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AN: Heyyyy guys... So today i had a bit of spare time on my hands so i thought why not...

Kirstie POV

I felt scared and lost. I didn't know what to do. I was in a different universe at the moment.

"Kirst... KIRST!!!!" Said Mitch as he waved his hands in front of my face. "Oh... yeah. I kinda spaced out for a minute." "It's okay Kirst.... just calm down. Maybe it won't be that bad and besides, he is too 'popular' and 'cool' to notice you so he probably won't talk to you. And also if you ever need anything just talk to us!" Mitch said as he looked at Scott for some backup. "Yeah Kirstie. Our dorm is always open for you." Scott said. "Yeah.... exactly. You're so right guys! I got this!"

They both sighed a sigh of relief. I watched them head to their dorm but when i was nearly there my heart started pounding again and when i put my hand on the knob i froze....i couldn't turn it! I swear i stood there for a solid 5 minutes just staring at my hand resting on the knob untill i calmed down.

After a few breaths i opened the door and saw Avi sitting on his bed making out with a girl... there was also some touching involved but let's not go into detail with that. I cleared my throat so that they could maybe stop and to my luck they both looked at me shockingly like i just committed crime or something.

"What are you doing here?" Said a very deep voice


I found this hot chick, Amanda, as i was going to my dorm and i sort of flirted with her untill we were making out in my room. This wasn't soooo bad after all..... or so i thought. I heard the door open but didn't bother to look but then someone made a noise and i stopped to look at who it was.

I was furious and confused at the same time when i saw a girl standing near the door.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I.... erm...I'm your.... your roomate" and my face turned pale. Her! I had to be partnered up with a nerd. Oh man! This is going to be... great... yeah. Sooo great. I signalled for Amamda to go and as she walked out she stepped on the nerds' foot and i couldn't help but chuckle. She turned redder than a tomato with embarrasnent so that made it even funnier. I grabbed my phone and sat on my bed. She did the same but instead she grabbed a book. I was right! She's a nerd.

"Kirstin" She said as i looked at her confused. "My name.... it's Kirstin, but you can call me Kirstie." I looked annoyed so i blurted out "I don't care! But you can call me....oh yeah, never call me." She turned red again and looked back down at her book.

I was feeling super bored so i decided to go to Kev's dorm. "Hey nerd! I'm gonna go to my buddies' dorm. Don't get lost in all those books." I said but she ignored me so this made me really furious. I went next to her lifted her face with my hands and looked her in the eye. "When i talk to you, you never ignore me!"

She looked scared and replied with a nod. I was boiling with rage but kept calm. "I didn't hear you nerd!" "I'm sorry Avriel! I'll never do that again."

"Good.... woah woah woah! How did you know my name was Avriel?"

"Pretty much everyone knows your name. You're the popular bad boy of the school....... and also i saw your name next to mine on the partners paper."

This conversation started to get wierd so i didn't say anything and slammed the door shut. I couldn't handle her anymore. She was getting on my nerves. I hate her and we known eachother for what?.... 5 minutes. Enemies..... she's ny enemy!

Kirstie POV

I can't believe him! Who does that. Just because i study, get good grades, love to read and have little friends because i hate socializing does not make me a nerd...... okay it does but still!? Why would anyone do that!

I was so annoyed that i shut my book and threw it to the floor. I needed my friends right now. I had to tell them about this idiot.

I went to Scott and Mitches dorm and thought about how Avi and I were never going to get along. He's a freak.... an idiot.... he's my enemy. I hated him.

Hey beauties!
Sooo... in the first chapter i said  that I'll upload two times a week but i uploaded two times a day! Haha
But I'm not gonna do that.... I'll just upload when i have inspiration but i won't make you wait toooo long.
Luv ya babes! And stay gorgeous. 😘😘😘

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