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The way he talked was enough to make me smile.
The way he smiled was enough to kill me.
The way his laugh seemed to stop time, was enough to make my heart stop.
He never once noticed me.
But this way I could be sure, that he'd never know of the way I always stare. He'd never know that sometimes I daydream about him.

He'd never know that I've fallen in love with someone. The someone being him, from far away.

I've never been close enough to touch him, I only see him from afar. He'd laugh if I tried to get near him. He'd push me away.

You ask why I like him, I do because when not with friends, he was.....sweet. Buying candy for a little girl who didn't have money. Helping a young lady carry her groceries, when she couldn't. But the thing that got me the most. He hugged them, and wouldn't accept a reward. Only giving freely. I knew this, because I was always there, from afar.

I was the shadow. The one who he'd never notice. The one who knew all his secrets. The one that could ruin him, if I tried. I had videos of him, for blackmail. I have recordings, of the things he's done. He's gonna do what I say, or I will release this information and ruin him.

He was nothing more than a boy, who dug himself in a hole so deep, that lava could hit at any minute.


What a twist! Idek what happened,
It just came. Oh well hope you enjoyed.

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