Meeting XxBadStylesGamerxX

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Samantha P.O.V

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, no!"

I slammed my hands on the keyboard and I heard my dad shout.

"Would you stop with all the shouting?"

He burst in the room without knocking. Parents these days.

"I would if you would stop walking in my room without knocking!" "Don't talk to me like that, young lady. Stop, right now!" "No! I'm in the middle of a game! I can't just leave. They'd ban me for leaving game! You don't know LOL!" "Just shut it down and stop." "You just don't get it."

I ignored him and continued playing.

He got annoyed and walked over.

I knew what he was going to do. He was gonna shut down my laptop but no way am I letting him.

"Mommy Wommy!" I screamed.

Dad shook his head. He knew I'd win.

Mom always likes it when I call her that. She'll always take my side when I call her Mommy Wommy. I guess she likes it.

She came in with some cookies and milk.

"Now Robert, leave your daughter alone. She's busy playing." "What? Playing doesn't bring her anything and besides, I can't concentrate with all her shouting." He whined.

"By playing different games, she gets to see the world in different perspectives and how interesting the human imagination can be. It also teaches her how to use things, for example a gun. Even though, it's virtual, it still is almost the same. When she shoots, it's like if she was shooting a real gun."

I laughed mentally. I should get popcorn.

"What does shooting guns bring her but death and pain?"

"Self defense and independency. With that not only does she learn self defense but she doesn't have to call somebody for help when she's in danger which makes her more independent."

I love my mom. Haha.

I continued playing while listening to their conversation. Multitasking.

"What about the shouting?" "There's something called earplugs."

He left and my mom happily cheered.

"Two points for the momster and none for the dad." She said and gave me the snack.

"Thank you mommy Wommy. Love you." "Love you too sweetheart."

After a few minutes of killing and dying, my team finally won. One point for contribution. Cool.

I ate my delicious cookies and drank my milk.

Another wonderful gaming weekend.

I looked at my clock. Four o'clock. Perfect.

I can't help but feel like I've forgotten about something or I should be doing something important... Maybe meeting someone.....

I threw my laptop on my bed and picked out some clothes and changed quickly.

How could I forget such an important day? It's Saturday! The day where I meet him!

I ran out the house and ran as quickly as possible to the park.

I arrived and sat down on a bench, sweaty and panting. Looked at my watch. Four twenty five. He should be here in five minutes.

I looked around, taking in the beautiful scenery.

Pigeons on statues. Fishes in ponds. Dogs playing with their masters. The sun shining and the warm air smelling of flowers.

I looked around, hoping any of these people was him. What if it was that fat guy over there? Or that small boy? What if it was a girl? What if..

"CrazyGamer14?" A husky voice behind me spoke up. That voice. I turned around and hid half of my face with my hoodie.

"XxBadStylesGamerxX?" "That's me."

I couldn't really see his face because the sun was hurting my eyes and he was also wearing a hoodie that was covering his face.

"So, what's your real name?" He said, breaking the awkward silence.

I didn't want to tell him my real name so I came up with one.

"Jane." "Nice to finally, personally meet you Jane. I'm Harry. Harry Styles."

I froze and my heart stopped beating. Harry? No freaking way!

"H-h-ha-harr-ry?" "Yes. H. A. R. R. Y. Harry." I took my hoodie off at the same time as he did.

"J-Jane? You look really familiar.. Just like somebody I know, Sa..." "Samantha." "Wait. How did you know?" "After all these years of bullying, you can't even recognize me?" I spat and he backed away. "Samantha?!" "It's SAM!"

He took a deep breath and bit his bottom lip.

"Samantha is CrazyGamer14.." I heard him mutter to himself.

"Wow." "Yeah. Wow. You took the words right out of my mouth." I said and turned around to leave but he stopped me by grabbing me and pulling me back.

"What? Leave me a alone! Now that I found out my bully is none other than my online friend, I'm leaving! You can un add me as a friend and don't bother chatting to me. Now, Goodbye."

"Wait.. What about the competition? Even though we kinda don't like each other, I still entered us in a competition and we HAVE to practice TOGETHER in order to win."

"Win? Why don't we just lose and that'll make us see each other less?" "Well, the price is kinda big so..." "What is it?" I curiously asked.

"The new Gamex 5 (made it up) plus extra games and also a trip for two to the gaming conference in japan."

"THE NEW GAMEX 5??" I gasped.

That is expensive. Only a few can afford it.

"Fine... I'm in." "Great! Uh... My h.." "No. Mine. Two o'clock tomorrow. Don't be late. I hate people who waste my time, ok?" He nodded and smiled. Wait, did he just smile at me?

He waved goodbye and left.


My BULLY is coming over to MY house.

Sunday is going to be a very tough day. In other words, hell.

A/N: Yay! Could update today :) Enjoy and pls leave some feedback if you have any ideas or any helpful comments that will help me improve :) Also vote if you liked, tomorrow I have a bowling evening with my whole class and their parents so I won't have time to update. Really sorry. Love y'all and hope you can survive one day without an update. Xxx ChokolatLover

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