Chapter eight-WHAT THE HELL?

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Harry's POV

Ok so yesterday didn't go to plan. I was suppose to meet up with my sister, who i hadn't seen in two years but insteadi find out her best friends, sisters, bestfriend lives with her. That girl broke my iPhone. I cant believe Louis made that stupid bet.

"Come on we gotta go Harry." Liam says as he walks to the car. What's he on about? Oh yeah i invited them to come see my sister and her friends with me.

"Alright i'm coming." I shout from my bed, chucking on some random clothes that went well together, i hoped.

Louis was the first one out of the car as we got to Gemma's house.

"Someone is excited to see someone." I say to Louis.

"Yeah i know you can't wait to see Hayley. No need to tell me." Louis said as he slammed into the door because he wasn't watching where he was going. All the guys burst out laughing and so did Sammii as she opened the door.

"Um..hey guys." She said stepping Louis who was now on the floor, asking for someone to help him up, 

"Lisa and Hayley are still asleep, they didn't go to bed until...3?...4 in the morning i think it was." Sammii said looking extreemly tierd.

"Did you stay up all night with them?" Zayn asked.In answer she nodded.

"IF YOU DON'T GET UP IN THE NEXT FIVE MINUTES I WILL SEND ALL THE BOYS IN HERE TO JUMP ON YOU!!!" I heard Kate scream from inside Lisa and Hayley's room.

"go away!" We heard one mutter.

"i will not hesitate to kill you." another said, that would be Hayley.

"FINE BE LIKE THAT!! GUYS!!" Kate yelled at us, "Do what ever you want to wake them up." she told us as she walked into the kitchen. Oh what do we do? Mwahahahahahaha!!!

"Dude i know your laughing like a manic in your mind." Louis told me so i punched him on the arm.

"You are to." I say back to him, he nodded his head like a little kid.

"Pass." Liam said as he followed Kate to the kitchen. I see whats going on there.

"Yeah i'm going to sit this one out to, I don't want to die." Niall said as he walked to the lounge and put the t.v on.

"Yeah I'm with Niall, i don't want to die and my could get wrecked." Zayn said following Niall.

"Well that leaves you and me, Harry, Let's go." Louis said acting all ninja.

"Dude," i say, "It's more like this." I say showing him my ninja moves.

"Pfft i'm a way better ninja then you." Louis argued,

"Yeah whatever helps you sleep at night man." I say. We get to the girls room.

"What you waiting for? Open the door." I tell louis.

"What no that's your job." He says, as if i don't wanna die.

"Ok i will open it already." He says, He opened the door and covered his eyes before he stepped inside, idiot. I am now wishing i did, yet not, cover my eyes because Hayley was standing in the middle of the room in only black and green lacy underwear and bra. OMFG!!

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Hayley screamed quickly throwing on an over-sized baggy shirt on.I know i shouldn't but i couldn't not...look. Just before the fabric of her shirt covered her stomach a could faintly see a tattoo, wonder what it is.

"Dude you might want to run." Louis said to me with his eyes still covered.

"Umm...why?" i asked. Louis just used his elbow to point to Hayley.

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