Chapter thirteen-Puppies and food fights!!

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Lisa's POV

"Puppies!!" Louis screams and runs over to Harry and Hayley. "Can i hold it?" He asked.

"Damn and i was going to get you a puppy for your birthday, what am i suppose to get you now?" I ask her. I need to think of something new to get her, our birthdays are in a week.

"Sorry but i didn't buy them, Harry brought them for me." Hayley said smiling.

"Oh did he now?" I asked. Louis was still trying to get the puppies from Harry and Hayley but they wouldn't let them.

"They are so cute, have you named them?" Kate said coming up to us.

"Yeah, Harry thought Rayne for the girl." Hayley said

"And Hayley named the boy Blaize." Harry said as he gave Louis Blaize.

"Yay, oh my god you are so cute." Louis said going all crazy dog man on us.

"And your dating him." Sammii said to me as she stared at Louis.

"Yeah well if he continues like that i wont be for long." I say teasingly. Louis stops what he is doing and stares at me sadly until he saw i was trying not to laugh.

"Ha ha very funny." Louis said.

"Yeah i thought so." I say to him giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"DINNERS READY!!" Gemma yells from the kitchen.

"It's so good to go on tour with people who know how to cook." Niall said as he stuffed his face with food.

"Oh god your a pig." Sammii said covering her face. Everyone sat down on the couches and put a movie on. Hayley got up with her plate still full of food.

"And where do you think you are going?" Kate asked her, she always was the mother figure.

"To..have a shower." Hayley said starting to walk off again.

"Sit." Kate demanded, "And eat." Hayley sat back down and started stabbing her plate with her fork. After everyone had finished their dinner we all went to our rooms. After getting into one of Louis's t-shirts i got into bed and started to drift off to sleep. Before i was fully asleep i felt two strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Sweet dreams my little angel." Louis whispered into my ear. i think i mummbled good night but i'm not sure.

Hayley's POV

I felt like i was going to be sick just looking at the food on my plate. Why did they force me to eat when i wasn't hungry. I continued to stab the plate with my fork. Good for nothing fork. I finally finished eating just as the movie ended, everyone headed for their rooms...oh yeah i have to share with Harry...great...note the sarcasm? I slowly walked into my room, i was not a very happy camper, and saw Harry with no shirt but only pants, well this is going to be an interesting night.

"See something you like?" Harry asked smugly, oh shit i was staring.

"In your dreams Styles." I say as i make my way to my draws, pulling out a pair of purple bonds underwear and blue tank top.

"Turn around." I command Harry. Harry turns around. I put on my clothes and walk towards the bed and get in, Harry was already in. "Turn the light off." I tell him.

"no you turn the light off, your closer." He replied, we continued to fight like that for ten minutes. Kate walked in at that point.

"How about you both stop fighting and keeping everyone up." Kate said and left, turning the light off as she went. I could hear light snoring coming from Harry, which helped me drift off to sleep.

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