Getting along

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I marched into Kevin's dorm and sprung the door wide open. Kev looked at me like i was some phsyco killer. "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing... it's just very normal of you to run into my dorm almost breaking my door!" Kevin said in a sarcastic tone. "Yeah yeah okay. Guess who I'm partnered up with.... some nerd who thinks she can ignore me when i talk to her. She thinks she's the queen just because she gets good grades and I can't stand it. The best part is that while I'm in there trying not to smash the window because of kris... kirst... that nerd, you're in here with the one and only Melissa"

Kevin's mouth was wide open but nothing came out of it. After a minute he finally spoke. "Okay dude.... i get it! You're upset but it's not her fault that she's partnered up with you. It's nobody's fault! This might sound wierd but if i were you i would just.... give her a chance. You never know man! She might just surprise you if you get to know her a little better."

Now it was my turn to have an open mouth. "You want me to make small talk with her?" i said with a blank expression on my face. "No. All I'm saying is find out more about her"

"Ohhhh joy! I'll try.... I'm not saying it's gonna work but... I'll try"

I didn't know what Kev was up to but i couldn't help but think that maybe he was right.

Kirstie POV

I ran into Scott and Mitch's dorm. I closed the door with a huge force and woke Mitch up from a nap.

"Ugghhhh! Why did you do that? I was getting my beauty sleep. I don't get out of bed looking like this you know...." said Mitch "I don't care okay!? I hate my roomate. He's a fuc..." I was going to continue swearing but Scott interrupted. "Wow! Kirst... calm down! This  problem is not going to be solved by swearing and screaming. Just breath and we'll figure this out!"

I have to admit, he was right. That was the reasonable choice but at the same time there was something inside of me that made me want to yell at someone not caring who it is.

"I.... I'm sorry guys. I didn't mean it Mitch. I'm really sorry. It's ju... just...I.." and i broke into tears. I started balling my eyes out but i didn't realise i was crying untill i felt the tears fall on my hand. I was too busy thinking about Avi.

"Shhh...shhh. Calm down Kirstie. It'll be okay! Just try to reason with him. Give him a chance!" Scott's words calmed me down but the last sentence kept on repeating itself in my head. That's when i lost it.

"YOU want ME to give the guy who called me a nerd and who yelled at me for ignoring him a chance?...... Are you drunk or something". "Give him a chance. Trust me on this. I know what I'm talking about. Please just listen to me."

There was complete silence and i continued to sob. I knew Scott was right but i just didn't want to talk to him.

"O...okay fine. I'll...I'll try!" I said stuttering. "Good.... now go princess!" "Bye queen. Bye Scott. Thanks for the advice. Love you." "Love you more" they said in unison.

As i was heading to my dorm i bumped into someone. Guess who it was. It had to be Avi! OUT OF ALL THE OTHER STUDENTS IT HAD TO BE AVI! 

"Hey you!" He said. I was confused. I thought i was the nerd. I don't know what's up with him. "Hi!?" It came out more like a question so i turned red. He looked at me and smiled and i looked to the other side. I thought i was dreaming.

When we reached our dorm I put my hand out to open the door and he did too, so this made us touch hands and i again, turned red. I put my hand away and looked to the floor as he opened the door. I entered and went to sit on my bed and continued to read.

There was complete silence for awhile. At least 5 minutes. But finally someone spoke and it wasn't me.

"Avi" he coughed "You can call me Avi" he looked at me and smiled again. This time i smiled back.

"Hi Avi!"

"Hey Kirstie!"

I looked back at my book but i wasn't concentrating. I couldn't help but smile...

Hey beauties!
Sorry that it was short but right now I'm abroad and the wifi here sucks. I will try to update more this week but anyways...... hope you enjoyed this part!
Love ya'll to the moon and back.
Stay gorgeous! 😘😘😘😘

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