Chapter 6 : Miracle

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Dan'sPov :

17Years Old :

Itis 2008 and I of course am procrastinating school-work , just asusual and browsing Youtube , trying to distract myself from the demonthat still tries to persuade me to '' turn into one of his kind''crap and I don't want to, what for ?

Ihave researched all symptoms of turning and the process isn't nice ,for example , your skin pales more coulors are added to your eyes ,the colour of your eyes wash out , meaning they are less vibrant andthe most noticable of all : your hair becomes darker and to completethe turning process you have to kill someone and the more brutal yourvictim has been murdered , the darker your hair becomes .. just toname a few of them.

>>How about you type ''amazing'' into the searchbar ? << thedemon asks curiously. I don't have any new videos to watch becausecharlieissocoollike hasn'tuploaded anything in months and others haven't uploaded anythingeither today , they are all cool and stuff , but I can't reallyidentify with them or idolize them, so I decide to listen to thedemon for once and type amazing intothe search-bar and pushed enter. What pops up was lots of viralvideos , I scroll down and find a channel- recoomendation , thechannel is called Amazingphil. Let'ssee how amazing he really is ! I click on his most recent video it iscalled The Rabit is comin to get youu andwatch as he says >> hey guys ! << he looks adorable withhis pale skin and blue eyes , although their colour was kinda washedout and his hair are so deep black I could get lost in their colourand his voice , I need to have him ! Give me a second ... aren'tthose symptoms for being a demon ?! I checked his long-ish hair , norutes , those aren't died, he has this haircolour for real, he killedsomeone , and he did it in the most brutal of ways , otherwise itwouldn't be possible to gain such black hair ! I was shocked , butalso odly fascinated. I need to to meet him ! But I first need himto notice me ! I type his username on twitterand write a message Hey @amazingphil , I really enjoyedyour latest video ! And send it, knowing it would only get lost in the milions of messages that herecieved in that one day.

Aftera while watching his videos became routine and trying to be the firstone to comment on his latest videos became also a routine , just likewriting him messages on twitter, I sadly couldn't find him onMyspace, he didn'tseem to have it.

Amazingphilis quite literally amazing !That I found him has to be a Miracle !

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