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"There is only one ground rule for you to date our daughter," JP says in a serious tone and I can't help but groan. "Treat her right because if you don't, no amount of boxing will help you."

"Uh- okay," Blake says kind of confused since he's never met them, I swear the weirdest things always happen to me.

" Do not make her want to do something she doesn't want to do, or I will shove your head into the ground, other than that, welcome to the family,"

I roll my eyes and pull my boyfriend into the living room where he greets my mother with a kiss on the cheek.

We gather around the dining table, as I sit beside Blake I notice the terrible mistake, the boys are sitting across from us sending Blake death glares, I glance at my boyfriend and find a grin plastered on his face and I relax. He's enjoying this.

"I'm so glad we can finally meet outside of a hospital," my mother says and winks at us.

Blake laughs sheepishly," Yeah, hopefully, we won't have to do that anytime soon,"

My mother nods,"I sure hope not"

"So Blake, what college are you going to ?" JP interrupts.

"NCT," he says proudly and my mouth falls open, I spent these past few months trying to convince him to apply for college and he will ignore me.

JP raises his eyebrows," you mean to tell me you are planning on becoming a neurosurgeon?"

"Well I actually got accepted," He shrugs and then looks at me and gives me a small smile, " Yeah,"

My mother is quiet for a second," that's wonderful, we will have two doctors in the family!" My mother gushes and I give her a small smile but tensed beside me.

Oh oh.
"About that," he glances my way and I beg him with my eyes to stop but he continues anyway," Zoey doesn't want to get in the medical field,"

"What are you talking about? she's been wanting to become a doctor since she was ten years old" my mother's eyes furrowed and I sink my face in my hands.

"She's wanted to become one ever since you and her father told her that's what you wanted her to be,"

Ever since I can remember my parents used to tell me they wanted me to become a doctor, or put it in a way where it didn't sound like they were trying to force me but they used to buy me doctor clothes for Halloween, toys even.

"I don't understand, is this true Christina ?"

"Mom I-" My voice trails off
"She wants to become a writer and everyone in this table knows how talented she is,"

"Is that the true, Christina ?"

"Of course it is! Haven't you read any of her stories? She has a gift." Steven says calmly but his voice strong.

"You need to understand that she won't succeed unless she's doing something she loves, She loves writing and it comes to her as a 6th sense," Ethan says, taking a bite.

"Baby Zo, you have to be honest with your mother and yourself, writing is what you love to do. Don't settle for something that won't make you happy, don't make the mistake I made," Jp says and I frown. Jp wanted to become an artist and he's a good one. He's one of those types of artist that can make art in any form, drawing, painting, sculptures and even my favorite, graffiti. When dad died, Jp would draw a girl holding a hammer, he saw the day on a show and it gave him the idea that if he reminded me how strong I am with the drawing of the hammer girl, I would be able to move past my father's death, and in a way, it did.

Although his art was amazing and captivating, his parents wanted him to become a lawyer and he did and still is.

I hadn't realized how much everyone supported me on something I just saw as a hobby but deep down I know it's what want to do for the rest of my life," They are right mom, but it doesn't matter because I already applied for college majoring in med,"

"Not necessarily, I took matters into my own hands and sent an application under your name to get a full ride to LUW"

"Wait, what?"

"Are you fucking kidding me? How the fuck did you do that, you have to like have a million connections to even get an application!" Jp exclaims.

"Langauge Jordaniel!" My mother admonishes him and rolls her eyes.

"If you get accepted then you are more than welcome to follow your dreams, I just wished you were honest with me since the beginning instead of almost making the biggest mistake of your life. You've always been honest with him, remember I want the best for you and your happiness comes first,"

I nod and stand to hug her tight and when I'm back in my seat I lean into Blake and give him a kiss on the cheek and hold his hand, I'm so thankful for him.

"What stories did you used for the applications?" Steven says.

"The mini stories she wrote with no ending that when you finished them and combined them together they all link to each other,"

"She's getting in," Ethan says and Steven nods, "It was genius," He said.

My mother smiles," I know she will.


I stepped out my house with Blake, we just finished dinner with the crazy ones and after a half an hour of begging, they let us be by ourselves. Blake crouched down and I jumped onto his back, hooking my legs around him and making sure I don't choke him as I hug him by his neck, I want to get as close to him as I can, he smells good.

I came to the realization I want to spend the rest of my life with him, ever since I met him he has helped me up.Especially taking such a big risk by helping me follow my dreams. He has argued with me for not wearing a jacket when is freezing outside and has listened to me when I gossip even when I'm pretty sure he doesn't care.

We stopped at the park across my house and stretched on the cool grass beside each other, looking up at the sky which was filled with tiny stars that I'm sure are huge, Blake leans down to me and kisses me softly on the lips.

I can't remember the kisses I'd had before with other boys clearly, but it will never be the same with him, something different always happens when we kiss, I used to think bout things like will our nose fit perfectly? or would it come between us?. Now it just happens, our lips in sync, like instruments becoming one in a song. I didn't care if my breath tasted like chicken or how many girls he has kissed before. I didn't even think about whether I'm doing it right or not. I was in the now, with him. Happy.

The more I was around him the more I was becoming with him. I don't get butterflies anymore, I just feel calm, he opened his eyes and they were blazing with happiness. In that moment I realized, this is what love is.

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