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Blake's P.O.V

"What's good Blake? We out to Austin's party ?" Jason says as he approaches me. His gray eyes twinkling in amusement, I knew the kid since I was seven. He moved in next door and we instantly clicked.

"Shit, man I don't know. Last time I went to Austin's party I got so fucked up I had a hangover for three days" I scoff scratching the back of my head. Austins parties are deadly, Erick, Austin, me and alcohol in the same place is dangerous.

"Don't be a Pussy" Jason says as we walk towards my car

"What do you know about Zoey? " I ask before I can stop myself.

"Not much just that she's kind of a sexy nerd, but she only stays to herself and her friends. I heard a lot of rumors about her but I doubt they are true, why ?"

" I was assigned to do a project with her and I sort of heard she was a spoiled brat, I don't deal with those"

"Find out for yourself, in her defense if she acts mean towards you then it's because you have a bad reputation" he laughs and takes the passenger's seat.

"Something about her just annoys the shit about me and I barely know her," I say as I drive off my parking lot.

"Just do the project and see what all the fuss is about and besides, you already like the girl" he grins and making me roll my eyes. It's going to be a hell of a night.

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"How about you and I ditch this lame party and go somewhere private?" A girl whispers in my ear and I roll my eyes.

"Thanks but I'll pass," I say and move her hand from my thigh. This is the third girl trying to take me to bed. Normally I would take the offer. Leila is one fine piece but my mind is somewhere else.

She shrugs "Fine, I'll find someone else to make me have a good time, you are becoming boring," And with that, she walks towards a group of guys. I snort.

"One more shot Blake !" Jason whines as I take the vodka shot from his hand, it's 1 am and I'm not trying to get this kid killed right now."Come on stupid I need to take you home now !" I grab him by the collar and drag him outside and into my car.

I decided not to drink tonight since tomorrow is a school night.
yeah, yeah I know the bad boy cares about school.

I've gotten in so much trouble because of some bad choices I made back in the day, I'm not trying to go back there.

Once I drop Jason at my house I decide to take a walk around the neighborhood, I love walking at this time. It helps get some things from my mind.

I think of my little sister Melany, I miss her so much. I need to visit her at my gramma's, maybe during Christmas break. She is the only reason why I'm getting my act together.

I can't lose her, not again.

Before I know it I'm two blocks away from home and the houses are a bit more decent comparing it to the mansions around my block, including my parent's. I stop in front of a park and take a seat on one of the swings that are being moved by the soft wind of October.

I notice the two-story house in front of me and see a familiar figure sitting on a balcony. I walk towards the house and see her engulfed in a book as the soft light of the moon and the lamp near her makes her blue eyes sparkle. letting out a sigh I pick up a small rock and throw it, making it fall softly on the back of the book. Her eyes meet mine and her eyes widen as she closes her book and places it on the table.

Nice shot.

"Hey, Angél" I whispered loud enough for her to hear. She slowly stands and leans on the balcony, removing some strands of hair from her face and placing it behind her ear.

" Do you have any idea what time it is? What are you doing around my neighborhood anyway?"

"Well actually this is my neighborhood too, and you know just walking around" I shrug and grin "I never expected you to be the reading type"

She rolls her eyes "There is a lot you don't know about me Blake, go home is dangerous" She stands again and opens the crystal balcony doors behind her.

"I am dangerous, why don't you invite me over so I can show you how dangerous I am in bed" I whisper.

She turns around and looks down at me again, mad. A sexy mad latina," You disgust me" With that, she enters what it seems like her room and closes the doors behind her disappearing from my sight leaving me standing there like a dumbass.

I take a deep breath and walk back home.

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