A Confused Meeting.

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Samantha P.O.V

"Samantha! Someone's here for you!" My mom shouted and I groaned.

Who could be there at this time?

I ran down in only my pajamas which was a tank top and short shorts that I never really wore.

"Who is..." "Hello."

I turned around and saw Harry eyeing me up and barfed inside.

"What are you doing here?" I asked impatiently. "Uh, we were supposed to meet at two o'clock. Wait. Don't tell me you forgot?" Crap. "No, I, uh, didn't. Just making sure you know why you're here."

Harry started coughing and said something in between coughs. "Lame excuse." That's what he said.

"Whatever. Just wait here. I need to get changed." "I don't mind watching."

Was he being serious? My mother's right there and yet he has the courage to say something like that.

"Really?" He nodded. "A**hole." I cursed under my breath but maybe I said that a little loud because my mom scowled me.

"Samantha! How dare you say something like that to your guest!" "Oh so now because I insult him you're shocked? He basically wanted to see me naked!" My mother shook her head. "It was just a joke Samantha Alexandra Dickson!" She shouted and Harry looked at me, clearly amused.

"Samantha Alexandra Dickson?" Harry said and burst into a fit of giggle which I thought couldn't be possible because only girls giggled like that.

"You shouldn't be talking Styles when you basically laugh like a girl!" Harry stopped 'laughing' and rolled his eyes. "It's called fake laughing but whatever."

My mom pushed past me and went into the kitchen without saying anything. Wow, b*tch much? Sorry for the bad words but what's her problem?

"Um.. Shall we practice now?" He asked unsurely. "Sure but let's make this fast. I don't exactly want to see you right now." "Fine, your majesty." "Well, my house, my rules." He waited for me to guide him upstairs.

"What's the problem Harry? Can't walk up the stairs?" "No. You're girl, you go first." "Why? To you I'm a boy not a girl." "I never..." "You go first." "No because when you go first and fall, I'll be there to catch you!" "Didn't I already tell you? MY house, MY rules, now move it Styles!" "Ugh."

He went up the stairs and I kinda felt satisfied but at the same time scared. I mean, here I was, bossing my bully in my house and actually enjoying it since it's been a dream of mine but then he could always get revenge at school or so. Why did I have to shout at him?

"Hello? Which one's your room?" "You're so pathetic. It's the one with all the games in it." At first he looked hurt. Was it because I called him pathetic? But then he clenched his fists and anger took over him. "ME, PATHETIC?!"

I jumped in surprise and fear and accidentally slipped on the stairs and fell. Before I hit the hard ground, a hand pulled me back. I slapped his hand away and he smirked.

"Told you, you should've gone first." He went in my room and sat on the bed. Wow. Bipolar much?

"Nice room. Who helped you decorate it? A guy?" Oh so first he compliments it but then insults my style.

"Don't like it, don't say anything." "No, no, I like it. It's just guyish." "Guyish?" "Yeah. It feels like if I were in my brother's room." "Brother? I thought Cassidy was your only relative." "Well, yes. Sorta. Edward's never at home. He's the same age as me but you know has no heart and doesn't exactly like staying with my parents so he moved and never once paid us a visit." "Oh. How does he look like?" "We're twins so just like me. Except with more tattoos and piercings." "Wait, you have tattoos?" "How did you know?" "Well, you said more so that meant you also had some but less." "Ooh. So I'm stuck with a Smart Gamer ey?" "Pfft. Let's start. Do you have your computer here?"

He scratched the back of his head.

"Oh so that's what I forgot! Nope, sorry." My bully was apologizing to me for not bringing his computer? That's a first.

"It's fine. I have an extra one..." "You have an extra one? Wow. You ARE addicted." "Hey! Don't judge me, it's just gaming is the only thing that makes me happy." "Why? Don't you like have friends?" "No. You threaten all of them and I left Cassidy since she lied to me and I just found out the guy I talked to was my bully!" "Bully? Is that what you call people like me?" "Of course. Bullies are people who threaten, insult or beat other people like you do." "Like I do?" "Yeah. Are you serious? You bully me and it sounds like you didn't even know." "But... I don't bully you. What are you talking about? We just talk sometimes and..." "Don't play dumb Harry! You bully me everyday so don't deny it."

He was about to say something but just stared at the ceiling for a moment.

"I have to go." "But you just got here!" "I have to go." He said emotionlessly. I was about to protest but he pushed me aside gently and left. "Bye." He said and slammed the door in my face. Ok, nobody slams my own door in my face!

I ran downstairs but I was too late. He already left. Wow. What was his problem? First he acts like he doesn't even know that he bullies me and then he leaves without an excuse. Somebody's got brain damage. Well. Whatever.

I got inside and heard my phone ring. I looked who it was but all it said was blocked number. I picked it up.

"Hello?" "Meet me at the park in twenty minutes. Don't tell anybody where you're going and don't bring your phone along. Got it?" Harry spoke harshly. "But you just left two minutes ago..." "I don't know what you're talking about but you better be there! Bye." And he hung up.

Wow. This was so confusing! He left two minutes ago and wants us to meet at the park in twenty minutes? Why didn't he just come back and then we could've gone together? He's so confusing. Oh well. Twenty minutes. I live five minutes away from the park. Might as well chill for fifteen minutes.

I sat down on my chair and stared out the window.

I wonder why he wants us to meet. Probably wants to tell me something but what?

A/N: Hello!! ^_^ Been a while, kinda, not so much. Oh well, decided to update anyways since my heart said that bribery isn't really nice or I shouldn't do it so I updated. Yeah, you can thank my heart <3 later. Hehe, well, there's still a chance for you to become a character and have a chapter dedicated to you so comment, comment and comment!! :D Xxx ChokolatLover

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