11 - Spending the Night With Hunters is my Dream (Note Sarcasm)

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Chapter 11

     Spending the Night With Hunters is my Dream (Note Sarcasm)

     I learned that the hunter's names were Derrek, Jake, and Caleb. Derrek was the one I first encountered with the gun pointed at me. Jake was the one that wanted to keep me. Caleb was the oldest. They were all siblings. I was able to figure out that Derrek and Jake fought the most. They were fraternal twins. Caleb merely broke them up when it got out of hand.

      We were sat in a Wendy's booth thirty minutes after they had picked me up. I was scarfing down fries while they all stared at me. "What?" I snapped.

     "What happened to your pack?" Caleb asked. I shifted uncomfortably at the personal question.

     "I left it two years ago. This morning I was found by my mate, but under difficult circumstances I thought it best that I leave. Then you guys showed up, and you know the rest."

     "So you're a rogue?" Jake asked curiously. I nodded. "But don't werewolves go crazy after leaving their pack? Doesn't it make them feel empty?"

     I set down my fries and pushed them away. "Strangely enough it didn't hurt to leave. It was as if I didn't need a pack. For me it was just a convenience. I never really felt like I belonged there either."

     "You said your mate found you this morning. Doesn't it hurt you or your wolf?"

     The question made me sad. "I've never had a wolf. When I was five I shifted, but nothing else changed. After my first shift everyone called me a freak because I had no wolf and a gold and silver wolf had never been recorded. That's why I left. It still hurts to be away from my mate though. To know that he probably thinks I'm a freak too." The hunters went silent. After a few seconds I put on a smile. "I'm full. Let's get out of here." Then I left our booth and walked away. I couldn't believe I had told them all of that.

     "I can't believe we almost killed her." Jake muttered. I glanced at him with narrowed eyes. He stared at me like a dear caught in headlights. I smirked.

     "I have sensitive ears remember?" I said. He visibly relaxed at my carefree attitude. Halfway through the drive I decided it would be best if I was friendly towards them because acting like a feral beast would only support their hate for werewolves.

     "Right, sorry." He said and a slight blush touched his cheeks. I giggled at his slight innocence. He was cute for a hunter, but I still kept the fact that he was a murderer in my head.

     "It's alright. Let's go; I'm extremely tired." I skipped out of the Wendy's and waited at the backseat door for the car to be unlocked. My carefree attitude suddenly vanished as the silver started to make me uncomfortable. The car made a click noise,and I jumped in the back. Derreck and Caleb jumped in the front while Jake got in the back with me. "So where are we staying?" I asked.

     "At a motel outside of the city." Caleb answered from the drivers seat. I nodded and watched the scenery go by from my window.

     "It's hard to believe that I haven't been in a car for two years." I muttered. The car was painfully silent for a few moments. "Can you turn on the radio?"

     Derreck leaned forward and flicked the radio on. The sound of Five Finger Death Punch filled the car at a blasting sound.

     "Oops, sorry!" Derreck said and quickly changed the station.

     "Hey!" They all turned to my pouting face. "I like that song." Derreck stared for a few seconds before changing the radio station back to FFDP. Without realizing it I started to sing along.

     "All the places I've been

and things I've seen.

     A million stories that made up

a million shattered dreams."

     I continued to sing as the song went on unaware that everyone in the car was staring at me. When the song ended I sang along to the next song which I also knew. What can I say? I liked heavy metal! We pulled up to a motel, and Caleb stopped the car.

     The motel was completely rundown. Most of the paint was chipped, and the sign wasn't complete. "Why would you choose to stay here?" I asked in confusion.

     "It's cheap." I narrowed my eyes at him. "What? Not many people know about werewolves! Do you know how hard it is to find someone willing to buy a werewolf?!" Derrek exclaimed. I glared at him.

     "No I wouldn't know." I said flatly. They all rolled their eyes and left the car. I huffed and made my way out of the car. I paused a few feet away from the room they entered.

     "What's wrong?" Jake asked.

     "I can't go in there." I said.

     "Come on! We've already told you we're not going to kill you, and I want to go to bed." Derrek complained.

     "There's so much silver in there I can feel it over here. I won't last through the night." I explained. Derrek let out an annoyed sigh.

     "Get some of those goddamn knives out of here before my head explodes!" Derrek growled.

     "Stop being a grump." Jake growled back before going to move some of the weapons. I stepped out of his way when he came out with a giant bag full of silver. I shivered when he walked by. When he came back I followed him into the room, and the silver wasn't as strong, but I knew I would feel woozy in the morning.

     "I'll sleep on the floor." I said. "I'm shifting so don't shoot me." I shifted before they could say anything and laid in the corner of the room. Being in wolf form helped with the silver, but it unsettled me. I huffed and closed my eyes.

     "We're seriously letting a wolf stay in a room with us!" Derrek whisper yelled. "Do you know what dad would do if he found out?"

     "Skin us alive, tear off our fingernails, stab us a hundred times and soak us in lemon juice? I've got a feeling I know what he would do." Jake answered calmly. I could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

     "Well ain't you just the big rebel. Defying daddy's orders to get his attention. I don't even know why we're listening to that fucking voice!" Derrek yelled not caring about who could hear. I growled in annoyance. "Cut it out wolf! We're in this situation because of you!" I popped my eyes open and glared at him. I didn't want to shift so I put my paws over my ears and whimpered hoping I could guilt trip him into shutting up. "Let's get some sleep." Derrek sighed. I would have laughed had I been in human form.

     The lights went out, and then I was in a room with three werewolf hunters. Like a dream. Did you catch the sarcasm?

Hey! It's unedited but I hope you enjoy. I want to get six votes before I update again so...good luck!

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