Chapter six-awkward moments all round

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Louis's POV

So today Harry and I decided to go and visit Harrys older sister Gemma, who had moved to Australia two years ago. When we got there no one was home. Harry pulled out his iPhone that he couldn't see half the screen because if the chick…Hayley.

"Hello Gemma. Where are you?" Harry asked

"Ok see you then." Harry said as he put his phone away. "She said just to go in, but be quite because she has 'guests' over and they are still asleep." Harry said as he walked into the lounge and and put the tv on.

"still asleep? Who could still be asleep at a time like this?" I mean come on its 1pm already. We both heard a thump from the quest room. Followed by some screaming 'BITCH'. The door opened to reveal a very tiers girl with messy bed head blood red hair and very revealing pjs. She made a cup of coffee and sat next to me.

"Um…" I began to say which made her jump, she looked at me confused.

"yeah, whoever you are don't move coz I'm tired." she said to me as she laid her head on my knees.

"Omg...your so uncomfortable!!" she said as she got off the couch and sat next to Harry.

"Take two, whoever you are don't move coz I'm tired." she said to him and then she fell asleep.

"Um…she knows Gemma?" I asked.

"Apparently." he responded. We heard more shuffling from the bedroom. And the gorgeous, beautiful, charming, pretty, nice, crazy Lisa walked out wearing much the same as Hayley, the only difference was she wasn't half asleep she was wide awake.

"hey..guys, what ya doing here?" she asked as she walked to the fridge and pulled out a carrot, and walked back and sat next to me eyeing her friend, who now was curled up to Harry, he didn't seem to mind at all.

"We came to see Harry's sister but she was out." Harry answered, as he stroked Hayleys head.

"Gemma is Harry's sister? I always thought she had an accent." She said more to herself then us. "Well that makes sense, but why is Hayley on your lap?" She addressed Harry.

"Um...well she kinda walked out of here half asleep, made a coffee and laid down on the couch." Harry said missing all the detail.

"Ok this is what really happened...we heard a door open and a scary zombie walked out and made a coffee, placed it down onto the table, laid on me and said i was uncomfortable, so she went and laid on Harry's lap and fell asleep. Im not uncomfortable, am i?" i asked Harry the last part.

"Oh so this isn't your coffee?" Lisa asked grabbing Hayley's coffee and downing it within seconds...

"Well if it was it isn't anymore." I say in mock outrage. "Im not uncomfortable, am i?" i asked Harry again.

"No not at all..." He mocked me. Evil donkeny muncher.

Lisa's POV

I was still extreemly tired because Hayley didn't get off her V high until 3 in the frigging morining, even then it was hard to get to sleep. cant believe that we actually met one direction and Louis Tomlinson is sitting right next to me and Gemma and Harry are siblings and Hayley is asleep on Harry and they think they hate each other and we are watching a movie e.t. hehe cant wait for Hayley to wake up and see what we are watching, just as long as im not sitting next to her we are all good. the last time we watched e.t we had to buy a new tv.

"errr..." Hayley mumbled as she rubbed her eyes.

"Good afternoon sunshine!" I beam at her.

"sh..t..he...uc..p." Hayely mumbled yet again.

"SORRY I CAN"T HEAR YOU!" i yell at her to make her even more Disorientated.

"i said SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" She screamed at me, job well done Lisa.

"Well we have some people be nice." I say to her in my serious voice. Hayley looks around noticing Louis for the first time.

"What's he doing here?" She asked.

"Visiting Gemma." Louis said in a cheery tone.

"O-K, why?" she asked.

"becasue Harry-" Louis started to explain'

"WHAT!! Harry's here? Where? Get him out!!" Hayley exclaims looking around frantically. "Very funny guys, he isn't really here, is he?" She said laying back down on Harry. She poked Harry's leg, looked up..."Hey guys i found Harry!" Hayley says in a high pitched voice.

"Congrats." I say sarcastically.

"Wait..." Hayley starts, "Im on.. Harry....ewwww!" She jumped off harry and walked into the bathroom chanting 'yuck, yuck, yuck i need a shower...'

"Um...well just ignore her, i do most of the time." I tell the boys as they are still looking at the spot Hayley was only seconds ago. Half an hour later Hayley walked back wearing fluoro green converses, short shorts and a loose fitting tank top.

"hah i brought you those shoes." i state as Hayley walks into the kitchen, "and get me...some...carrots." i tell her.

"i know you dope," she stuck her tounge out at me, "and get your own bloody food." She sadi as she walks back in with a pack of chips and a can of V.

"No V." i say sternly as im walking into the kitchen, grabbing the V on the way. As im pulling the carrots out of the fridge hayley said something like, 'kill joy.' haha

"we don't want a repeat of what happened to Harry's iPhone do we?" Louis asked, showing us Harry's iPhone.

"Um.. hate to break it to ya's...that wasn't me." hayley said with an innocent face, maybe a little to innocent.

"YES it was you!" Harry exclaims as he comes to join everyone in the kitchen.

"I'm pretty sure it wasn't me, i would be celebrating right now if i did." hayley said which caused me to laugh.

"Hayley sweety, you did celebrate. all night until your high wore off." I said unable to contain my laughter.

"umm.." Hayley looked very confused.

"Does 'TRANSFORMER ROLL OUT!!' ring a bell at all?" Louis asked trying to sound like Hayley.

"Ohhhhhh...haha i did do that, didn't i?" Hayley said rubbing the back of her neck. "Umm..isn't there a movie on? yes? let's go watch it." hayley said as she walked to the couch. Harry sat next to her causing her to scoot over to the edge of the couch. i sent her a wink but all she did was glare at me, how rude. Louis sat down on the other couch and i sat next to him. i started getting bored of the movie because had seen it way to many times and also i was a bit distracted to the hotty sitting right next to me. I was running through why i thought Louis was hot when a high-pitched scream distracted me. turning to the source i saw Hayley on the ground laughing her head off. i turn to harry.

"What did she do?" Louis asked him.

"well, that alien came up on the screen making her fall off the couch." harry said through fits of laughter. We all started laughing at this.

" think im hot, aye?" Louis asked me. What? when did i say that.

"When did i say that?" I ask seriously confused, i mean yeah he is hot, no wait his sexy but not the point when did i tell him he was hot?

"Oh why thank you i do find myself rather sexy.

"OHMYGOD!!!! isaidthatoutloud." i squeak all at once.

"it's ok, your not to bad yourself." he whispered into my ear and then went back to watching the movie.

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