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AN: This is going to be a short chapter cause it's  the last one. 🙁

Kirstie POV

"It's time for me to leave now guys. I love you so much. I'm gonna miss you." Said Ella, our daughter. She is eighteen now and is leaving for university. Avi and i have been married for twenty years now but we've been together for twenty five years. That's..... long, but i wouldn't want to be any other way. Everytime he kisses me i fall in love with him all over again. Believe it or not pentatonix is still sucessfull, but let's get back to the present shall we?

"Oh. We're going to miss you so much sweetie!" I said a few tears escaping my eyes. "And don't forget to call us. We're always here if you need anything honey." Said Avi with watery eyes as well. "I love you guys." She said as she came running up to us for a hug. "Now go. You don't want to be late on the first day." I said with a smile. "Yeah. Bye. I love you." Said Ella. "We love you too." Avi and i said at the same time.

After a few hours i heard my laptop ring. "Avi! It's Ella. She's calling us." I said so he'd come. "She's calling already?" He asked confused. "Yeah. Let's see what she needs." I said and pressed the answer button on my laptop so we could video chat. "Hey darling! What's up?" I asked her. "Hey guys. Nothing really. Just..... bad luck i guess." She said with a frown on her face. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Asked Avi.

"Yeah! I'm fine. It's just that Ryan and Isaac are paired together for the dorms and guess what?! I'm paired with some popular jerk who only cares about making out with hot girls. I entered my dorm to find him making out with a girl who was barley dressed.... well, it was more than making out actually but let's not go into detail. And you know what?! It was my fault that when i stepped into my dorm they stopped making out and she ran out. So i got yelled at and i also got a new nickname..... nerd. I'm the nerd." She said angrily.

Avi and i looked at eachother shocked and said "Talk to him." We said it in unision. "Are you crazy?!" She said. "Wait sweetie. Do you know how your mother and i met?" "No. You guys never told me. Why?" She asked. "Well. I think it's time we told you a little story then." I said grinning.

Hey babes!
This is the last and final chapter of Opposites Attract.
But that's okay. Cause I'm actually writing a PTX one shots.
So if you want to you can go check that out.
Thanks again for all the reads..... i mean seriously. 473 reads. Incredible.
And don't forget.....
Stay gorgeous!💚💛💜💙❤

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