Apologies Gone Wrong.

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Samantha P.O.V

"Honey! Someone's here to see you!"

Really? At this time? It was like what, eight?

"Coming!" I shouted back and struggled with standing up. I hate these crutches.

"Who is i..? Cassidy??!"

I tried slamming the door in her face but she stuck her foot out so I couldn't really slam it since I didn't want to break her foot. I mean who would do that? So instead, I started 'running away' but slipped on a banana peel which someone left there by 'coincidence'.

Cassidy giggled a bit but stopped and helped me up. I swatted her hands and arms away and helped myself up.

"What do you want?" I harshly asked, not looking straight into her eyes and acting like if the painting on the wall next to me was more interesting.

"I came here to apologize."

I gave her a wtf look and then it slowly turned into a really look.

"I'm sorry... Sorry for not telling you that Harry was my brother. Sorry for have not been there when you got beat up a few days back." I fake smiled. "Oh! That makes it all better now!" I fake cheered and she sighed. "Look Samantha. I didn't Tell you because I didn't want you to stop being my friend. You're an awesome girl and I really wanted to be your friend, no, your BFF! That's why I didn't Tell you. I was afraid of losing you." "I forgive you for that but before we hug and make up like in the movies, answer me this one question. Why is Harry doing this? Why is he hurting me when I have done nothing wrong against him? Why ME?"

She rubbed her neck and looked away.

"I uh, don't really know. Why don't you ask him?"

Seriously? She's Harry's sister and she doesn't know? Lie, lie, lie. If she really wanted to be my friend then why is she lying to me? Why can't she tell me the truth? I can handle it.

"Listen. You're his sister. Don't give me crap and tell me you don't know because the look on your face shows that you're lying. So tell me, why? I can handle the truth. I'm strong. I'm not like those girly girls who cry over a broken nail. Now tell me. Why does he bully me?"


The only thing loud was the clock ticking and the sound of the eggs frying in the kitchen.

"I d-don't know." She whispered.

"If you really wanna be my friend then you better tell me right here, right now."

"Ok... It's b-because Ed.." "Cassi? What the hell are you doing here?" An angry looking Harry stormed in my house without asking permission and glared at his sister. "I, uh, I was apologizing to Samantha." "Then why is it taking forever?" Cassidy's body trembled at her brothers loud voice. "You weren't gonna tell her. Were you?"

Cassidy didn't answer and tried to make a run for it. "YOU WERE?!" He grabbed her tightly by the arm and pushed her body to the wall, making a loud bang. She winced and started crying in pain.

"Stop!" I tried to help Cassidy but he pushed me to the ground, making me hit my head.

I wasn't gonna give up though.

"I SAID STOP!!" I shouted, louder than before. And this time, he listened, he stopped. But not because I had ordered him to. No, because he realized what he had done and looked at his sister in shock.

"C-cassi?" He approached her but she backed away in fear. "Cassi, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.." "Just. Leave." She said but he refused. "It's just, I was mad because I told you to keep it secret and when I saw you betraying me, I lost it. I'm sorry." "No Harry! You're not!" She screamed. "NOW I SEE WHY SHE HATES YOU!"

No. No.

Harry clenched his fists and looked back at me.

By the look on his face, I knew. I knew. That he was going to kill me.

"Run b*tch." He mouthed and I ran. Literally. I threw my crutches on the floor and ran. It hurt so bad but I ignored the pain and ran. A few people looked at me like I was crazy. Yeah, I probably did look crazy but I mean, you don't see people wearing plasters and looking like crap running on the streets as fast as they can, everyday.

Even though this was the fastest I could ever run, Harry was still catching up with me and I panicked.

I ran faster and Harry was about to grab my hand so I ran across the street and before I knew it, a loud horn caused me to turn and look where it had come from and then I saw it, a truck. It was driving towards me and couldn't stop.

My whole body froze.

Should I run? Probably not. I mean, this is the only way I'll ever be happy.

I cried and stood there, waiting for the impact of the truck to hit me and then it happened all so fast.

Harry P.O.V

I couldn't believe it.

She made my own sister hate me.

"Run b*tch." I mouthed and she threw her crutches on the floor and ran away like a coward.

"Harry don't." Cassidy whispered. "I'm sorry but don't." "Shut the f*ck up!" I said and ran.

As I ran, I could see people staring but completely ignored them and saw her running down the street.

I smirked.

She was fast but not so fast.

I quickened my pace and caught up with her.

I was about to grab her hand when she crossed the street.

I stumbled and fell on my face. That b*tch, when she gets i.. A loud horn made me stand up and that's when I saw it.

Samantha standing in the middle of the road, about to get hit by a truck and that's when I had done the impossible and jumped.

I couldn't care less if I died. I had to save her. After all, I was the one who had caused all this commotion.

I jumped and saw bright lights shine in my face.

Goodbye world. It was nice getting to know you Samantha and I'm sorry.

For everything.

A/N: I am so sorry for not updating in two weeks. I was so busy with the stupid exams. :'( I am so sorry.. Forgive me? And forgive me again for the update being so short but I promise you the next one won't be so short... I'll try and update again today for your sake and million times sorry again. I love you all my chocolates and @Taniastyles13 hasn't also been updating because... Bad news.. She's in the hospital. I know why but I feel like its a personal matter so I won't say why. Love you again xxxx CL

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