1-The Day That Changed My Life & More or Less Ruined Everything

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The Day That Changed My Life & More or Less Ruined Everything

I finished the builder bar I had gotten at the gas station a mile away and put the rapper in my backpack. No way was I going to throw it on the ground! That would be like torching my house! If I had one that is. I left it a long time ago. (Well two years but who's counting?) The pack life just wasn't for me.

Ok the truth was I was a freak! Happy now?! God! You see my wolf wasn't like anyone else's. She was a beautiful silver gold and I loved her, but others called me a freak cause there was no record of a silver and gold wolf. My wolf was also bigger than most for some reason. Even my parents thought I was weird which must be why they let me go so easily.

At the moment I was headed toward the four corners boarder from there I would choose where to go. My eighteenth birthday was coming up soon which meant I was going to go into heat and I wanted to be far from any sort of population except for the tree kind. I decided after more walking that I would go to Utah. Then after my heat was over I could travel to the Californian coast so I could swim and let loose a bit.

I thought it was a good plan! Utah was less populated with packs. Their were only two and they were pretty small. My thought process stopped after I smelt the scent of wolf maybe a mile away.

My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. I closed my eyes and sniffed the air harder. I shot my eyes open. But that couldn't be! I ran closer to the scent at full speed and came to a sudden stopped causing dirt to spray ten feet into the air.

"No! No, no, no, no, but, but, argh crap it!" I screamed. There was no mistaking the scent. It was the Shadow Moon pack. Ranked fifth out of one hundred on the strong scale or at least last time I checked. For all I knew they could be first now. What I couldn't understand was why they were here. Their pack should be fifty miles south from here. Unless they moved their territory.

That wouldn't have been a problem if it didn't mean I had to add two more days to my travel time. My birthday was in a week! I would be too close to the territory for my liking. The only solution I could think of was going through the territory. With a sigh I brought out my cellphone. The battery was low, but I thought I had enough. I dialed the number and hoped someone would pick up.

"Hello?" A husky voice said from the other line. I gasped at the deep voice and mentally slapped myself.

"Uh, hello? Is this the alpha of the Shadow Moon pack?" I asked. There was a pause on the phone.

"Who is this?" The voice asked.

"My name's Ashay and I just wanted permission to travel through your territory. Uh, I'm a rogue and I wasn't expecting to inconvenience you but I didn't know the territory was here." I answered.

"What's your purpose?" The husky voice asked.

"I need to get to Utah in the next week and I won't make it if I go around. Please? It won't take me that long and I promise to go straight through." I pleaded.

There was a sigh before the man decided to answer. "Very well but if you cause any trouble at all I'll personally rip you to shreds. Understood?"

"Yes, yes thank you!" I breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help the smile on my face.

"Where are you now." The man asked.

"I'm just outside the boarder." I answered.

"Ok wait ten minutes for me to warn my pack and you'll be all set." He ordered.

"Got it. Thank you again." Even I could hear the eagerness in my voice.

The line went dead, and I sighed. Again. I decided to sit my back against a tree. My alarm was set for ten minutes so I took a book out of my bag. Okay For Now. It was about a boy who moves to a place he doesn't really like and has to learn to adjust to his new life. Shockingly I actually enjoyed it. It made me want to read Jane Eyre which was mentioned in it several times. In ten minutes I had read it to the halfway point, and then my alarm went off.

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