Your..... sister?

683 22 14

Kirstie POV

Scott and Mitch practically dragged me all the way out of the school. I had no clue on what we were doing so i just followed them.

"Okay. WE'RE HERE!" Screamed Mitch. I was so lost in my thoughts i didn't even realise we had walked a pretty long way. I looked up and saw a hair salon. I was a little confused. "What are we doing here guys?" I asked still confused. "Duh! Isn't it obvious." "Wait a minute....." i said. "You are getting a haircut." They both said in unison. I hadn't been to a hairdresser in almost a year.

We got in and waited for someone to call my name. After about 10 minutes of waiting and just talking about random things, a girl, who looked older than me called entered the room we were in. "Hi! Are you Kristie?" "Yeah no. It's Kirstie. It's like.... thirsty with a K." I said. "But it ends with an ie." Added Scott. "Ugh. I'm sorry. Max is our new employee. I'm sorry about that." She apologised "It's totally fine. It happends all the time." I replied. "Come on in!"

We entered the salon and i got seated. "So. What are we going to do with you today?" I looked at her then at Scott then back at her then at Mitch. "I have no idea.... ma'am." I said. "Oh where are my manners. I'm Esther." "I'm Kirstie Mald-" "Maldonado." She cut me off. I looked at her shocked. "How did you know that?" I asked her. "My brother talks about you a lot. And i mean a lot." "Wait who's your brother." "My name is Esther Kaplan and my brother is Avi.... your roomate." My facial expression changed and i just stared at her with my  eyes wide open.

"Oh....." I said and looked over at Scott and Mitch. Scott had the same expression as me while Mitch smirked at me. "What did he do?" She asked seriously. "N-nothing.... he did absolutely nothing. We just despise eachother in a way." "I'm not even gonna ask.... anyways. Hair?" She asked and Scömìche replied for me. "Something bad ass but innocent." "And i was thinking of dying your hair back to it's natural colour... black...."

Esther examined me for about a few minutes and then her smile widened and her eyes popped. "I KNOW!" She screamed and broke my ear drum. "Sorry..... i have the perfect look." She said. "One more thing before we start..... Can i shave you?" "Is that a tricked question?" I asked scared. "I'm being serious." She said. "Okay..... fine..." i looked at Scott and Mitch and they approved by nodding their heads. "Great. Now relax and close your eyes. When you open them you'll see the new you." I closed my eyes and smiled at that thought.

It took about an hour and a half but we were finally done. I still hadn't seen what she did to my hair and i was so excited to see myself. "Annnnndddd...... done! Are you ready to see the new and improved Kirstie Maldonado." "As ready as I'll ever be." I said anxiously. "Okay. One.... two.... three!" She said and spun me around.

I couldn't believe my eyes. That person in the mirror was not me. It didn't look like me at all. I couldn't speak. "So..... do you like it?" "I..... i LOVE it. This is amazing. You are amazing!" I told her. My hair was black and curled and i also had a side cut. (The picture above is how i imagined Kirstie's hair to look like in this chapter)

"How much do i owe you?" I asked her. "Nothing. It's on the house." "Oh no. I can't let you do that." "No seriously. My brother really..... likes you i guess. You guys have a special relationship....." she told me. "Special. Yeah that's the word i was looking for." "Haha. Wait before you go...... here." She went to her cash register and gave me a paper. "Call me whenever you need me. If it's hair, my brother or anything else. Just call me." "Yeah sure! Thanks again."

I went to the waiting room and approached the two love birds. "So. What do ya think?" I said and spun around. "You...... look..... incredible." Said Scott. "Princess. I'm not even joking this time." Said Mitch. "Too bad I'm not the queen though. I will take your place someday!" I said with an evil grin on my face. "Oh please. You're lucky i love you because I would've made an omlet out of your face." Scott just laughed at us and so did we.

We walked back to the school and went to our different destinations..... or dorms. Same thing. Anyways.... i was about to open the door to my dorm when it 'magically' opened by itself. Amanda was leaving with a furious look on her face. She came up to me and hit my face really hard that it started to bleed. "Ugh. You deserve it you peice of (enter swear word of choice here)" she shouted at me and left hurriedly.

I ran inside and went directly to the bathroom. As i was going in Avi asked me if i was alright but i ignored him and closed the door behind me. I looked at the mirror to find a huge cut under my eye. I washed it but it was still bleeding a lot. The door opened and i find Avi staring at me. "What? Have you never seen a girl cry before?" I asked a little harsh. "I have but....." he stopped mid sentence. "But what?" "But not one as beautiful as you." He turned bright red and so did i. As he said that my stomach dropped and i felt like i was going to faint. I didn't know what to say so i just looked back at the mirror and cleaned my cut. "Ouch!" I yelped in pain. "Is it still bleeding?" I nodded. "I'll call Kevin, he'll know what to do." "Okay." And with that he left the bathroom and called his best friend. "He called me beautiful?!" I said to myself quietly and smiled.

"Hey um.... just curiousity but why was Amanda so frustrated and angry when she left?" I asked. "I told her that we should see other people.... that i didn't like her in that way anymore." I felt this feeling.... like i was relieved. "Oh okay!"

A short while later Kevin arrived and he took a close look at my cut. "Hm... well it's just a minor injury. I put some cream on it and covered it with a bandade or two. A small bruise will form under your eye though but it'll be gone in a few days. Remember to clean your cut with the cream and change the bandade every morning when you wake up and at night before you go to bed for the rest of the week." He said. He's really good at this. "Okay Doc. Thanks!" I replied. "Hehe. Your welcome Kirstin." "Call me Kirstie, please." "Okay Kirstie."

"Are you feeling better?" Asked Avi. "Yeah. A lot better. Thanks for calling Kevin. He is really good at medical stuff." "I got the best.... for you." I smiled and we stared at eachother. I was mesmerised by his beautiful green eyes. They were insanely gorgeous. And his smile.... oh that perfect smile that makes me melt on the inside. I was brought back to reality when i heard something drop. "Erm. Sorry. I should uh... leave. Bye guys." Said Kevin. "Bye. Thanks again." "It was no problem" "Bye man!" Said Avi "Bye bro!" Said Kevin as he closed the door and left.

"I really like what you did to your hair by the way. It really suits you." He said. "Yeah.... all thanks to your sister." "Yeah she's a pret- wait what?" He exclaimed. "Esther did my hair. She gave me her number and i didn't even have to pay for anything. She's really sweet." "Yeah... i love her." "I know. She also told me that you talk a lot about me." I teased him knowing that it was a lie. "Oh.... damn it. She's a blabber mouth." He said. "Relax i know it's not ture." I told him. He came next to me and looked me in the eye. "Who said it was a lie?"

Hey America!
If you know what that means i will love you forever! 😍
Anyways..... hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's kind of longer than what i usually write. Thankyou so much for almost a hundred reads. That is amazing.
I will be doing another story after this one just in case you were wondering.
I love you so much!
Stay gorgeous! 😍😘😗💚

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