Room 102

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Kirstie POV

I heard the alarm clock buzz as I realized it was 7.00am. I was ready to press snooze when it hit me...

Today is the day! I've been waiting for this day to come.... and it's here, oh it's finally here! I got up out of bed and headed to the bathroom with a huge smile on my face.

I took a refreshing shower and thought about today... possible the best day of my life. Today I was finally going to university with my two besties Scott and Mitch...... yeah I know what you're thinking... nerd alert! But that's me, your typical nerd.

When i walked out of the shower i brushed my teeth, brushed my hair parted it in the middle and put it into two braided pigtails and changed into a knee leangth black skirt with a bright pink top and black boots. I grabbed my suitcase and my bags from my room and went down stairs for some breakfast and to say goodbye to my mom.

I walked into the kitchen and was greeted by my mom. "Oh sweetie.... look at you! You're so grown up and beautiful. You're already off to UNI!" she said as a few tears slipped from her watery eyes. "I'll only be gone for a few months mom! I'll visit when the term ends. Don't got too upset." "I know honey.... I'll just miss you. But let's keep it positive! This sraight A student who i am lucky enough to call my daughter is going to university!" she said as she started grinning widely "And because that's happening i made my little princess her favourite breakfast!" My eyes widened "You.... you mean.... pancakes and ice-cream with hot-chocolate and marshmallows?" She nodded and giggled as i ran to the kitchen.

After the delicious breakfast i said my goodbyes... well only to my mom since my dad left when i was about 5 because he met another woman, but if my mom's happy without him then so am i!

As i got into my car i made sure i had everything and headed to my destination. I screamed on the inside as i put the radio on full volume.... "Uni here I come!"

I parked my car and saw Scott and Mitch talking to eachother. I went rushing towards them with arms wide open and hugged them.

"Hey PRINCESS!" Mitch screamed, loud enough so every other human being in the area could hear him "Hey queen" i said trying to hide my face as a couple of students were staring at me but i tried to ignore them.

"So do ya'll know who you're rooming with? You know... for the dorms?" I asked as i looked at Scott. "No" he replied "Iwish we could be in a dorm all three of us" "me too" "me three" said Mitch budding into the conversaition! "And who asked you?" I said while trying to keep a straight face. He raised his hand up to my face and said "The queen does not have time to talk to her peasants. You ignorant fools" as he said that i couldn't contain my laughter anymore so i started laughing histerically along with Scott who had tears falling out of his eyes.

After a few minutes of chatting with my best friends we are called inside so we grab our things and enter enthusiastically!

"Let's go see who we are partnered up with for the dorms" i suggested because i was wayyyy too curious. "What are we waiting for then. Let's goooo!" Scott went running to the board and grabbed the paper with a sad yet relieved look in his eyes.

There was silence for about a minute. "Sooooo???...." I said trying to break the silence. "Are we together?"

"Not exactly" says Scott as i feel a sharp pain in my chest. Did i forget to mention that i don't do well with socialising....especially with people i didn't know? Yeah.... fear took over my body for a moment. But i calmed myself down. "I'm partnered up with Mitch but you're not with us Kirst.... it's just us two"

I quickly grabbed the peice of paper from Scott's hands as i scanned every inch of it. My heart started pounding so loud that you could hear it.

"I....I....erm...I" that's all i managed to say at the moment. "What's wrong Kirst?" Mitch said with a worried look on his face. I took a deep breath and said "I'm in room 102" They both had confused looks on their faces. "And also..... my roomate is Avi.... Avi Kaplan."
And their faces dropped....

Hi guys! Thankyou for reading.
This is my first time ever writing a book and i hope that you enjoyed it!
So as you can tell I'm a fan of pentatonix and i ship Kavi somaj.
Feel free to comment down below any suggestions or ideas for my next chapters. I will try to upload twice a week untill September cause then school starts and i will be busy but untill then.... have a very lovely day and stay gorgeous.
Luv ya 😘

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