Giving Up

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Samantha P.O.V

"Samantha? Samantha? Samantha baby, please wake up."

My eyes slowly opened and the lights blinded me but I reopened them and got adjusted to the light.

"Samantha, Baby, you're awake!" My mom threw herself in my arms and hugged me tightly. "I was so scared."

I rubbed my eyes and looked at my surroundings.

The walls were white. The only thing colorful was a get well balloon hanging up on the ceiling. There was a small white table with two cards and one big box filled with chocolate. There were two plain wooden chairs with a grey pillow and there was only one window but it was very small. This place is so colorless. It's depressing. I need colors in here.

"Scared?" I asked, trying to move my body to get comfortable but I felt nothing, only pain.

"You almost died Sammy!" She shouted and cried in her hands. "I thought I lost you. Do you know how it felt when I had gotten a call from the hospital saying that my daughter was In a truck accident. Thank goodness that Styles boy was there. He saved you Sam. He jumped on front of the truck to push you out of harms way. He sacrificed himself for you and because of that, he's now in a coma. His sister visited you and him everyday. What was her name again? Cassy? Casey?" "Cassidy." I corrected her and took in what she just said. "Are you sure it was Harry?" "Y-yes." She continued crying.

Why? Why did he save me? Why did he save me when he was the one who bullied me, when he was the one who almost killed me? Oh wait that was Edward but still, all those years of bullying still hurts. I still remember the day when he dragged me to the janitors closet and almost raped me but thankfully he listened to my begging but instead beat me up. I lost a lot of blood that day. I wanted to call a hospital but was too afraid to tell them what had happened.

"Where's dad?" "He's talking with the Styles family. Your father wants to pay them, to thank them for saving you." "But money doesn't help them if they lose Harry!" "That's the same thing I said but you know his father. He thinks money will solve everything." She sighed and took some tissues out of her bag.

"Can I go see him?" "Excuse me?" "May I go see Harry?" "Are you crazy? I know he saved you and you want to thank him but you have a few broken bones, especially your ribs, it looks like you've been beaten up. The doctor wants to talk with you about that and your leg is even worse than usual. What happened?" "I ran. Someone was chasing me and I ran for my life. I had to. He was going to hurt me." I said, nearly on the verge of tears. "Who was chasing you Samantha? Who was going to hurt you?"

I wanted to tell her. Tell her it was Harry but I don't think she would believe me. I mean, he's the one who saved me so why would he want to hurt me? I should at least try.

"Ha-Harry." My heart was racing, waiting for her reaction. "Now that is crazy!" She shouted and that's when I knew she was starting to get mad at me or already was because she's probably thinking that I lied to her. "Why would he want to hurt you when he saved you? You know, you disappoint me. How could you accuse your savior?" She puffed and threw her tissues in the bin. "You know Samantha. I am going to leave you alone until you stop lying and be grateful that he saved you." She walked out of the room and I was now alone.

"M-mom?" Silent. "Mom?" Still silent. "Mom!?" I let the tears fall. "MOM!" I shouted but she still wasn't coming. Great. I was now alone. She was the only person I could talk to and trust but now she was gone.

A small knock made my head snap to the door but instead of seeing my mom, Cassidy was standing with flowers in her hands.

"Hey." I didn't reply. "How are you doing?" "I'm doing so good." I spat out. "Look Sam.." "Don't Sam me. No don't even talk to me." "Sam.. I'm sorry. Maybe.." "You should've thought about what you said before saying it?" I finished her sentence and she nodded. "Yes. I'm sorry." "Well, sorry is going to make everything ok again." "Sam. I know sorry won't make everything better but... Ugh.. Can't you at least be happy that I came here to apologize?" "Well, I'm happy. What are you talking about?" "Stop it Sam." "Stop what?" "Stop being sarcastic and be serious for once. I'm sorry. For everything." "You know Cassidy, I'm sick of getting hurt every time. Having to watch out what I ask you or say because I know your brother loves you and will kill me if I hurt you or make you hate him. I'm sick of always getting apologies from you right after when I almost die or get beat up so pack all this crap, including your flowers and get out." "But.." "I said GET OUT!" She sniffed and collected all the cards and the box of chocolate she had dropped off. "So you're really letting him win?" "He already won, Cassidy. Long time ago." She looked down at all the presents she had bought. "You're giving up our friendship for your own selfish reasons?" "If you mean getting killed or beat up everyday then yeah. Pretty much." She clenched her fists and softly sobbed. "I hate what my brother did to you. No, I hate him." "I hate him too." A tear ran down my cheek. "He's the one who made my life worse and still is. I can't afford anything Cassidy. I just can't. He nearly killed my best.. My EX best friend. I'm not gonna let you get hurt." She stared at me. "I will miss you Sammy.." She weakly smiled. "Thanks for protecting me." She left everything she had in her hands on the table and went to the door. "Get well soon." She slowly closed the door and that's when I let all the tears out.

Why? Why me? Why did he always do this to me? Why did he make my life a living hell? Why did he each time have to make me wave bye to my friends and let them go? Why did he have to make me feel worthless and hurt me? Why? Why? So many questions but no answers.


"You're worthless. Disgusting. Ugly. You're so fat. What do you eat everyday? Cake? Chocolate?" He pushed me on the ground and spat on me. "Who'd wanna be friends with you? Oh wait, nobody!" His friends laughed and threw food on me. "Here, food, so you can get fatter." "Ew.. You stink so bad." Cathy fake hurled and her friends giggled and some started Filming. "And what's with the clothes? Are you trying to look like a sl*t cause you look exactly like one." More food. "I'm sure she did the whole school." One spat at me and I wiped it with my arm. Someone grabbed my arms and pinned me to the floor. "Don't you dare wipe that spit away when you deserve it." He licked his fist and punched me with it. I screamed and tried to push him off but he was stronger than me. "Come on you wh*re. Get up!" I fought and hit him but he didn't move once. He then took out a sharp object and pressed it to my skin. Pain. That's all I felt. "HELP!" Kicks, punches, slaps, all thrown at me. "You wanna call for help again?" He jumped off me and spat one last time on me. I cried and tried sitting up. I slowly managed and walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed all the bruises and cuts on my whole Body. Blood was spilled on my clothes, my hair was a mess and my clothes were a bit ripped. I really am ugly. If I'm ugly, then I'm also worthless and fat. I stared at myself and punched the mirror. I sobbed and sank down. I'm such a pathetic baby. I'm nothing. Nothing.

-End of Flashback-

He's right. I'm nothing.

I stared at the scissors laying on the table.

I took a deep breathe and reached out to grab it.

I felt the cold piece of metal and took it.

I have enough. Enough of everything. I can't take this anymore. This has gotta stop and of they can't stop, then, I will.

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