My hero!

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Oh god! She looked beautiful. I couldn't say that though because she'd know i have feelings for her. I know this might sound like stalking but i had to go after her. I knew what Zeke was capable of and i didn't want him to hurt her.... in any way. I waited about 5 minutes after she left and began following her.

I was almost where they were untill i heard a scream. It was from Kirstie. I ran up to them and saw Zeke trying to drug her.

Kirstie POV

The pill was a few inches away from my face. I tried so hard to free myself from his grip but he was too strong. I closed my eyes and continued struggling but i heard punches being thrown and suddenly i was freed. I looked around and saw Avi in front of me and Zeke knocked out on the ground. Avi quickly grabbed my hand and practically pulled me untill we reached our dorm.

We entered and there was an akward long silence. He decided to break that silence. "Erm.... are you okay? D-did he h...hurt you?" He asked stuttering. " I'm okay....really." i said and he just nodded. "Thanks for saving me by the way. That was really brave of you. I appreciate it." I thanked him but did not get the reply i expected. "I didn't have to save you if you would've just listened to me. You could be in here doing the project with me but instead you went with him. Your date was over in 15 minutes...... but your welcome." He stated.

"I'm sorry okay!? I didn't know that he was like that." I told him getting closer to him. "I told you before." He said getting closer to me. Everytime we said something we would say it louder and get closer to eachother. "How was i supposed to believe the guy who hates me and who left out the part of his 'history' with the other guy who asked me out. And you probably had drugs too" "I don't hate you and Zeke tried to drug me. I never had drugs before. I..... i never really gotten drunk... like ever." He said.

By this time our faces were really close to eachother. We just stared in each others eyes for a moment but then i said "I guess you're the good guy of the bad guys." "Well..... me and Kevin actually. He's my best friend. We just hang out with the cool kids." After what he said we just stared at eachother again but i couldn't take it anymore so i pulled away from him. "Good for you.... i guess." "Hey" he said in his deep voice. "Wanna start on that Biology project?" He smiled at me and I smiled back at him. "Yeah sure. As long as i won't be the one doing all of the work." He laughed. "You won't!" "I really hope so..."

When i said that there was someone knocking on the door. I went to open it and Amanda was there. "Hey ugly wimp.... and don't get me started on what you're wearing..... you just look like.... i don't even know." She said and started walking inside. I was so mad at what she said that i just exploded. "Hold up stinker! I am not a wimp and if anything let me be the judge on what you're wearing.... oh wait! You're almost wearing nothing at all..... you might as well be naked. Nice swimsuit i guess. And when you come into MY dorm do not insult me because i have the full right to kick you out of here." I said but i didn't want to yell at her. Ya know.... keeping it cool! I swear i heard Avi chuckle.... probably my imagination though.

"I would take you seriously but I can't cause clowns are never serious. And also you can't kick me out because Avi here loves me too much to let your ugly ass face throw me out." She said as she wrapped her arms around his waist. He didn't move but i was still upset to see them together like that so i just stormed out of there and went to Scott and Mitch's. They always know what to do.

I knocked and Mitch opened. "Hey beauty what's up? How'd your date with mister popular, hot and sexy go?" He squealed. I giggled at what he said. Only if he knew what was coming. "Ohhh... you better sit down for this one. It's a long complicated story." I explained to them and told them everything that happened not missing out any detail. "Oh my Jesus Lord! Are you okay though? He didn't hurt you did he? If he did i swear i-" "Scott. Calm down. I'm still alive aren't i?!" I said to him. "Yeah yeah.... I'm fine. As long as you're okay! I'm fine." He said smiling at me.

"Listen. The real reason i came here was to.... erm..... well...." "Spit it out already. Momma doesn't like to wait" sassed Mitch. "I was wondering if you had any tips on how to be more... confident." I said shyly.

Scott and Mitch both looked at eachother with huge grins on their faces. I had a worried look on mine though. "Oh we know exactly what to do!" Said Scott. "Uh... what is it?" I asked. "Leave it to us." Mitch said getting up from his bed with Scott following him. He looked at me as i was still seated on the floor. "Are you coming or what?" He asked. I got up and followed both of them.

What are they up to?....

Hey person who is reading....hehe....
Hope you liked this 'short' chapter. This story is almost over but i will be writing another one so stay tuned.
Stay gorgeous! 😍😘💜😁💋

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