Drama, Drama...and even more Drama

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Samantha's P.O.V

"You what?" I quickly pulled away from his arms and stared at him with a shocked, as well as surprised look.

"I mean-" He scratched the back of his head and looked at anything but me.

"You love me?" He loves me. The same words kept playing and playing in my head, as if it was a scene from a movie.

That couldn't be possible. That had to be some sort of joke because some guy like Edward could never be in love with a girl like me. I mean we were both different in many ways.  Still, opposites attract.

I shook my head and forced myself to ignore the dumb thoughts flowing through my mind.

What was I even saying? It all seemed like a romantic movie where the bully falls for the girl he bullies but she doesn't feel the same way, since she hates him for all the terrible things he's done to her. Either that, or the girl has feelings for him but doesn't want to admit it to herself because that's damn wrong.

Suddenly, Edward spoke up, catching me off guard and causing my heart to beat a little faster than normal, also making me focus on him instead of my thoughts.

"It's alright if you don't feel the same...I mean I wasn't expecting you to... I've done such awful things and treated you like a piece of sh*t- I'm not saying you are one but yeah.." Edward's nervous tone and flushed cheeks made me realize that the 'oh so tough punk' was not as tough as he made out to be.

"I'm sorry Edward. I don't think I have any feelings for you or will ever have. I'm still in the process of forgiving you and sadly I will always see you as the guy who bullied me. Nothing else. Also, you are not my type of guy and even if you were, I don't think I'd date some guy who's hurt me both physically and emotionally."

Being satisfied with my answer, I left Edward to himself, almost feeling guilty. Almost.


"Hey. If it isn't the lesbian bitch."

Oh no. He had seen me. He had seen me and was now walking towards me.

My plan of dropping my books in my locker without a single sound and not getting noticed had failed,  once again.

What should I do? Should I try to run away from him? But what if I fail? My daily beating will be longer than usual and he might even leave me with more noticeable bruises. Then again, If I do succeed. I wouldn't have to worry about getting beat up today and buying more make up to cover the purple marks on my face.

As I saw him growing closer to me and his sickening smile stuck on his lips, I had now known what to do. Run.

I slammed my locker shut and quickly sprinted towards the girl's bathroom.

I heard him groan and run after me.

He was way faster than me and I started panicking as he caught up with me shortly.

He was about to grab my arm but I dodged his quick move and ran for my life, hope buidling up just as the familiar pink door came in view.

I was almost there and reached for the handle but was pulled back instantly and pinned to the wall.

"And where do you think you're going?" He laughed coldly, seeing my frightened expression.

"T-to fix my hair?"

His laughing died down and I felt his fist come in contact with my cheek.

A scream left my lips as I heard a crack right after he slammed my head against the wall.

Gasps emerged from the crowd watching us and he dropped me, confused to why I had now turned pale.

I felt myself slip away and a wave of exhaustion hit me.


Somebody had called my name but somehow I couldn't make out who's voice it belonged to.

Instead, I ignored the cries of my name and simply fought my way of staying awake and not falling asleep.

Yet, all my efforts had gone to waste. I sighed tiredly and let darkness consume my body after closing my eyes.



"Samantha baby, please wake up!" My mother shook me over and over again.

"I'm awake! I'm awake." I pushed her off of me seeing as she was making me uncomfortable.

"Oh thank goodness. You scared me for a minute." Her breathing was quick and her face was as pale as ever.

"What?" I raised my eyebrow, watching her ventilate herself. 

"You woke me up with your screaming, so I came down to check on you but by the time I got to you, you had stopped screaming."

I calmed her down by telling her I was just having a nightmare, yet my comforting words weren't enough since her fingers were still shaking and she was still sweaty.

"Go to bed mom. You look like you need some rest. I'll be fine here on my own. It was only a bad dream. Nothing big."

That seemed to make her feel better so she gave me a short kiss on the cheeks and went back to her room.

I lay awake under the warm covers of my queen size bed.

I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking of the nightmare.

What if it was a sign? What if that meant he was going to hurt me once again? Or worse, kill me just like in the dream? That couldn't be though. We already had cleared things. Well maybe except for the fact he loved me. Maybe he was going to start bullying me again cause I didn't feel the same way?

I definitely couldn't let that happen.

So I decided to do the only possible thing left.

I decided to talk with him tomorrow and tell him I loved him too.

A/N: Alright, so you know how I said I would update the next day and there would only be one or two chapters left. Well, turns out I forgot I was going to Italy for two weeks and also I'm going to be writing more chapters.

Anyways, do you think Samantha's decision is right? Or will she be doing the wrong thing by lying to Edward? Please leave comments on your thoughts and advice on what to do better is without any doubt, happily accepted!  I love you guys and thank you for have not given up on my book xxxxxx CL

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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