Chapter 1

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Cally's POV

When I woke up, I could sense that something was wrong. I didn't hear any arguing which was normally what I would wake up to in the morning. Nope, just the painful silence. Maybe they were asleep?

If you're wondering who I'm talking about, it's my parents. They're bad alcoholics and fight constantly. I'm surprised they're not dead yet! Every day after school I have until 7 before they get back from their annual trip to the bar, which is about 4 hours. They expect all the laundry to be done, an edible meal for dinner, and me in my room fed and to not be out of my room until they pass out.

I rose out of my bed with the light creeping from behind the curtain. I went into the bathroom and stripped down to get in the shower. I rinsed my hair with strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner, shaved my legs, and dried myself off after I was done.

I went to my tiny closet and picked out an oversized gray sweater with dark skinny jeans. I usually have to wear long-sleeves to cover my arms. Mostly because of my parents beating me.

Also, because of my bully named Harry Styles. He has a clique made up of Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, and him. They tease everyday and the only friend that I have, Tori, goes to a different school so she can't stick up for me. She is tough girl with great looks and a fine personality.

I grabbed my black converse and put them on. I looked at the clock and noticed it was 6:47. "Shit!" I ran to my bathroom. I applied some concealer on the bruises of my neck. Hopefully it doesn't rain today.

I ran down the hallway, down the stairs and looked at the clock on the microwave, it was 7:05. "Screw it." I skipped breakfast, grabbed my car keys and backpack, and fast-walked to my car. 'Great, another day of school and another day of beating.' With that I pulled my car out of the driveway and drove to the hell hole everyone call school.

When I got to school, I realized I was 15 minutes early. Might as well get to class before I get ambushed. I walked in and I heard snickering behind me. 'Great the assholes are here.' I thought to myself before I felt a harsh push on my back, probably coming from Harry, and fell hard on my arm, dropping all my stuff that was in my hands.

"Get out of my way, bitch." he insulted me. I was used to it so I just picked my stuff up quickly and walked to my locker. I opened my lock withease and put my backpack on one of the hooks. When I bent down to get my supplies for first period, I felt a sharp pain in my right arm. I pulled up my sleeve and found a bruise forming. Nothing new. I shrugged and walked to Social Studies, one of the classes I have with Harry. Wonderful joy it is! Not.


I sat down in my assigned seat, in the front, and looked at the clock, 10 minutes until this period starts. Phone time! I looked through my Instagram and liked some pictures. I don't have any friends so I just follow people. Time flew by and people were already flooding in. I heard Harry walk in and sit down in his seat. Niall was the only friend in here that he had and so they were talking and flirting with some skanks. 'Such pigs.' I shook my head and copied the notes on the board.

After Mr. Rey took attendance, he had an announcement," Ok, class. We are going to be doing a partner project about...." I zoned out until he started calling names. "Harry Styles, you are with Cally Simons." I froze and looked down at my converse. 'Great, now I'm gonna have to do all the work and he will annoy me at my house, too!' I sighed loudly and accepted the papers he gave to me.

"Ok, we have 10 minutes until class is over so find your partners and talk about what you're going to do. You won't have a lot of class time so I suggest that you spend a lot of time together on this project. It'll be due in 3 weeks."

Harry slowly walked over to me with a trail of girls drooling over him. He had is hands in his pockets, smirking. 'What is the matter with him?' I took my phone out and ignored Harry when he sat next to me. I was in the middle of looking at twitter when he yanked my phone out of my hands. He quickly locked it and stuck it in his pants. Not his pockets, his actual PANTS!

"Give it back!"

"You'll have to get it if you want it that bad!" he put his hips in the air, proudly smiling.

"Will you just give me my phone back, please?" He shook his head no and sat back, crossing his arms around his chest and still shining that smile that girls seem to find irresistible.

"Be at my house right after school and I'll give it back to you." with that the bell rang and he exited class, talking to Niall.


How did you like it?! I love writing this more than Strange feelings to be honest, so I deleted it... and I'll try to make the chapters longer than they are:)

OMG!! Diana. Got it. I've heard before, like a million times, and now I can listen to it ANYWHERE! Me and my friend Maddie were talking about it in Pre-Algebra. Go read her stories, they're amazing! HARRY07STYLES

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