I still love you

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We got lost
This was the cost
We were in our own minds
Hoping love is what we'd find

We forgot about who we were
And soon 'we' became a blur
We starting hating each other
Quit talking to one another

We used to be our own person
That is, until high school decided to worsen
You started to party, with the drunks
And were friends with all the punks

High school changed us
Then one day you weren't on the bus
No one had seen you since last night
That night you had gotten in a fight

They say you drove away
Even though your girlfriend asked you to stay
Your mom called me earlier today
Said a hospital bed is where you lay

I came and visited you
Even after all you put me through
I left a note
Three words is all I wrote

I got a text from you
And it says, "I love you too"
I've loved you from the start
All we had to do is be apart

For me to realize, that I always had
So I'm glad
That high school tore us apart
It showed my heart

That I love you
And I know you love me too
In a couple months you'll be a dad
I told you, and you got mad

You left me, and haven't returned
I knew I should've learned
People never change
Without you is strange

I'm used to you by my side
You said you'd stay, well you lied
Your son turned three
"Where's dad?" Is what he asks me

I told him, that you died
Look at that, I lied
I'm acting just like you
That's something I promised I'd never do

He just turned sixteen
He's very sweet, and not mean
I told him our story today
He told me he'd find you, that you'd pay

I told him no
Because even though
In my heart there's a tear
Love, it makes me care

I hope your happy
I would never wish your life unhappy
Remember I still love you
Even after the crap I've been through

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