Acing tests

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When i saw Amanda say those things about her i just flipped. I couldn't take it anymore. They were hurting her and when she gets hurt i get hurt believe it or not. But that was not the most surprising part. SHE KISSED ME!...... okay maybe not the real locking lips but it was still a kiss. I tried to keep my cool but i blushed... like a lot. She just smiled. She's really got that confidence inside of her. That's one of the many reasons why i like her.

We went to our dorm and we just did our homework together and she helped me with math again since i had an exam tomorrow. I felt kind of embarrased though. "So..... tell me! What does the Pythagoras Theorem say?" She asked me. "Erm.... it says that...." i blanked out at the moment. "I.... I don't know Kirst. I.... i forgot." I said. "No. No you didn't forget. You're smart and you know this. You can do this."

She tried to encourage me but i still forgot. I just shrugged but that was untill she got a hold of my hand and squeezed it tight. "Look at me Avi." I looked up at her gorgeous hazel eyes to see that beautiful smile on her beautiful face. "I believe in you. You're gonna pass the test. No doubt about it. What does the Pythagoras Theorem say?" She said and i don't know how and i certainly do not know why but i remembered what it said. "Uh... it states that the square of the hypothenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides." I said.

"That was a perfect answer. Let's keep going." And we continued studying all night. It was eleven o clock and we decided to hit the hay. "Goodnight Avi." "Goodnight Kirst." And with that we went to sleep.

Kirstie POV

I woke up and started to get out of bed but then i realised that Avi was not there. He usually gets up after me. I changed clothes and then i went to check if he was in the bathroom. "BOO!" "Oh my gosh. Avi..... you...... blimming scared the hell .....out of me." I said between heavy breaths. "Sorry.... I'm sorry. I just wanted to scare you." He said and i playfully hit his shoulder. "And... i also got you this." He said as he got a box out of his pocket. I took it from him and opened it. "It's just a little something for helping me with my math and all."

It was a necklace with a dragon pendant. It was beautiful. "Avi.... this is beautiful. Just one question..... why a dragon?" I asked. "Well..... i might have a huge nerdy obsession on dragons." He said with his head down. I hugged him and said "Thanks." We just stayed in the same position for a while but he pulled away. "We erm.........we better get going to class." He said. "Yeah. Let's go."

We left and entered the biology lab. We sat in our places and we both approached the teacher on her desk. We handed in the project a week early. She smiled at me and then looked Avi. "Great work. Both of you." She said and we went back to our seats. He raised his hand up and gestured for me to do the same. He high fived me and i just laughed at his goofiness. The lesson was over.... finally. We said our goodbyes and continued with our day. The day went by pretty quickly and it was finally lunch time. I sat with my friends as usual. We just talked and Mitch.... well.... he was sassier than usual.

As i was talking to Scott about the choir performance, Avi came up from behind me and patted me on the shoulder. I got up and looked at him. He quickly wrapped his arms around me and spun me around in the air. "What was that for?!" I said laughing. "Look at this." He said and grabbed his backpack. He got out a paper and shoved it right in my face. I laughed again but when i looked at the paper i smiled. "I got an A on the math test all thanks to you." He said. "See! I told you that you could do it." I said and hugged him again.

Mitch cleared his throat and we stopped hugging. "Oh right. Avi, meet Scott and Mitch. Scott and Mitch meet Avi." "It's really nice to meet you." He said "You too." They both said at the same time. "Well listen. I got to go. I have English now. It was nice meeting you guys. See you later Kirst. Bye!" "Bye Avi." I said and Scott and Mitch waved at him. He left and i sat back down.

I saw both of my idiot friends smirking at me. "It's not what you think. I just tutored him with his math and he got an A." "Yeah but he also lifted you up and he also got you that necklace." Said Mitch. "How did you know that he got me the necklace?" I said surprised that he figured it out. "I know now." He said with all his sass. I just stabbed my food and huffed at him. "Don't be mad Kirst. I think he likes you." Said Scott. "No he doesn't." "Of course he does. Why wouldn't he?" "No. The question is why would he?" Scott opened his mouth to talk but was cut off by the bell ringing. "I got to go guys...see you whenever." I said and left.

I entered the choir room and sat next to Avi. He smiled at me and i smiled back at him. "Hey" he whispered. "Hey back" i whispered. "Settle down students." Said Mr.Hudson. I didn't even see him enter the room. "So yesterday i applied for the music festival like we did last year and i was hoping that we could actually take home a trophy. I decided that Avi and Kirstie should be the lead singers." Every single head in the room turned around and looked at us. We were in the back of the classroom so i could see and feel every pair of eyes look at me and waiting for me to agree or disagree.

"Yeah sure. I'm up for it." Said Avi. "Are you okay with it Kirst" said Avi but he said it so that only i could hear him. I just nodded. "Excellent. You can do your cover of say something and the rest of you can do back round vocals. I'll give you your parts but meanwhile you two should rest your voices." He said pointing to us. "Okay sir." I said. I wasn't feeling that nervous. I was actually happy that i got to do this with Avi.

Thankyou guys so much for reading. You are all amazing and I will update soon. Thanks again for all the reads.
Stay gorgeous! 😍😘😀💜👌

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