sure you are able to experience such a mating bond with a suitable wolf that will respect and love you. it's the least you deserve." Both friends laughed to brighten the gloomy moon and just then Curo stumbled over her lipstick stained and her hair disheveled.

     "Woo that was amazing. Oh I swear dates must love me." Then all of the girls started giggling.

     "Having fun without me? That's just cruel." Finally all of Lupus' friends were together and laughing just like old times.

     "I don't know if I've said this yet but I missed you guys while I was away." Lupus yelled over the music.

     "Enough with all your sappiness. Let's dance our butts off before you don't have yours." Curo said pointing at Lupus. With that the four friends danced the night away.

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