Chapter 9 : Dan's Dream

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Phil's POV :

28years old :

Iopen the door to the kitchen and clean my knife , you have done mewell tonight my slitter, for taking so many lifes , again and again.I smile at my reflection the cubbord is creating. I smile at my paleface with those deadly black eyes and my matching hair and my smile.Killing is just a cycle you can't escape from , once you've startedyou have to do it again and again, because it brings you to cloud 9 ,makes you feel euphoric because you have control over life and death.

Istart to hum while I rinse the blood of my butcherknife.

Afterthe cleaning I put it back into the knifeblock and go to bed. I fallasleep at once, having beautiful memories from the night before.

WhenI open my eyes I hear shuffling from the kitchen. Dan ? In thekitchen ? At 8:00 AM in the morning ? Wow ! That's new !

Istrech myself and go to the kitchen to see Dan look look longingly atmy slitter. I clear my throat and he looks at me and smiles >>Morning Phil ! << he says cheerfully >> how was yoursleep ? << >> fantastic ! << I answer >>Alittle late but fantastic, and I had such a nice dream ! << Itell him. >> Me too ! << he sighs >> I wish itcould have been real ! <<. >> Well, who soesn't wanttheir dreams to be real ? << I ask Dan , already knowing whathe's going to answer , but he doesn't , he bites his lower lip andnods his head , casting his eyes down as if he was feeling bad aboutsomething. >> Hey Dan what's wrong ? << I ask him worried, he looks at me and answers : >> I have dreams about killingpeople and I love those dreams , I love the thought of being strongerthen them , controling and torturing them and then letting theirlives escape with a single cut through the vein on their neck, itsends tingles down my thighs , my arms and my whole body ! <<

Hisexplanation lets my blood-lust flame up and I could feel how myvision got better and I know that my eyes are turning black, he looksat me shocked, but I'm not sure if he's just pretending it.

>>Do you want this dream to come true ? << I ask him smirking.

Helooks at me and bit his lip before answering : >> Of course,but people would die and I don't want to be a killer ! << .

>>Peopledie any way !<< I answer him smiling >> didn't you everwonder how it feels like to stab a person multiple times , makingthem afraid of you , showing them your true colours ? << Hiseyes closed until only slits were left and he said >> yes!<<. I nod my head and ask >> do you see these ? << before Ipoint at my black eyes >> the cause of their deadly, dangerouscolour is the same cause as of why my hair turned this black ; myfirst murder was very brutal , i stabbed them in multple places andtortured them beyond their imagination ! << I sigh at thesewonderful memories and he says : >> I want to do that ! I wantto be mercyless to my victims, make them fear me . But what i wantthe most is your black eyes ! << I chuckle letting him see mytrue madness and tell him : >> Then follow me ! << 

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