Chapter 19 : Arrival

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Dan'sPOV :

24years old :

Weenter the lobby of our first hotel and it looks really dusty and old,a very depressed woman in her fifties with a very strict lookingbraid and a perfect fitting black grey and white dress that isflowing down to the ground. She gives us the key and wishes us a goodtime in the hotel , we nod her a thanks and go to our room.

>>How about we film another video for my channel? << phil asks >>good idea ! << I say >> but we have to move the bedsapart ! << Phil adds , I nod my head and we do as Philsuggested and move the beds to the different ends of the room andfilm it on Dan's bed.

Thenext day is rather peaceful, with a nice breakfast >> I wish wecould have more pancakes ! << Dan says and winks , I blushbecause I know what he means.

Lateron we have a show and we meet lots of new people and I meet my veryfirst subscriber , but I can barely remember his name after the manypeople I have encountered today , but I think it was Adriansomething.

Inthe evening we go to a chinese restaurant and we both have duck withsweet-sour-sauce and a lovely bamboo schnaps, which is very strong.Afterwards go on the tourbus to drive to the next place.

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