Hope you guys like it.
I woke up with a pounding migraine and drool on my cheek. I could barely even think. My eyes opened slowly, and I started to make out my surroundings. I was in my room, but how? I reached out to my bedside table for my phone, to see that it was plugged into the charger already. There was an unopened water, Advil, and a granola bar sitting next to my phone. I was so dehydrated, I downed half the water in seconds. But who would know that I always have to eat something before I take pills?
What even happened last night?
I sat up slowly, still in my clothes from last night, but my shoes and socks were off. My hair was probably a rat's nest, my makeup probably smudged and I may or may not puke in the next 5 minutes.
As I sat up, my head spun. Damn, I was hungover. I reached over to see what time it was and saw that I had over 20 text messages and missed calls asking if
I was okay. After turning down the brightness on my phone to the minimum, I slowly typed out a response to everyone as I munched on the granola bar.I made it home, I'm fine, don't worry.
I downed two Advil and forced myself out of bed. I stumbled to the bathroom and refused to look at myself in the mirror. I spent my whole shower under the hot water just trying to piece together what happened last night. I definitely didn't go home with someone, that was for sure. I only remembered showing up, drinking maybe a little more than I should've (damn Tessa for convincing me to do shots with her), and dancing to Forever by Chris Brown with Myles.
And then it hit me.
What. The. Fuck. Did. I. Do.
I groaned. Of all the guys who were there and saw me in my drunken state, why did it have to be Myles that I plucked from the crowd and why did he have to be so damn sweet as to take care of me? I could barely remember what happened last night, much less what I said or what was said to me. But there was one moment that was engrained into my mind, clear as day, that I couldn't stop replaying.
It was me and Myles dancing on the coffee table. I had just almost slipped, and he caught me, his arm wrapped around my waist, his hand cold against my warm skin, his face inches from mine. God, I wanted to kiss him so bad, I wanted him to kiss me so bad. It made me cringe to think of how desperate he probably thought I was now. He just told me he wanted to be friends and then I go again and try to flirt with him. Good one, Serena.
I stepped out of the shower feeling considerably better than I did 20 minutes ago, my headache somewhat lessening, my body still feeling like it was hit by a monster truck, but just maybe a baby monster truck. As I finished brushing my wet hair back and wrapped my towel around my body, I heard my phone go off on the dresser. It was a text from Riley.
The best cure for a hangover is pretending you don't have a hangover. Look at your driveway. Can't wait to hear all the details! ;)
I looked out my blinds to see Riley leaning against her car, looking like a damn Lululemon model. Her hair was perfectly tied up in a bun, she wore a light gray jacket and dark blue leggings with black Nikes. How the hell could she have gone out last night and woken up like that?
I forced myself to put on makeup just in case we happened to see someone we knew (read: Myles). I brushed concealer under my eyes and powder over my face, curled my lashes and decided that I would just wear sunglasses the whole time. I pulled on black Lululemon shorts, a flowy plain white v-neck, and my black Ray-Ban aviators with a pair of Nikes. I looked at my wet hair in the mirror and decided to not even bother.

Teen FictionTake me deeper than my feet could ever wander. Warning: Contains strong language, because it's high school.