Forever and always

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Kirstie POV

I was actually really excited to perform in that music festival. I saw how happy Avi was when the teacher said that we should be the main vocals. So i decided to give it a shot. When the lesson ended i grabbed my books and put on my backpack. I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder and soon realised it was Avi.

"Hey." I said to him. "Hey." "Do you have anywhere to go right now?" I asked. "Uh No. I have nothing to do now." He said. "Good. I'm going to Scott and Mitch's dorm. Would you like to join me?" I asked him. "I would be honoured." He said bowing down at me like I'm some of queen. I laughed and said "Save it for when we get to their place." He looked at me like a confused puppy. "Mitch is the sassiest queen you'll ever meet." He stared at me and then we both just burst out into laughter.

We were just walking and talking about the stupidest things ever and all of a sudden Avi grabbed my hand. I giggled. "What are you doing ya doof?" He smiled and came closer. "Amanda is right over there. Pretend like i just said something funny." I looked at him and laughed a little. We continued that act untill Amanda was out of sight. We just started laughing. He turned red and i had tears falling out of my eyes. "You should've seen her face." He said. "She looked like she just seen a ghost...... thanks for that. For being a good friend." I said. "Forever and always." He said and smiled.

We reahced the dorm and i knocked on it. Mitch opened the door. "Hey prince- oh.... I didn't know he was coming." "Oh. I can leave if its-" he said but Mitch cut him off. "NO! I didn't mean it like that. You can stay as long as you like. Any friend of Kirstie is a friend of ours. I just really didn't know you were coming that's all." We entered the dorm and Scott spotted us. "Oh hey Avi!" He said and waved at him.

"What am i? Just a peice of trash." I said jokingly. "It took you that long to figure it out?!" Scott said. I put one hand on my chest and pretended to be shocked. He laughed and so did i but my laughing soon stopped cause when i put my hand down i accidentally hit Avi in the stomach. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry." "It's okay. It didn't even hurt." He said and smiled at me. I smiled back amd instantly got lost in his eyes. I forgot about Scott and Mitch. I forgot about where we were but i didn't care. "So...." said Scott and we both jumped.

"Uh... right right.... erm." I stuttered like a two year old learning how to talk but i calmed down. "We are going to be performing in the music festival by the way." I said. "No way. Are you serious?" Asked Scott. "Yeah. We're actually the main voices. We're gonna be doing the Say Something cover that we did for the assignment." Said Avi. "Oh that's so cool. We are definetly going to come and watch you guys." Said Mitch. "Just don't embarrass me." "Okay honey." They both said at the same time. "Thanks mom. Thanks dad." We all giggled at that.

Avi and i stayed at their place for about 15 minutes but then decided to leave and do our homework and study a little. We reahced our dorm and Avi opened the door. He put one arm on his back and the other on his stomach. "After you madame." He said and i tried so hard not to laugh. "Such a gentleman." I said and he just giggled.

We sat down on our beds and started our homework. Today i didn't really have much and neither did he so we finished early.... like 2 hours maybe. It was about 6pm. I was reading on my bed and Avi came up to me. "Hey! So me and Kev were going to grab some food from Mc D's. You wanna come with?" "Sure. I'd love to." "Great. You wanna ask Scott and Mitch to come?" He asked. "Yeah sure. I'll text them."

I grabbed my phone and started typing.

K- Hey guys.

M- Hey babe.

S- Hi gurl!

K- Are you busy tonight?

S- Nah. We're not doing anything.

M- Why?

K- Well Avi just invited us to go with him and his friend Kevin to Mc Donalds. You up for it? 😀

S- Sure why not? What time and where should we meet?

K- I don't know. I'll ask Avi. Give me a minute.

M- Hurry back.

"Hey Avi! What time are we going?" "In half an hour we'll meet at the front of the school." "K thanks." I said and went back to texting Scott and Mitch.

K- In about half an hour. At the front of the school.

S- Looking forward to it! 😊

M- Just don't make out with your prince though. 😗

S- You tell her babe.

M- Thanks boo boo bear! 😘

K- Oh get a room you two.

S- 😂😂😂

K- Anyways..... i got to go and get ready. C u soon x.

S- See you xoxo.

M- Bye bye!

I put my phone down and went to my closet. I started looking at my clothes and decided on a tight green top and some black skinny jeans. I put on my black boots and brushed my hair. I got out of the bathroom to find Avi wearing a green shirt, black jeans and black converse. He also had a beanie. We just stared at eachother. He looked at me from head to toe and so did i.

"So.... we're that couple." As soon as he said that my face turned red. Couple? What is going on? "Oh speaking of couples. I forgot to tell you but.... Mitch and Scott are dating." "Ohh... That's so sweet." "So you're okay with it?" I asked. "Yeah. Why wouldn't i be? They are seriously meant for eachother." I smiled at him and grabbed my purse and my phone. "Shall we?" He asked. "We shall." I said smiling at him.

We left and met up with Scott and Mitch. "Hey guys." I said. "Hey." Said Mitch looking at me with the stupidest smirk on his face. "Matching are we?!" "It... it was just a coincidence." Said Avi. "What he said." I said but Mitch still kept that smirk on his face. After a few minutes of waiting Kevin came. "Guys. I would like you to meet Kevin. Kevin this is Scott and Mitch. They're a couple by the way. And you already met Kirstie." Said Avi. "Great to meet you guys. Shall we get going?" "Sure." Everyone said. "There's one near the school so we can just walk over there." Said Mitch. We nodded and started walking.

We got to Mc Donalds and found a table. Scott and Mitch sat next to eachother while Kevin and Avi did the same. So that means that Kevin was facing Scott and Avi was facing Mitch. There were two seats left. One next to Mitch and one next to Avi. I was going to sit next to Mitch but he put his jacket on the seat and smirked at me. I had to sit next to Avi. We ordered our food and started eating as soon as Kevin came with the trays. We dug in and after a while the food was gone.

"I can't move." Said Kevin and we all laughed. "Let's just stay here for a few more minutes and then we'll leave." Said Avi and we all nodded. "So Kirstie. I heard you sing." Said Kevin. "Just a little." I said shyly. "Are you kidding me?! Your voice is beautiful." Said Avi. I tried to hide my blush but Scott caught me and smiled at me. "What about you huh? Can you sing?" I asked Kevin. "No. Maybe a little.... but i beat box." He said. "Really?! That's so cool" said Scott. "Come on. Give us a little something." Said Mitch. "Okay fine."

He started beatboxing and i was amazed. Avi joined in with a bass line. I started to sing to a tune similar to Avi's but obviously higher. Soon after Scott and Mitch joined. We were in perfect harmony. When we finished everyone started to clap. We smiled at eachother. "I didn't know you guys could sing!" Said Avi pointing to Scömìche. "Well..... we dabble." Said Mitch.

"Hey Avi. I have an idea. How about we tell Mr.Hudson to let us perform acapella at the music festival." I said. "That would be awsome. Are you guys in?" Everyone nodded. "But what should we call ourselves? You name." Said Kevin. Everyone started vomiting out names untill Scott shot out of his seat.

"I got it." We all looked at him. "Pentatonix." He said and we all smiled.

Hey babes.
I promise that I'm still alive. I know it hasn't been that long but i used to update daily or close to that. But i hope you enjoyed this chappy. It's really long and i put a lot of thought into it.
Btw i got the idea for the title from The Originals series. I just started watching it.... its sooo good.
Thx for all the reads. ILYSM.
Stay gorgeous! 😍😗😚💖❣

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