Hope you guys like it.
What the hell was I thinking?
I can't believe that I actually friendzoned Serena. She's basically my dream girl, so why would I ever do that, one might ask?
Because I'm a fucking dumbass, that's why.
I knew that after our almost-kiss she was going to need to talk about it, so I figured if I brought it up first then I would have control over the conversation and not let my brain turn to mush like it usually does when I'm around her.
I knew she was avoiding me all day. I could tell. I pretended not to notice when she didn't show up for lunch, but how could I not? Her presence is so comforting and warm and without her around, something always feels off. So when I saw her speed-walking towards her car, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see her again.
But I don't know what came over me. How in the fuck did I turn her down? A little part of what I said had some truth to it, though. Not that I wasn't totally ready to move on from Riley, because I am, but for some reason, something is holding me back from diving headfirst into this relationship with Serena, and I don't want to go out with her and not be able to give her everything she needs. I couldn't even begin to think about disappointing her. I feel like if I go out with her now, and I'm not completely, 100% there for her 24/7, I would never forgive myself. She deserves way better than that, and she means way too much to me to let myself do that to her.
But still, the image of her face when I said that I just wanted to be friends was practically embedded in my mind for all of eternity. Her eyes were filled with so much sadness, hurt, disappointment and I could tell that she was embarrassed. She had nothing to be embarrassed about, though.
She's perfect.
Fuck you, brain that makes me do weird things and spew out word vomit that I don't mean.
I needed a drink. Or fifty.
Friday could not come fast enough.
• • •
I had made it the whole week barely talking to Serena. The times we did talk, it was totally awkward, and I could tell she started closing up when she was around me. I'm not gonna lie, it stung a little whenever I'd start talking and she wouldn't look me in the eye. It was finally Friday, thank God, and I was hoping that at Gigi's party I could finally talk to her.
Little did I know, I was in for a wild night.
• • •
It's 8:53, and she still hasn't shown up. But neither have Siena and Brooklyn, and Serena's probably with them. Right?
Or maybe she's not coming, my stupid subconscious mocked me.
Shut the fuck up, I could only think to myself.
It was now 8:58, and I was officially nervous.
But then, she walked through the door.
And God damn, she was beautiful.
It was totally unfair how good she looked, as if she knew that the whole "friends" thing was utter bullshit and I could not stop staring at her like the creep I was.

Teen FictionTake me deeper than my feet could ever wander. Warning: Contains strong language, because it's high school.