A New 'Friend'

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Samantha P.O.V

I opened my eyes, both the pain and lights hurting my body. I tried moving, no such luck. My arm and leg were in bandages and most of the pain was coming from those two parts.

"Ah, Miss Dickson. You're awake." A man in a white robe came to me with a notepad and smiled sympathetically.

"What happened?" My voice was hoarse from not drinking.

"You're friend found you, beaten up. She says that a Gang had beaten you up." "Is that really what happened cause I don't remember any gang. It was just one guy, I think his name was..." "SAMMY!" A girl voice screamed and I felt my ears lose their hearing.

"My ears.." I hissed and she backed away.

"Sowwy. Forgive me?" The same strange girl pouted and gave me the puppy eyes.

"Who are YOU? And who was this FRIEND that found me?" I asked impatiently.

I knew someone was lying because I had no friends and I don't remember a gang, just Harry's lookalike, Edward.

"I found you silly." She said in a childish voice and I only wanted to slap her right across the face but being the civilized person I was, I breathed in and out.

"And who are you?" "Your friend... Caitlin. Are you sure she's fine doctor?" "Yes. Fine. Apart from the cuts and bruises of course." "Right. Well, thank you so much doctor. You said she could leave?"

The doctor nodded.

"Yes. And it was my pleasure. Good bye and recover well." He said and left the white room that smelled just like medication.

"Come on. I'll take you home." 'Caitlin, my friend' said.

"I don't think so."

"Oh come on Sammy, don't make this any harder, you're already in pain." "I'd actually let you bring me home if you actually told me the truth and not sit there and smile like we've known each other for ages when I've just met you for the first time in my life and don't make up some sh*tty excuse where I've lost memory due to the injuries to my head."

Her jaw dropped and she looked down.


She looked back at me and looked like she was thinking.

"Is that a no or are you making up..." "Fine. I'll tell you the truth. I'm uh... Edward's friend." She truthfully said.

"You are?!"



"No, I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't do that." "And why not?" "Because... You'll, you'll go to the police and accuse Edward. In the end, I'll have to lie but they'll notice and send Edward to prison and then he's gone... Forever..."

"Not forever. Just a few years." I said.

"Yes but to me it seems like forever. Wait.. You're considering it?" "Well now that you mention it.." "No! I can't let you do that! Please don't! He's my whole world! I could never lose him! Please!"

She looked so weak there, begging and pleading for me to not go to court when I should.

"Fine.. But I don't want you bringing me home." "Ok but you promise, right?" "Promises are meant to be broken." I simply stated and pain and sadness flashed in her eyes.

"O-ok. I'll get going then. Bye." "Bye and thank you for uh.. You know bringing me here." "No problem. See you around."

She hurried to the door and fiddled with the lock, opening it, minutes later. She left without a word and I sat there, staring into space.

Who should I call? Mom. Yes. I'll call her.

After a couple of rings, my mom finally picked up.

"Samantha?" "Mom! Uh... Hi. I kinda need you to pick me up from the hospital."

I heard her sigh but cover it with a cough.

"What happened this time?" "I'll tell you at home." "Ok. Well, darling, I really can't fetch you. My meeting is starting in five minutes and your dad is on a business trip. Wait, I'll call my friend. Maybe her daughter could pick you up." "Ok." "I'll call you back." She said and ended the call.

After about two minutes, I received a text.

From Mom: Hey sweetie, good news! Kate can make it! She'll fetch you! She'll be there in about ten minutes or so. Don't worry. Stay there. She'll pick you up from the room. Love you xxx Bye.

Ten minutes of wasted time. Great, I guess.



I turned around and saw a short girl with brown hair and dark brown eyes. She smiled at me and waved.

"I'm guessing you're Kate?" "Yep. So how are you feeling? Oh wait, you're in bandages."

She laughed.

"What's so funny?" "Uh, nothing, I guess. Shall we go? Need some help to walk?" I shook my head. "I'm fine." "Ok, if you say so but if you do need help. I'm right here. Please follow me."

I obeyed her instructions and followed her out to the parking lot.

She opened the car door for me and helped me inside. It was painful but I had to stay strong. She started the car and turned on the radio, humming along to the song.

"So, what happened?" She asked. "I'm not exactly comfortable talking about it. Sorry." "That's cool. I understand. Which school do you go to?" "Holmes Chapel High." "Really? Me too! How come we've never seen each other before?" "I like too keep low."

Yeah right. More like I like to be unpopular and have no friends.

"Yeah, I don't think that's it but whatever, you don't have to tell me."

She turned up the volume and sang along. I gasped and she immediately lowered the volume.

"Sorry. You're probably deaf by now cause of my awful singing." "Awful? More like amazing!"

She blushed.


My house came into view and Kate frowned.

She pulled up and nervously tapped her fingers on the steering wheel.

"It's such a shame that our time together was short... Maybe, we should hang out at school sometime?" "Uh, sure." "Great! Meet you at the school gates tomorrow at fifty past seven and don't be late! Ok.. Well, need some help getting out?" "No, I'm perfectly fine. Bye."

I slammed the car door angrily.

Why did she have to be so nice and friendly? I didn't want to meet her tomorrow, I didn't want to hang out with her, I didn't want her getting hurt because she's friends with me.

The only way to protect her is to ignore her. Maybe she'll get the hint and move on. I just hope she does.

Because seeing the people who actually care about me, in pain, makes me ten times more hurt.

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my friend, Meggie who updated her story just for me and dedicated both them chapters. Thanks girl and here's the chapter you've been waiting for!! Again, comments votes are always appreciated and FYI, the winner of my 'competition' is Katie2345! Congrats!! ^_^ So, anyways, next update: again I don't know, depends on what happens on the weekend but if I do have time then, I'll update! :D K, love y'all xxx ChokolatLover

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