The Truth Is Finally Out

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Samantha P.O.V

I slowly pressed the sharp scissors to my soft and pale skin and bit my lip, holding in a cry of pain.

I had enough of crying. I had enough of pain, losing my friends, watching my parents fight, wishing I was happy. I just had enough of getting bullied and insulted even though I had never done anything. I had enough of it all.

Today was going to be the day I finally end it all and stop suffering everyday from the unstoppable pain that will never leave my heart or body.

Today was the day, all the bullying and name calling was going to stop. Today, was the day I would finally be happy and say goodbye to one of my worst bully and enemies, Harry Styles.

I pressed the scissors further into my skin, making a huge amount of blood gash out and a cry of pain escape my lips.

"Samantha. Drop. The. Scissors." A cold and harsh voice spat out.

I gasped and dropped the pair of scissors down. I turned around to look back, just to make sure that it wasn't him and I was just hallucinating but I wasn't. He was standing by the door, bruises all over his face and cuts on his arms. His eyes were dark and his fists were clenched.

I sniffed and quickly bent down to grab the scissors but Harry was quicker and took them away from me, causing me to scream and jump at him.

He pushed me away softly and shook his head, tears whelming in his eyes.

"Samantha. Stop. I'm sorry, ok? I'm sorry for running after you and I'm so sorry for almost getting you killed but please... Please don't do this. Please, just don't die. I'm sorry. So so sorry." He managed to speak out and I looked at him with wide eyes, repeating the words over and over again in my head.

"Y-you're....sorry." I viciously spat out and glared at him. "You're sorry?? After all those years of bullying and hurting! After all those years of undeniably painful hurt? After all those years of pushing me around and hurting me? You think a simple sorry is going to settle things and make you forgive you? You think Everything you imagined would happen, is going to happen?? Well you're damn wrong Styles! Sorry won't do anything! Sorry doesn't even make half of the pain you've given me, go away! Sorry is nothing but a word! Sorry doesn't mend my broken soul! Sorry doesn't help!" I shouted at him and he backed away, a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Th-the truth is Samantha... I've only ever beaten you up once..." He softly said.

He had to be kidding me.

"Once?? Once?!!!" I slapped his face hard and saw red spread through his pale face and form a small hand print. "Don't lie to me Styles!! You've beaten me up everyday! Ever since my first day of high school! You always beat me up so don't come here, telling me shit!" I screamed, making him cover his ears with his trembling hands.

I didn't get him. He bullied me all the time and now he's trying to tell me, he only hurt me once? And then he acted as if he didn't know what I was talking about and faked his fear of me shouting at him. But I had to admit, he could've almost fooled me. I mean, he looks so innocent, standing here, with shaking hands on his ears.

"Th-that's b-because... I-I f-faked it Samantha..."

I looked at him, confused. Faked what? The bullying? The anger towards me? I don't understand.

"I-I have a t-twin brother... His name is Edward... H-he's a strong guy... Never let his walls down and never loved anybody... Until, he saw you at school. He fell for you, hard... But then when one of his m-mates called him a softy because he wanted to give you a care for valentines day, Edward got mad because he wasn't known as a softy, he was known as one of the toughest leaders in the gang. So... Edward tried to stop loving you and got mad whenever he saw you... So just so that you wouldn't treat him differently when he done day confess to you, and that you wouldn't be mad at him... H-he pretended to be me... He faked his identity all along... Edward only told me a couple of months after he had started beating you up and once, couldn't take handling the pain from watching you cry and bleed so he made me best you up once and also when I went to your house to practice..." Harry explained, trembling.

My jaw dropped and I shut it again.

"Y-you've got to be kidding..." Anger flashed in my eyes and I screamed, punching the wall. "THAT IS THE SICKEST THING EVER!" I shouted and Harry simply nodded, both scared and weak.

I panted angrily and clenches both my fists, feeling the need to punch this Edward guy.

"I wanna talk to him." I clearly said and harry shook his head quickly. "No! You can't! If he finds out I told you, he'll hurt me!" I shook my head and ignored his protests. "You're going to bring me to him and let me talk to him." I once again said and Harry nodded hesitantly. "Now, let's go." I spoke up. "But-" "NOW!"

Harry quickly went back to his room to get dressed and I threw off my gown, putting on my normal set of clothes but struggling to change since I still was hurt from the accident.

After finishing putting on my clothes, I cleaned off the cut and bandaged it. I then looked out and sighed.

I was going to talk to Edward and give him a piece of my mind. Nobody hurts me and makes the guy I used to like, do his dirty work. Yes, I admitted it. I used to like Harry because he had this sweet and cute side to him but now I see him differently. Even though, he was innocent, he still hurt me so to me, he is just like the rest.

I smirked as Harry came back, holding a jacket in his shaking hands.

Today, Edward was finally going to get it and I don't care that he loves me, I will show him what he's done to me and this time, I'll show him using the hard way.

A/N: So sorry for not have updated in a long time. Tests were coming up and I had to learn hardcore. Well, I hope you like the update and I promise to update again in one week or so maximum. I hope you will enjoy this chapter and love you all for voting and commenting!! :****. Xxxxx CL

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