Chapter 11 : The Girl who was willing

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Phil's POV :

28 years old :

Wearrived at my favourite place to kill, a dark alleyway. I see a girlwalk into the direction of us two and I tell Dan to go and hide.

Imyself hide behind some trash-containersand grab her small shouldersand tear her into the shadows where I was standing. I hold her mouthshut and close my elbow around her neck and put some ducktape aroundher mouth and cut the vein on her arm open all the way and the bloodflows out in thick streams , I laugh evilly , while she was trying toscream , but she was dso shocked , no sound left her mouth. I laugheven more as I cut the skin below her collarbones, I sigh in delightand tore her top off, exposing her breasts , they were a quite goodsize, not to big and not to small, I take my knife and cut the booboff, she whimpers and tries to scream,all that comes out is a mufflednoise.

Bloodgushes out of her chest and I cut off her left boob , agonizinglyslow , she tries to scream again and I laugh even louder.

Heywait, I didn't hold her hands together and she didn't resist me inany way, she just let me do everything I want to her , I stumble andlet go of my slitter. I grab her wrist to cut it with my fingernail ,but she shakes it off and takes her ducktape with a silent scream.

>>Yes Phil , stab me , do to me what you want ! << she whispersweakly, I ak her >> what ? << being completly irritated.She look into my black , soulless eyes and orders me , her voicebeing a little bit stronger and louder than before : >> Stab mewherever you want ! <<

Igulp, no victim ever wanted me to stab them wherever I wanted to doso, but her eyes are looking at me so pleadingly. I pick up mybeloved slitter from the cold asphalt ground and plunge the knifeinto her shoulder, she just stands there in silence , I let her falldown onto the ground as I stab her heart and she sighs weakly.I tilther neck and expose the main bloodvessel , I cut it open and see allthe blood running out, escaping it's old home and create red puddleson the grey ground.

Thepuddles look absolutely beautiful , I lick my way across her neck andgulp down her blood.I love it, blood is so delicious !

Icut open even more blood vessels and lick blood from them , enjoyingand frolicking in the taste of her sweet sweet blood.

Shesmiles aqnd sighs and a pure, white light leaves her body as hereyes close, this light is her soul which I will make mine. I whisperto it to come to me, to make me feel better and it changes her way from going up to going inside me with my sickening sweet talking .

Asit gets sucked up and devoured by me I can feel myselfbecome strongerand faster and laugh out a last time before I whisper >> Dan ?<< 

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