Finding Out.

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Samantha P.O.V

"Samantha! Cassidy's here!"

I groaned and shut down my computer.

Ever since, the 'accident' or should I say beating, I haven't really been online. I was mostly with Cassidy, discovering the town I never knew because I was always on my computer. Cassidy had showed me a lot of things including the town's mall.

It's very big and I saw a huge game store which I'm probably gonna go to. I need some new games.

Speaking of games, it's been awhile since I've talked with XxBadStylesGamerxX. You know what? Today's the day, I'm finally going back on and nobody's gonna stop me.

"Samantha!" I rolled my eyes and got my backpack.

"Who's Samantha?" I shouted back. I heard my mom sigh and Cassidy giggle.

I came down and Cassidy was busy looking at a few video games I had left in the living room. I cleared my throat and she immediately looked up.

"There she is!" She said and ran to hug me.

"Hey Curly."

She smiled, showing her dimples. She really looked like someone I knew but I just couldn't figure out who.

"And how are you doing in this fine morning?" She asked.

"Fine, you?"

I wasn't in the mood to chat at all but Cassidy, here, is a talking machine. She'll go on all day, Blablabla, it gets kind of annoying but I always tell her to stop and she obeys like the good girl she is.

"So, my car or your car?" She asked.

"Yours. Duh." She nodded and unlocked her car.

"Bye mom!"

I didn't hear my mom's reply because we were already out the door. This past week has been calm. No bullying, no beating, no insults... Yet. I also haven't seen Harry this week.. Which is good.

"Hey, you coming or are you just gonna stay here and stare into space? Because if you want, we can skip and go have a coffee... I'm really good at mimicking other people's voices, I could probably act as my mum and call the school to tell them that..."

I put my hand over her mouth and she stopped blabbering.

"Thank you."

She watched me choose a radio station and drove off when I was satisfied with the song. Of course, the next song was even better but Cassidy started singing and wanted me to join in.

"I'm gonna pop some tags only got twenty dollars in my pocket!" She sang loudly. Thank goodness this wasn't a cabriole.

I laughed at her bad rapping and decided to join in. I mean why not?

"I wear your granddad's clothes! I look incredible! I'm in this big a** coat! From the thrift shop down the road!" We sang quiet badly and laughed at how bad we sounded. The school building came in view and she parked.

We both walked to the gates and then went to our lockers where I almost got a heart attack. Harry and his gang were standing right next to MY locker and they were laughing at some random joke he said.

Cassidy tensed a little and walked a bit further away from me. What is she doing? Is she too embarrassed to walk with me? Ouch, that hurts... I thought she wasn't like the others, guess I was wrong. Wait, I shouldn't blame her. After all, Harry beats up my friends.

Cassidy casually walked to her locker, hoping he didn't see her but it was kinda too late since he started walking in her direction.

She looked scared. I know how she feels. Her heart is probably beating fast and she really wants to run away and just hide or so that's what I feel when Harry walks my way. I just want to sink and disappear in thin air, just praying he wouldn't hurt me but that'd never happen. Obviously.

I watched Harry glare at her and pin her to her locker.

"Why the hell are you hanging out with HER?" I heard him shout.

She was trembling and looked away.

"Look me in the eyes when I'm talking to you!"

She was now crying. As a friend, I think I should protect her and that's what I'm gonna do.

"Leave her alone!" Harry dropped her and she sobbed in her hands.

"What do you want? Freak!" I ignored his insult. This was the time, I was gonna step up. I stood straight making me taller and more confident.

"I said leave her ALONE!" A small crowd had gathered around and watched our every move. Cassidy gasped and ran to him.


He raised his hand and was about to punch me when Cassidy got in the way. She fell to the floor, hitting it with a loud thud. Everybody gasped and some went to check on her. Harry's eyes softened and he also went over.

"Cassidy, love, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to punch you." He kissed her cheek where she had been punched and hugged her.

Wait, kiss, hug? What is going on?

Cassidy sadly looked at me. Wait a minute, green eyes, curly brown hair, dimples.... These two look alike. No.... It can't be..... No, it just can't.. All along, she's been lying to me..

Cassidy sniffed and I ran out. I couldn't take it anymore.

The beating, the insults, the bullying, Harry, the laughter, the crying and especially, the backstabbing. It was just too much for me.... The only way to make it all better is no, not cutting, I'd never do that, gaming. I sound stupid, I know. I got in the house and wiped the tears that I let fall down my cheeks. Thank goodness, my parents were out.

I switched my computer on and logged in. Please be on, please be on, please be on, yes! He's on.

"Hello." I typed in and got a reply right after.

"Crazygamer14, it's been a while. :) I'm fine. And you?"

"Ok..." "Ok...?" "Yeah... Ok...." "Did he beat you again?" "No. It's just... I found out that my 'friend' was his sister all along. How could she? She lied to me! She never told me! I just feel, betrayed, broken, unloved, unwanted and lost. In other words, I'm having my B.C moment." "Oh, I'm sorry :( B.C?" "Yes. Broken Crisis." "Oh.. Well, I have a surprise for you, sorta..." "What?" "I entered us in a REAL gaming COMPETITION for partners. I thought about meeting each other so we could both play and practice TOGETHER. What do you say?" "Sounds good. When shall we meet?" "Saturday? The park... You know, the one, next to the mall." "Yes." "4:30 pm, then we can talk about plans and tactics and stuff. Ok, GTG, my parents are calling me.. I'm kinda in trouble." "Why? What'd you do?" "Punch my sister. It was an accident!" ":o That was bad of you." "They don't call me BADStylesGamer for nothing ;)" "they don't call you that. YOU made your username up." ":P whatever. See ya Saturday" "see ya."

This chat made me smile and I actually forgot about Cassidy and Harry. I'm finally gonna meet him. Saturday. The day where I meet him.

The day where I meet my online friend.

A/N: :( Hmmm... I feel so bad for not updating in a while... My mom just arrived from her business trip and she's making us do so many things.. Wow, I don't even have time anymore. I am so sorry. :( I'm gonna try and update again IF tomorrow, my mom spares us and she doesn't make us work which will make me have time to update! :D So just pray, pray, pray that everything will be ok.. Haha, kidding.. Ok, love y'all! Pls comment and vote if you like! ;) Xxx ChokolatLover

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