New Relationships

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I just stood at the door.... frozen....i couldn't even breath. I just stood there for a couple of seconds but when i finally took a breath they looked at me. Both of them in shock. There they were... on Avi's bed. Amanda only in her bra and undies and Avi with just his boxers on. I turned pale and words weren't forming properly in my mouth.

"I......i was....i" that was all i could say. "Perfect timing idiot. No wonder nobody likes you." She said with a smile on her face and then looked at Avi. His mouth was wide open. "Kirst i..." he said. "No no..... it's okay. Uh... I'll erm.... just.....leave y-you to it." I said shaking.

I left the dorm with tears filling my eyes. I couldn't take this amymore.


Oh God! What just happened? What am I doing? Why do i feel guilty about this? I have done this multiple times before... why now? Could i... no.... i can't..... her? I have feelings for her? Oh God..... this can't work. She hates me now. Amanda startes kissing my neck but i wasn't in the mood for it anymore.

"Hey um.... i think that you should leave." "What? Why? Is it because of her? She's gone now and it's just us here." She continued to kiss my neck but i stopped her. "It wasn't a question. Leave! I have to go meet Kevin later and i have to get ready." I lied to her face. "Okay fine then." She changed and got out.

I stayed in a corner to think about what just happened. I.... i like Kirstin.... oh man!

Kirstie POV

I cried for hours. I was in the school library..... a place that's always empty. I just lied in a corner and cried my heart out. It was 5pm. I got up and headed to Scott and Mitch's dorm. I knocked this time so i wouldn't end up in the situation like last time!

I knocked on the door and Scott opened it. "Hey Kir- oh my god what's wrong?" "W.....what do mean? I'm f....fine" i sniffled. "No you're not. Princesses do not deserve to cry!" Exclaimed Mitch. "Okay f
... fine! I'll tell you." I sniffled again. "First calm down." Said Scott.

"Okay. So you know how Avi and i hate eachother." They both nodded. "When you told me to reason with him we kinda sort of had a moment." "What kind of moment?" Asked Mitch curiously. I breathed slowly "He tried to kiss me.... but we didn't lock lips if that's what you're wondering." "And why did that happened?" Asked Mitch again. "Amanda came in and kissed him. She was all over him. They were going to a party at some guys house. Then she stepped on my foot and pushed me to the ground. Avi tried to help me but i didn't let him. We became lab partners in Biology, which WAS my favourite subject, for the rest of the year He apologised to me and then just about a few hours later i find him and Amanda kisisng half dressed in his bed about to make babies. And I've been crying for hours in the library." I said trying not to burst into tears.

"Oh my Jesus Lord.... Kirstie... I am so sorry." Scott said. Then i couldn't handle it anymore. I cried and cried untill i fell asleep on Mitch's bed. I woke up and was about 8pm.

"Hey guys." I yawned. "Hey love!" Said Mitch "are you feeling any better?" "Of course. But enough about me.... so.... what happened this morning?" I asked with a devilish smile on my face. "Umm... well... it's nothing really.... we.... just.... ermm..... i..." stuttered Mitch. "We're dating" said Scott. A huge smile was put on my face! "YES YES YES!!!! finally. Scömìche is real!" I exclaimed. "Tell me everything!" "Okay sooo...."

After that they told me how it happened. So long story short they woke up and saw how sexy they were with their morning hair. Scott got up told Mitch about his feelings for him. Mitch did the same and they had their little make out session. I was so happy for them that i even forgot to mention the date i have with Zeke...... I'll tell them eventually.

I went running hurriedly to my dorm hoping that Avi was either not there or asleep. Thankfully he was sleeping so i just stayed on my bed and cried.

"Kirst what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Said a deep voice that scared the hell out of me. "Nothing! Night." Was all i could say.

"There has to be something wrong. Please tell me." He said with a deeper voice than usual making him even more...... attractive. "I said it was nothing. Why don't you go to your boo and sleep with her? You already did anyway." "No Kirst... noth-" i cut him off. "I don't wanna hear it. Now let me sleep." "O
...okay then. Goodnight. Sweet dreams." "Yeah....Night!" And i went to sleep peacefully.

Hey cuties!
Sorry for the huge level of boringness in this one but it'll get better.
I'm not planning on making this a really long book only a few chapters left till the end but if i get more reads and votes I'll do another book.... just so I'll know that you're enjoying it.
Anyways.... luv you guys so much and have a nice morning/afternoon/evening/night 😂
Stay gorgeous! 😘💖💝💟

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