I like you too

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AN: Hey you!
So this chapter might seem long and boring at first but stick till the end. There is some real kavi action going on.

Kirstie POV

We all decided to meet up in our room later on to arrange the song. I was excited but also scared. I didn't think that we could do it in just a few hours. I just hope we make it. We all went to our dorms to finish up our homework.

"So. You wanna help me with my math homework?" He asked in barley a whisper putting his head down. "Hey! There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. To be fair. I kind of need some help in my english." I said putting my head down aswell. "Y-you're asking me?" "Yeah. You're pretty smart you know that right?" I asked him confused. "I..... sure. If you say so." He said. "Okay. Let's start then." I said grabbing his arm and pulling him on my bed....... okay not in that way. Just to sit down and write. Hehe....okay.

We were done and we had about 15 minutes untill the others would show up. "So. What do you wanna do untill the others come?" I asked. "I don't know. Anything you like!" "Okay. Let's play a game." I said enthusiastically. "Okay I'm in. Let's play truth or dare!" He said. "Okay you start. Truth or dare?" "Hm. I'm gonna go with dare." He said. "I dare you to..... show me the funniest face you can make." "Seriously? That's the best dare you could come up with?!" He said. "Just do it. I'm bad at this." He laughed and did the dare. I started laughing when he did it. "Thankyou, thankyou. I call it the superfrown." He said. "Okay your turn."

"I'm gonna go with truth." I said. "Okay. Tell me a story about someone you liked in the past. If it's funny it gets bonus points." He said. "Well... i never really liked anyone untill this guy popped into my life. It's not funny so i don't get points though." I said with a giggle. He smiled. "Go on. Do tell."

"Okay. So i like this guy but we are polar opposites. I'm lucky enough that he even knows me. There is no way in hell that he'd like me back cause I'm a nerd and he's..... not, i guess. But it's okay. I'm used to it now." I said. Avi's facial expression changed. He was listening to the story but i could see something else in his eyes.

"Any guy that doesn't like you is an idiot. You are smart, funny, talented and beautiful. If this douche bag doesn't see that then he's not worth it." I started to blush like crazy. He was so sweet. I didn't know what to say so i just got off of my bed and swallowed him in a hug. "Forever and always." He said. "Forever and always." I repeated. There was a knock on the door and we quickly parted from our hug. Avi went to get the door while i sat down on my bed.

"Hey guys!" Said Avi. "Hey beanie!" Said Mitch as he entered. "Hey Mitchie." I said as i jumped off the bed to greet them. "So. Are you guys ready to start." Said Kevin. "Yeah. So first things first. What song are we gonna sing?" I asked. "Well. I was thinking on doing Say Something since you guys done it already. And if Mr.Hudson accepts that we can sing as an acapella group our arrangment will be half done." Said Kevin. "That's really smart. Do you guys agree with that? I'm into it." Said Scott. We all nodded and someone mumbled a yeah sure.

"Wait a minute guys. If Avi has the lead who's gonna sing bass?" Asked Mitch. "Ugh. Good point. Maybe Scott can take the lead." Said Avi with a small frown forming on his face. "No. I don't fit as the lead. My voice is not as powerful as yours. We'll figure something out." Scott said. "KEVIN!" Screamed Avi. "WHAT?" Kevin screamed back. "Sorry about that but i just had an idea. You can use Beyoncé." Avi said. By now Mitch, Scott and I looked confused. "Oh my gosh. I can't believe i didn't think of that. I'll be right back." Kevin said as he ran out of the dorm.

"Okayyy. What just happened?" Asked Mitch. "You'll see." Avi said. Kevin came back in a surprisingly short time. He was carrying a case of what seemed to be like a violoncello. He opened it and i was right. It's a cello. "Guys. I would like you to meet Beyoncé. I could play my cello instead of a bass but you still have to sing a bass line Avi cause i won't be able to keep up." Said Kevin. "Yeah sure."

And we started arranging the song or the other way around. The song was coming together really fast. All five of us had a connection with music, like it was a huge part of our lives. Kevin was really good at playing the cello. He does this thing called Classy Swagger where he plays the cello and beatboxes at the same time. It's incredible. After a few hours of arranging and rehearsing the song to make sure it was perfect we were finally done. Everyone left and we went to bed.

The next day we woke up super excited about showing Mr.Hudson our arrangment. We sang the song and everyone applauded. The teacher agreed that we should sing as an acapella group representing the school choir. We were so happy and couldn't wait to sing it infrount of thousands of people.

*a week from now..... i didn't know what to write. Sorry*

"A few more minutes from now we will be on that stage singing. Somebody pinch me." Said Mitch. Scott reached for his shoulder and pinched him. "Oww. I didn't mean literally you dumb cutie." He said. We all laughed except for Scott who turned red. "Pentatonix. Ready for show time." Said the security guard. We left our dressing room and headed to stage. I was shaking. "Are you okay?" Asked Avi. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking about the last time i got on a stage." "Well stop it. That was last time. This time it's going to be perfect, just like you." He said bopping my nose. I smiled at him. "Thanks." I said.

We got on stage and waited for Kevin to set Beyoncé up. We signalled the crew that we were ready and the lights turned on. "Pentatonix. An acapella group representing the Jefferson University School choir." Said the man hosting the show. We started the song and it was nerve wrecking at first but then we really got into it. We were singing from the heart.... all of us. It was the best performance of my life.

We were close to the end and Avi and I started moving closer to eachother since we have to be in the middle when the song ended. We started looking at eachother while singing. By the time kevin started singing his line i was lost in his eyes. The song was over and Avi and i were closer than ever. Our noses were practically touching but then.... our lips attached. I felt shivers down my spine. I couldn't believe what was actually happening. We stopped and stared at eachother untill we heard a large crowd of people clapping.

The lights turned off and we got off stage. "That was amazing." Said Scott. "I especially loved the surprise ending you two." Said Mitch pointing to us. "Yeah about that. Can i talk to you Avi?" I asked. "Sure." He said and we slipped away from the others. "Okay. So that kiss that just happened didn't mean anything right? It was just for stage." I said. "Yeah but Kirst-" "No buts. You just felt the vibe and got lost in the music." I said. "No Kirstie. I got lost in your eyes." "What?" I asked confused.

"I like you Kirstie. There i said it. I like you. I have from the first day we met but i just didn't see it immediately. I know you could never like me back so I'm sor-" I cut him off with a kiss. "Of course i like you Avi. You are the Polar opposite. You're the one that's supposed to not like me back." I said. "Why wouldn't i? You're so beautiful." He said. I felt my cheeks warm up. "And you're so amazing. I like you Avi." "I like you too Kirstie. I have a question. Two actually." "Anything. Ask me anything." "Will you go out with me?" "Yes. Of course." "And.... will you be my girlfriend?" "I would love to." I said and he pulled me in for another kiss.

We pulled away and heard a chorus of ohhh's coming from all around us. "You do know that your mic's are still on right?" Said Mitch. "We were not aware of that. Sorry everybody." Said Avi and people started clapping. We looked at eachother and smiled. I was lucky to call him my boyfriend and to call myself his girlfriend.

Hey beauties.
I really hope that you liked this chapter.
This is not the last chapter though so stick around. Thankyou for all the reads and support. You guys are seriously the best.
ILYSM! 😘😘😘
Stay gorgeous. 😙😁💙💚💛

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