New nicknames

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Kirstie POV

We left Mc Donalds and went back to the school. We were just chatting when i got hit in the head with a rock..... okay a small pebble but it still hurt a lot. I looked around and saw Amanda and her 'possy'. I swear that girl is........ a million things, not all positive. I started crying but i kept it low. I didn't want them to see me. Mitch just held my hand and Scott told me that they were idiots. Ya know..... moral support. Kevin checked out the bruise i had forming on the side of my forehead and Avi just disappeared.

"Don't you ever dare do that again!" I heard Avi yell. I never seen him this furious. Not even on the first day we met and he just screamed in my face. "And what are you gonna do about it boo?" Said Amanda being all touchy. "First of all don't call me that! And secondly, if you dare touch her, hit her, talk to her or even stand near her, i can assure you that that will be the last thing you ever do with your life. Unterstood?" Amanda just stood there wide eyed and open mouthed. She was frozen. She nodded and was obviously scared of Avi. "Good." He said and walked back to us.

"That.... was.... brave of you." Said Kevin with the same expression on his face as Amanda. "You're awsome. Thanks for doing that man." Said Scott. "Yeah you really care about her. Lucky you Avi." Said Mitch and winked at him. I immediately turned bright red. Mitch stopped holding me but Avi instantly took his place. I could feel his warm hands wrap around my body. It was a perfect fit. I just wanted to stay like this forever.

"Thanks." I mumbled. "I'm always here. Remember? Forever and Always." He said. "You always seem to be the one who helps me and i don't feel like i thank you enough." I said still weeping. "Having you as a friend is the best thankyou you could ever give me. I'm just glad you're a part of my life. A huge one actually." He said and i dug my face deeper into his chest. We let go of eachother and started walking back to our dorms. He held my hand all the way there.

We said bye to Mitch and Scott first and then continued to walk. We arrived at our dorm and said bye to Kevin since his dorm was further away from ours. We entered and i went to the bathroom. I changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth, put my hair in a messy bun and sat on my bed. Avi did the same but sat on his bed.

"Tonight was fun!" He said. "Yeah i had a blast." I said. "Yeah i mean.... we ate, formed an acapella group, named ourselves, embarrassed Amanda infrount of her 'crew'... we accomplished a lot tonight." He said with a huge smile on his face. I laughed at that. "You're right. Look at all that we've done in one night. I feel exhausted." I told him. "Yeah. I know what you mean. I'm tired too. You wanna go to dream land." I smiled at him and nodded.

"Well then.... goodnight Kit kat." He said. "Kit kat? Why?" I said. "My nickname for you. And also..... i saw you eat a kit kat bar today during lunch." He said. "You were spying on me?" I said jokingly. "N-no. I.... i just walked past y-you." "What ever you say.... my.... dragon." I said. "Dragon?" "My nickname for you." I said imitating him. "Okay then. Goodnight Kit Kat." He said and turned off the lights. "Goodnight dragon." I said and fell asleep.

The next day i woke up pretty excited about the whole acapella group thing. I got out of bed but because of my clumsiness i knocked my phone off of the pillow. It hit the floor not hard enough to break but hard enough to make a huge sound and Avi woke up. "I'm so sorry Avi. It was an accident. I didn't mean to wake you." I said. "Kirst. Calm down. It's okay. I was going to wake up anyways. Well let's start our morning right shall we." He smiled at me. "Good morning Kit Kat." I smiled back at him. "Morning dragon."

He got out of bed and started heading to the bathroom but i quickly got up and ran past him. I opened the bathroom door and locked it. "Hey! That's cheating ya know!?" "Well you know what they say. Ladies first." I said laughing. "Yeah yeah..... whatever?!" He said and i started getting ready. I had my clothes already in the bathroom from the night before and got changed. I wore a pink flowy top paired with some black leggings and my black converse. I just brushed my hair and let it down..... like always.

I unlocked the door and got out of the bathroom but i was tackled to the ground. Avi started tickling me. "NO.... DON'T...... STOP......." i said between laughs. "What was that? Don't stop? I wasn't going to don't worry." He said with an evil smirk on his face. "Avi..... please..... let me.... go." I said again laughing very hard. He finally stopped and started laughing himself.

"That was...... not.... f-funny." I said out of breath. "Well i wasn't the one laughing was i?" He said. "That'll teach you for being a cheater." He walked into the bathroom and i shouted "Try not to wear something that matches with my outfit." "Oh please. Like i would ever wear pink." He said. "It goes great with your eyes though." I said sarcastically. "Oh shut up!" He said. We both started laughing.

He was ready in just a few minutes and when he got out of the bathroom he stopped and started staring at my neck. "Can i help you?" I said confused. "You're wearing the necklace that i gave you." "Yeah. I..... i never took it off since you gave it to me." He smiled and grabbed my hand. "I'm glad you like it. Ready to go to chemistry m' lady?" He said in a weird accent. "Not really. I hate that class but...... of course kind sir." I said in the same accent. He held the door open for me and we left to class.

It was soon lunch but this time it was different. As Mitch, Scott and i were roaming the cafeteria to find a table i spotted Avi sitting next to Kevin. I smiled at him but he shot out of his seat. "Come sit here!" He said loudly.... it wasn't exactly a scream. I sat between Avi and Scott. We started eating and talking about choir lessons. The bell rang and we all went to the choir room..... all five of us.

Avi and i sat in our usual seats while Scömìche and Kevin sat near us. "Good morning students." Said Mr.Hudson as he walked in. Avi shot his hand up immedeatly. "Yes Avi." "We have three new students for this class. They are right over there." He said pointing at them then he continued. "They are Scott, the tall blonde, Mitch, the short brunette and Kevin, the tall muscular guy."

I continued for him. "We started singing together and realised that we could be a good acapella group. We tried it out and some people seemed to enjoy it." I said.

"Well show us then." Said Mr.Hudson. "W-we haven't got anything to show. We just harmonised a little bit." Said Avi. "Well then. I will need to hear something by tomorrow. Do any song you like but not all of it. Just a tiny part. I only want to hear a small sample." We all nodded and continued with the lesson.

Hi there!
I'm sorry if this chapter was kind of boring but i had writer's block. I didn't knkw what to write..... but i promise there will be some interesting things happening soon so stay tuned.
I love ya'll very much and thanks for 400 reads. That is insane.
Stay gorgeous! 😘😍💋💚💙

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