Thank you.

5.2K 97 11

I just want to thank you guys for giving this book a chance and actually staying. Thank you so much.

This actually started as a game until my best friend read the draft for the  first chapter on my laptop and told me I should post it because it seemed interesting. She said I had nothing to lose.

It was hard for me because I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic, like you guys already know English is my second language but reading helped me, I reaaaaaalllllyyy love reading. My grammar is not that good because I kept moving from state to state when I got to the U.S, therefore I never got the chance to really learn anything In school. Everything I know, I learned it on my own.

Thank you so much for the feedback and votes, I appreciate you guys a lot. I can't believe I have 26k reads on something that was supposed to be nothing serious. Thank you for the encouragement to keep writing, without it I would've given up by now. I have a lot of drafts for books with ideas that I get randomly on the train, hopefully one of them can become another book. By the way I live in the Bronx, New York 😬🤩

Muchas gracias por todo el apoyo.


Love ya ❤️

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