Chapter 9

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This is going to be fun, I can already tell! Did you hear the sarcasm
In my voice? Of course you didn't.

To start the whole night off, Harry stole Tori from me. Yeah, shocker, right? It's just so stupid because this was supposed to be our girls night out and Harry just HAD to come over and ruin my plans. He's a life ruiner, as usual.

Second, they're literally swooning over eachother in the front seat of his car and they don't even barely know eachother! I've told Tori about Harry before and she totally agreed with me that douchebag but I guess she's changed her mind about him now.

If there weren't seatbelts in this car I swear they would be on top of eachother having sex right now. And I have a great view of it, right behind them!

Anyways, Harry decided that he was going to take us to the mall and ''buy things for us'' and by "us" I mean "Tori". He wouldn't buy me a bag full of dog shit if he had to. But it's ok, I have $50 in my wallet. Which I left at home... *face palm*

When we got to the mall, Tori and Harry ran off without me, hand in hand, and I was left to die. Not literally die but you get what I mean.

I finally caught up to them while they were in Hot Topic. I actually like this place so I might spend all my money here. There's a really cute top that caught my eye. Along the way I find other miscellaneous things that I like and sling them over my arm.

I paid and got the the front of the store and Harry and Tori were no where to be seen. Where could they have gone? I passed all the stores that Tori loves; Bath & Body Works, Claire's, Macy's, and American Eagle. No where!

The final store I looked at was Victoria's Secret. "Please God, don't let them be making out in the changing room." I said my final prayers and walked in.


Success! I got Tori swooning over me so now she won't be hanging out with Cally anymore! This was all apart of my plan. Honestly, Tori was ok but I thought Cally was way hotter than her. Wait, what did I just say......

Anyways, Tori finally convinced me to go into Victoria's Secret with her because "she needed a new bra". I don't know if she was just saying this to show off her huge boobs or not but I'm fine with it!

"Harry, what about this one? Do you think it would look good with my skin tone?" She held up a baby blue bra up to her chest and posed. The fuck do I know!

"Oh, yeah sure." I swear she's acting like we're dating when we're not! I don't 'date' girls, as you know.

I was looking around for Tori to find a matching thong, kinda weird to ask a guy you just met but whatever, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was more like a punch but it felt like a tap.

I knew exactly who it was. And when I turned around I was right.

"Ok, first you ruin my girls night with Tori and now you're looking at lingerie with her?! You don't even know her and you've already got her on your hook."

"Why wouldn't she? All the girls at school do it too so it's not a big deal for me." I shrugged and continued looking for a baby blue thong. I have no idea why women wear these. They look so uncomfortable!

I heard Cally scoff behind me and her angry footsteps. Before she got out of arm's length, I flung a thong at her and it hit her on the butt. She turned around and threw it back but miserably failed and hit the floor. Wow!

She turned back around and headed in the direction of Tori. Tori showed her the bra and Cally nodded eagerly. What are they talking about?

*1 hour later*

The only stores we went to were Aeropostle, barely Hot Topic, Victoria's Secret, and Hollister. I bought Tori some clothes but none for Cally. She didn't seem phased by this so Tori didn't mind much. I drove back to the neighborhood me and Cally live in and pulled into my driveway. Cally immediately got out and left me and Tori alone.

"Well, I had a great time. Thanks for buying me all this..." I cut her annoying mouth off with a kiss and stuck my tongue in her mouth. She seemed to like it so we continued. I heard her click her seatbelt off and she got up and stradled me.

When things were just about to get heated, An annoying tap was on the window. We ignored it at first but then the person kept on repeatedly doing it.

I looked up, clearly annoyed, and rolled down the window.

"Yes?" It was Cally.

"Tori's mom is almost here and I'm sure she would not apprectiate you snogging all over her." Tori got off my lap and exited the car. She fixed her hair and walked out of my driveway swaying her hips.

I also got out and watched her butt. Damn, that is one fine ass! Cally scoffed at me and followed her. I grabbed a hold of her hands before she left and swung her around.

I got in her face and put on my mad face. "What the fuck was that for? I was in the middle of making out with her and you come and ruin it! You don't deserve to be here.." I saw a tear slip from her eye and down her cheek.

It brought joy to me and I smiled. Behind her, I saw Carrie about to come out of the house so I panicked. Shit! She can't see me abusing her daughter! I did what I do best and kissed her. It wasn't a meaningful kiss but it did the job.

I opened my eyes and looked behind Cally. Carrie was shaking her head and laughing. She shut the door and I stopped kissing Cally.

She was clearly shocked by my previous actions and we wiped off our lips to get eachother's dna off. That was probably the most unsatisfying kiss I've had in my life! Yeah, she wasn't moving her lips or kissing me back but if she did I. Bet it wouldn't change the feeling.

I pushed Cally off my driveway and walked back to my house. Nice job, Styles, very well done.


Ok, I just have three words to say about that. What. The. Fuck!


I figured you guys deserved a double update cuz youre so amazing!

I love you guys so much!!!!!

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