For the last time,
Hope you guys like it.
"There was not one single moment in which I fell in love with Serena Stewart.
Falling in love with Serena was like breathing. It's something you do every day. You don't think about it, but it happens, and before you know it you've started thinking about it and you're paying attention to it and soon enough you realize that you're more in love with her than anyone could ever be in love with someone.
It definitely started at that first party, though. Senior year, Ryan Dale's annual block party. I hadn't even talked to her yet and I was smitten. But I got my chance that night. When we were just sitting there, her long legs dangling off the kitchen counter. I was looking into her bright eyes that aren't blue but aren't green, and I could feel something. I could feel that this girl would capture my heart in a way that no one else has and that no one else ever would. Maybe I didn't admit it then because I'm a dumbass or because I just didn't want to think about falling in love in high school, but I felt it in my bones. I felt it every time I looked into her eyes, with every kiss, touch, laugh, moment.
And to this very day, I still feel it.
I remember a conversation Serena and I had senior year of high school. It was before we started dating, back when I was a young shithead who couldn't see what was right in front of him, and I remember her telling me about soulmates. How a soulmate is someone who, when you're with them, you catch yourself enjoying the best moments in life. And I remember her telling me this, and me looking over at her, gorgeous as ever, standing in front of the ocean, and I thought to myself, 'this must be what she's talking about.'
And it may have taken me a while to realize it, but the more I was with her, the more I started to see that every moment with Serena was like that.
I guess that's just what happens when you're in love with your soulmate.
God, there are so many things that I love about Serena that I can't even begin to name them all, I know it sounds cheesy and cliche but it has never been more true.
Serena, I love you from the top of my stupid, hard head to the bottom of my weird toes. I love the way that you challenge me to be the best version of myself. I love your weird little blush that you do when I talk about how pretty you are. I love how your kindness is overwhelming, and how even though I, excuse my language, fuck up constantly you still love me. I love that even to this day, I still can't decide whether your eyes are blue or green and I could stare into them for hours and never get tired of it. I love that you get nervous when talking to my parents even though they adore you. I love that even now, you still manage to take my breath away with just one smile. There will never come a day when you don't make my heart pound out of my chest, my stomach fill with butterflies.
I'm not saying that I'll be perfect. I know that I make mistakes. I know that I'm a complete dumbass sometimes and I say things that I don't mean or I do things that I shouldn't do, but nothing in this world could ever make me stop loving you.
I will love you until time stands still at the end of the world. I make this my oath to you, that through everything, I will be your rock. Your heart and your home, always."
I looked over at my girl. My heart. My soul. Her gorgeous eyes were glistening, happy tears threatening to fall past long, dark, fluttering eyelashes, her cheeks pink, soft blonde strands framing her face, her perfect pink lips in a sweet smile that was absolutely contagious.

Teen FictionTake me deeper than my feet could ever wander. Warning: Contains strong language, because it's high school.