chapter one-unexpected meeting

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Hayley's POV 

Holy f-star-star-k! We have been in this line for ages. One Direction better be worth all those hours I have worked at the Gumtree tea&breakfast, my boss is a total crazy nutcase who needs to retire to a nice padded cell.  

"Earth to Hayley!!" I faintly heard Lisa, my bestfriend, shout right next to my ear, "I have been trying to get your attention for like forever!!" she exaggerated 

."Don't exaggerate, ya tosser." I simply replied without thinking. We were finally able to see the entrance to the greatest experience we were sure to have. I stepped up slowly and handed the girl with bleached blonde hair and dark roots our tickets. She rudely snatched them and sent us on our way without a second thought. We squeezed our way through to our FRONT row seats. 

"I can't believe we are actually going to see One Direction." Kate said with a lot of enthiusam, her red hair bouncing around her shoulders with every jump of excitement, her wild hazel eyes trained on the stage not giving a side glance as she spoke, her slim figure was covered with a beautiful black dress that hugged her small curves perfectly matched with a pair of pink all star converse. On my other side Lisa had a tight grip on my arm drawing my attention to her, she smiled brightly at me as her dirty blonde hair splayed over her shoulder reaching below her ribs, her piercing blue/green eyes showed the smile that never failed to leave her face, she nervously ran a hand down her loose singlet reaching down to smooth out the bottom of her short denim shorts and shifting nervously in her fox high tops. In comparison to most girls I would say I was average in looks with blood red hair falling to just bellow my shoulders in slightly twirly manor, my rare light blue eyes had already darkened to an unnatural deep blue as we entered the stadium prepared for the concert. I simply wore a pair of skinny black jeans matched with a pair of ankle boots and an off the shoulder tee. The lights dimmed and the crowd erupted in a loud cheer as the five attractive band members walked into the spotlight.

Harry's POV  

I was absolutely freaking out. It was our first show in Australia and I have never been more afraid of mucking up before. It was a new country and we had to show them that we were as good as what was told. The striking white spotlight shone down on me temporarily blinding me and the cheers erupting around us making my ear drums shake. I waited for Liam to start his part before I finally composed myself. The feeling I had on stage knowing that people out there were cheering for me is what drove me to push my hardest with all of the songs. Time just seemed to slip away when the last song for our performance was announced, What Makes You Beautiful, I took the time to search through the crowd not looking for anyone in particular but I did catch a beautiful girls eye, she was dancing with two other girls and just being plain crazy. She was everything I liked about a girl as far as I could see and I swear I felt a lifting feeling in my stomach but I just pushed it to the back of my mind and focused on my performance casting side ways glances at this mystery girl, who might i be so bold to add was watching me but that just made me even more nervous. The song eventually finished and I caught the girls eye as she stood up and cheered along with the crowd. This girl intrigued me and I can honestly say she left me wanting to know more. We thanked everyone for coming and I kept stealing glances towards the mystery girl.


"Dude who were you looking at?" Louis asked as he jumped on my back making me fall into Niall who crashed into Liam, so we ended up on a pile on the ground. Just as we were about to get up Zayn walks out of a room holding a packet of chips, THAT WERE MINE, he looked at us, shrugged and walked away not even helping us up. 

"Yeah great friend you are are Zayn!" Louis said fake sobbing that leaded into total hysterics and just like that he stopped suddenly "so...that girl you were watching, who was she?" Louis said in total seriousness, yet his eyes held a hint of humor... ok, a lot of humor. 

"I don't know, mate." was the best reply I could think of, still preoccupied by that girl. The way her hair bounced when she jumped and her gorgeous smile that seemed to always be on her face and I would never see her again.

Lisa's POV  

"did you see the way he was looking at you?" I squealed jumping around Hayley.  

"Where the hell do you get all this energy from? And yes, I did see the way that Harry Styles, One Direction's 'flirt' was looking at me. He has probably looked at millions of girls like that, and I'm not even pretty." Hayley spoke to her feet just hoping that what she just said wasn't true, I could tell.  

"That's what she said." Kate's voice drifted towards us as she talked on her phone, oblivious to our conversation. 

"Don't say that! You are pretty." I can't believe she thought she wasn't pretty, "If I was a guy I would so date you." I said whilst attempting to wink yet failing. 

"pity I can't say the same about you." Hayley commented as she made her way outside, trying not to laugh... i think.


I was rushing around searching for my work uniform in the small basement we call home, which was actually below the Gumtree tea & breakfast, where I so happened to work. I quickly pulled my long sleeve white button up shirt over my head and smoothed out the feral black skirt that reached the floor. Seriously who designed these uniforms? As a waitress personally I wasn't up for looking like an old lady when I had only turned 18 a few months ago. I rushed up to the tea & breakfast and quickly jumped into serving people and getting orders.  

"Your shirt has wrinkles all over it, it looks filthy," the dragon lady I am forced to call my boss screamed in a nasal voice. I placed the tray I had been carrying on the table next to me that Kate and Hayley were having their lunch break.  

"I'm sorry that it's not up to your standards boss," I snapped quickly losing what calm I had left.  

" You will go change out of those filthy rags and into clean clothes," she yelled pushing me into the table causing me to hit my lower back on the hard edge, there will definitely be a bruise there soon.  

" Whatever but this is the disgusting uniform you make us wear," I muttered loud enough for her hearing aids to pick up. She yelled in frustration and pushed me into the table again. Hayley, Kate and I made our way down to the basement whispering about our plan to get the dragon back but it would most definetly end with getting fired and kicked out with no where to live. I rushed to our tiny cupboard and pulled out three short black skirts that reached a few inches above mid thigh and three different white shirts. I pulled a white cut off, off the shoulder shirt with one of the black skirts, a pair of studded ankle boots and knee length white socks. I surveyed my reflection and the mark on my lower back was a dark blue almost black bruise that was along the full length of my back and about two inches in size. Hayley came out in a white tank top with a ruffle around the neck line, a matching black skirt and a pair of gladiator sandals. After Hayley, Kate stood in the doorway waiting for us in a short sleeve white dress shirt and a black skirt with black flats. We agreed to do our jab as if nothing would happen so I took the chance to notice the new table of four boys, as I walked over they became familiar when I noticed they were One Direction.  

"Hello boys, and what would you like today?" I asked in a calm voice but inside I was absolutely freaking out. Their eyes scanned over my body but not in a rude way, it was more a friendly way like just seeing what I was like. I smiled sweetly as the four boys gave me their orders. There was a loud screech behind me causing us all to jump an spin to the source of the noise. I let my face show a satisfied smirk as my silver belly ring reflected light into the dragon's eyes.  

" What do you think your doing in those tramps clothes," she screeched shoving me back into the boys table.  

"What is with you and shoving me into tables, I'm already bruised or is that not satisfying enough for you," I replied in an emotionless tone, placing my hand on the bruise on my back.  

"If you weren't such a hopeless waitress I wouldn't have to do any of this," she yelled throwing her arms around. I felt a sharp sting across my left cheek and by all the gasps I heard I think she slapped me.  

"Whatever I quite and I'm leaving," I raised my voice at her and saw her flinch.  

"You'll be out on the streets, is that how you want to live your life."  

"Anything is better then working for you and living in the basement," I spat out and pushed past her walking for the stairs.

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