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It sucks to fall in love, with a boy
Who in return, treats you like a toy
He stole your heart
Only in return to tear it apart

He changed the way I trust
And made my heart bust
Scars layer my heart
I'm awaiting the day it falls apart

I must be insane
Not right in the brain
Because I still love him
Even when

He tore me in two
There isn't anything I could do
He ripped me to shreds
Waiting for the day I would turn up dead

He still holds a place in me
That I would never let him see
He dumped me
To find his new girlfriend to be

I ran away from his games
There is only me to blame
I let myself fall to deep
I couldn't crawl back up, it was to steep

So I grabbed a rope, and got out
Even though I was filled with doubt
I was scared I'd still fall back down
But I didn't, I need a crown

He was my first real crush
Every time we'd text, I'd blush
He tore me in two
But I think that's what he meant to do

Make me fall for him
Maybe the light was to dim
But I fell so deep
It only ended in a weep

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