10 - Unwelcome Visitor

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Chapter 10

     Unwelcome Visitor

     "Why is she running?" Decoris exclaimed angrily. She sat alongside Curo as they watched Lupus run through the forest away from her mate.

"She doesn't remember anything. In two days she'll figure it out and go back to him. Fortis turns eighteen tonight in fact. When she returns they'll remember each other and their mission." Curo explained.

"But I worked so hard on their bond, and she even said she longed for the connection. Now she's like the opposite of herself. Maybe she and her wolf switched places in the transfer." Decoris was biting her nails as she watched her friend shift and lean her back against a tree to sob. "Oh Lupus. Why are you doing this to yourself." She whispered.

Curo left after they watched their friend for what seemed like hours. Decoris sighed in frustration, but then her attention was recaptured when Lupus shifted into her gold and silver wolf. Then there was the sound of a gun being cocked. Decoris looked on as Lupus spun around to face a hunter.

"She's a beauty! Have you ever seen fur like that? Do you think we should kill her or keep her?" A different hunter said while pointing another gun towards her. By now Decoris was freaking out. She was wracking her brain for something to do, but when the solution came to her she winced because it was going to be painful, but she was desperate enough to do it.

"She's a wolf! What are you thinking man?" The first hunter said. Decoris kept listening hoping she wouldn't have to resort to what she was thinking. Lupus turned to run, but another hunter appeared in front of her.

"Stop bickering!" He yelled. "Keep or kill?"

"Keep!" The second hunter said while the first said, "Kill!" Lupus growled and shifted. She was stark naked, but she didn't seem to care. Her hair covered her breasts, and she was crouching so no one could see anything else.

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Lupus yelled, and Decoris grinned and shook her head. Always one for the dramatics weren't you. The hunters looked shocked, and that made Decoris laugh. "I don't plan on dying today so that's not an option."

The first hunter pointed his gun at Lupus and Decoris' heart jumped, and she almost carried out her plan, but then Lupus was in front of him and holding him by the neck. The wrist holding the gun was also in her grasp. "Drop the gun!" She growled. Decoris breathed out in relief as she observed the hunter's fearful look.

"I suggest you go home and wash my scent off before he finds you." Lupus warned. Decoris smiled a knowing smile. So she does feel the connection.

"Wait!" Decoris broke out of her thoughts and watched Lupus run away.

Decoris kept her observations on the hunters instead of following Lupus. The first hunter swore and rushed to the highway Lupus had unknowingly been running by. There was a truck on the shoulder of the road which was obviously theirs. The others followed behind.

"We're going to kill her. Put those silly thoughts of keeping her away because she's too powerful to exist. Couldn't you sense it? She has to be an Alpha or something." The first hunter said.

The second one sighed. "I think you're right Derrek."

"She can't be an Alpha." The third said sounding puzzled. "She was too powerful. Unlike you two babies I've faced Alphas. No Alpha is too overly powerful. She was something else entirely." Decoris would have chuckled if this weren't so serious. She was something else. She was a god!

Decoris debated whether she should carry out her plan. The Head Fate wouldn't be happy, but Lupus didn't need hunters on her butt. She needed help, and since Decoris couldn't go down to the Earth plain herself she would recruit. She gave a big huff and then closed her eyes to concentrate. When she opened them she was sitting in the hunter's truck while they drove along the highway.

The wolf you hunt is more special than you realize. She said. All of them including her started to feel a horrible headache. The hunter driving hit the brakes and hunched over in his seat while the others did the same.

"Do you guys hear that?" He asked. The others nodded.

I know it hurts, but just imagine how I feel! Decoris continued through the pain.

"Who the Hell are you?" The hunter named Derrek said through clenched teeth.

My name is Decoris. I am a fate, or in other terms a wolf god.

"What do you want?" Derrek asked.

The wolf you hunt is a friend of mine. She was sent to the Earth plain nearly eighteen years ago to save Werekind.

"So if we kill her werewolves die off? Are you stupid or something? Why would we help her if that's the outcome?" The second hunter said.

If you kill her and werewolves are destroyed a greater evil will come. One that you cannot kill with silver. Please, she is my friend. She does not remember her life before rebirth, but two days from now her memories will return. I must be quick, for my energy drains. Please help her. If you don't very well, but it will not only be werewolf kind that suffers from your foolishness. I must go but remember my words. If you choose to help her and need guidance just call my name, and I shall answer, but it will be painful like it is now.

Decoris broke the connection and fell to the floor of her chambers. She moaned at the pain in her head.

"Decoris!" Curo stormed in along with the Head Fate. "What have you done!"

Then the world went black.

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