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I sit beside Blake who is lying on his hospital bed, he's been sleeping for hours, ever since Nate and Jason found him unconscious. How did they find him? I don't know, but God I'm so thankful they did.

He looks lifeless, his face is pale, he has black and blues and burns and cuts and a gunshot.

Oh mi bebé

The doctor said he would be fine, the bullet wound will take time to heal but he would be okay, that's all I care about. He was shot in his right arm, it breaks my heart that this happened because of me. All because I was scared, I should've never gone to see that fight.

I understand now how serious this was, I'm glad it ended, just not the way it did. But it could've ended worse, right?

I clean away the tears with the back of my hand as I hear a knock on the door, the doctor comes in and gives me a soft smile,"I'm just here to check on him"
I nod and stand back, as he checks the monitors. I sigh, I wish this was a dream. I haven't slept and haven't eaten, I probably look just like him.

I still have last night's clothes and I haven't been home, my mother knows where I am and what happened. My brother called her and told her this morning.
She doesn't know what really happened, only that Blake lost the fight. My brother and the boys are in the waiting room.

They haven't left either, none of us have.
We called his brothers earlier but they couldn't make it as fast as they would want to. They are all in different places. More like continents.

"His vitals are good, don't worry sweetie you'll have your boyfriend back," the doctor says.

I nod,"thank you Dr.Adams, for everything "

He nods and gives me a small smile,"When he wakes up we will check for any memory problems and if everything is good he'll be good to go by tomorrow." He says and walks out the room.

I lean into Blake and give him a soft kiss on his lips," you hear that baby, if you wake up you'll get to go home" I bury my face in the crook of his neck.

"I need water" I tense as I hear Blake's raspy voice. I try to get up but he wraps his arms around me," don't go"

"You need water, "I say and he lets me go, I press a kiss on his lips and make my way to the mini fridge pulling out a water bottle and a cup, I hand it to him. I help him sit up, seeing him like this make me realize that even if Blake is still human.

"I'm going to call Doctor Adams, he needs to check everything is okay," I say and he nods slightly, looking at his arm where he was shot. I walk out the room and find a nurse, I let her know about Blake and make my way to the waiting room where my brother is laying on one of the couch and Nate and Jason are sitting on the floor.
They notice me and look up from their phone," Why are you guys sitting on the floor ?" I ask.
"Because your jerk of a brother wouldn't share the couch"

My brother rolls his eyes," how is he? Any news?"

"He's conscious, he just woke up" they three of them sit up and smile, relieved. I didn't notice how tense they were.

"Can we see him?" Nate asks standing up.

"Not yet he just woke up, the docs will want to check on him first,"

"Okay then go, I called his brothers and they are on their way here," Jason says and I nod.

When I walk back into the room Dr.Adams is writing on his clipboard but Blake is nowhere to be found.

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