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Samantha P.O.V

Outside was freezing. Thank goodness I bought my jacket along otherwise I'd have frozen to death.

I walked a bit faster seeing as I was running late but I'm sure Harry wouldn't mind since he was nice to me today but he is kinda bipolar so maybe not.. I should probably hurry up.

I started jogging to the park and stopped when I saw a dark figure wearing a hoodie. He turned around and looked straight into my eyes.

I gulped and took a step back seeing his angry face. Why was he so mad at me? I'm only three minutes late.

"YOU B*TCH!" He shouted and ran towards me.

Being already scared, I ran away, trying to make it to my house but failing so badly when he came up to me and pushed me on the ground before jumping on me and beating me up.

Every punch would hurt ten times more than it'd use to and I'd try to make the pain go away by taking deep breaths and rubbing my bruises but that didn't help.


What did I do?

He continued and continued, the monster inside of him taking control of him. I had no more strength left and he finished me off by giving me a hard blow in the stomach.

Blood was trickling down my face, my hands and arms were bruised so was my stomach. I couldn't breathe properly and I'm sure he broke on of my bones. It hurt everywhere and I just hoped the pain would disappear but it didn't.

I wanted to ask him what I had done but my throat hurt.

"W-w-why?" I managed to choke out and he looked at his hands then at me.

"I'm s-s-sorry for whatever I di-did b-but why?"

His hard and angry expression never left his face and he started to walk away.

"W-w-why?" I screamed at him.

I didn't care that my throat was hurting or that my whole body was killing me. I just wanted to know. Why me? What did I ever do to him?


My head started spinning and my chest hurt more and more with each second and each breath.

I massaged my head but nothing worked, I looked at him one last time and darkness took over my body.

The last thing I saw was a panicking looking Harry mouthing the reason why he was doing this to me. "Goodbye world." I said and took one last breath before letting go of my pathetic life.


Unknown P.O.V

Her lifeless body dropped to the floor and my jaw dropped at what I had done.

I killed her.

I killed Samantha but I never meant to.

I ran over to her side and checked her pulse, she was still breathing but I don't know for how much longer she could hold on. I have to call the hospital but if I do, they'll ask me what happened and what am I supposed to say?

So I did the only thing that came in mind, I called Caitlin.

"Hello." The same cheery voice spoke into the phone after picking up when I had ringed about five times.

"Caitlin! I need your help!" I shouted in the phone.

"Why are you shouting and why do you sound, I don't know.. Panicked?" "Uh... I, uh.."

I couldn't lie to Caitlin. She knew when I was lying and would find out anyway and besides she was used to me beating up people.

In fact, she had no problem with it or her cleaning the mess I left. She was fine with it and that's why we are friends. I can count on her and she can count on me.

That reminds me of the song count on me by Bruno Mars, wait, this is stupid, I shouldn't think about this right now when Samantha is almost dying and Caitlin is waiting for my reply.

"I beat up someone... Samantha to be more precise." "WHAT?!" She screamed making my ear sore.

"Caitlin! I don't wanna be deaf on one ear, you know?" "Sorry but it's just why did you beat HER up?"

Caitlin knew about Samantha, what she didn't know is that I was beating her up.

"I'll explain later but you really got help me. I need you to bring her to the hospital and if they ask what happened, just say a gang beat her up and you found her there and if they ask you what relationship you have to her, say you're her friend or whatever!"

I heard her pause and then sigh.

"Fine. But you know, I won't always be there to clean up your messes." "I know. Thank you so much."

I ended the call and watched her closely.

I had broken this girl.

She did nothing to me and yet I broke her because of my anger issues. I hate myself.

Maybe, if I stopped loving her, she wouldn't have to go through this but just thinking of not loving this angel makes me feel terrible. I could never stop loving her.

I tucked a few pieces of her hair behind her ear and made the biggest decision of my life.

Today, I was going to confess, tell her why I kept doing these things but I don't think she'd hear me.

I started rambling on why I was breaking her. Why I was breaking her when she meant so much to me.

"I don't know how to say this but I..." "Edward?"

Caitlin was standing there in her everyday outfit, panting and redder than a tomato.

"Why did you take so long?" She gave me a frustrated look. "Maybe if you'd actually told me WHERE you were, I would have been there faster." I shrugged and she rolled her eyes.

She looked at me then her eyes drifted to Samantha who was covered full of bruises.

"What in the world...? You did this?" I nodded. "Edward, I've seen lots of your victims bruised but not this one with so many bruises and blood. She looks terrible. I can't believe you did this. You've never done something so cruel before, and she's a girl. Wow. I don't know what to say. One part of me wants to tell you how stupid you are for hurting her but the other one wants to forgive you because it's not your fault you become angry this easily."

She stared at me for a while and gave in.

"I forgive you Eddie but next time, don't ever beat up a girl this much, especially not the girl you.." "Yeah, yeah." I said, interrupting her since I wasn't too comfortable with the subject.

"Well. You better scram before someone sees you. I'll call the police. See you in a bit." "Thank you and bye."

I ran home and unlocked the door.

Pictures of Samantha's broken body flooded through my mind.

Oh god, I'm such a monster.

A/N: So, what did you think? Who could be this mysterious person beating up Samantha?? ^_^ Well, you probably would've guessed it by now. Hehe, if you don't here's a hint: Caitlin called his name when she found him and there's a picture on the side of him. But also, why do you think he's beating her up? Give me a few reasons in the comment below and the one who guessed it right, will get a dedication and maybe a shoutout ;) Xxx Love y'all ChokolatLover

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